TFW gonna be on the right tomorrow, hope you ain't on the left /fit/ lmfao

TFW gonna be on the right tomorrow, hope you ain't on the left /fit/ lmfao.

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Damn, I didnt know prison food got good all of a sudden.

I wish white people would learn how to cook. No wonder white women are always going to Black guys house late at night, they are probably just craving some seasoned dark meat

damn I want some of both. true enlightenment would be smashing those plates together and getting some of those collard greens and mashed potatoes and turkey. fuck I’m ready for some good ol food tomorrow boys

>dís be mah thangsgibbin dinna yo ooga booga

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inb4 a bunch of sensitive mutts get mad at a bait post

>tfw thanksgiving alone

I don't really want to cook a huge ass meal for just myself, what do?

Roast yourself a cornish hen that's what I plan to do.

Imagine if white people spent half the time they spend thinking about Black penises on learning how to properly season food

Both looks horrid, do Americans never cook nicely except for steak?

they both look disguting desu, the left is also sad but still , disgusting the both of them

Black people don't do thanksgiving because they come from broken families but keep pretending your spicy food makes up for your inferiority. Stay poor and mad and only able to fuck obese she-boons.

How absolutely low t do you need to be to actually cook much less care about how it taste. Fucking faggots fuck off with that woman cooking shit, I just roast my meat without anything and eat it and the base taste of good meat alone is all I need. In fact just salt and pepper ruins it.

calm down cuckold

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>spicy food
nog food isn't even spicy. Where does this meme come from

Highly seasoned food compensates for poor food quality. Both of these plates are absolutely disgusting once I have finished my food rations for the week, i will fast as usual. Stay mad, fatfucks.

Imagine if black people spent half the time they spend obsessing over their inferiority on learning how to build a civilization.

White women will always worship Black dick

i'm not going to go to the ward seven to get free plate lunches like the left, so no I won't be


I wish /fit/ had mods

I wish my mom fucked a Black dude so I wouldnt have these weak ass white genetics and a small white penis

do you get paid to post this shit?

it's funny the cuckold bait is still using plasticware like trash


All these posts are by some white boy whose mad that his Black step dad’s family is coming over for Thanksgiving

Your either black or a jew.

Mine looks like the right but I'm white. How did this happen?

Get back to /pol Spenda

there are no black people in this thread

I don't believe in black people. I just don't know how we've enough shoe polish to keep the myth perpetuated

Lmao damn !! Brobro getting these wh*toids mad frfr

I'm black, does that make you mad white boi?

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Holy shit! It's vegan gainz!!!

There are no white bois in this thread

Indeed user, in this thread there are only /fit/izens, bound in brotherhood by the iron we hoist. Wheymen.

Youre from the south where white people know how to cook

there he is again folks! He posted it again!
Hey faggot, you OD' on semen yet?

From experience, it's the opposite.

Tbh you look 75% white. Quadroon cunt

only because they stole our advanced african cookang technology baka wakanda forever!

>nigger food is plenty of fat mixed with carbs
haha, nutrition is based, the randle cycle is killing niggers for us

Tbh right also looks like shit

50% white, but genetically i take much more after my mother who is black

Fryin chicken on the pyramids


Thread got moved here, for obvious reasons.

Nigger Thanksgiving

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OP got cucked by the mods

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