Hello Sup Forums, need a wallpaper for my barren ass desktop. Any .jpg you guys submit here will do

Hello Sup Forums, need a wallpaper for my barren ass desktop. Any .jpg you guys submit here will do.
Dubs decides who’s picture I use.

Attached: 441F6482-A41D-41F6-AF2F-71EE90186AFE.jpg (1133x1600, 140K)


Attached: 1333505246023.jpg (600x598, 55K)

Attached: 1572580030001.jpg (2048x1334, 986K)

Attached: F3473495-4FA8-4418-8577-D0321067EA29.jpg (1240x962, 196K)

spread the word

Attached: XCOM 2 Wallpaper 3.png (960x540, 387K)

Attached: steinsgate-1-21.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

c'mon dubs

Attached: scumandvillainy.png (499x214, 166K)

OP ‘ere
I’ll save these pictures and create another post part 2 should this one get BH’ed.

Liking what I see so far though to be honest lmao
Also just an FYI dubs trips, quips work all the same if you can get em.

there a whole fucking board dedicated to wallpapers newfag

Attached: 2D51FDC0-3ABF-46D0-AA69-A6472CCE16FA.jpg (1242x852, 182K)

just got this on black friday really fun but so fucking hard at times

Shut up I do how I feel sissy

dubs get

Attached: add joe swanson to fortnite.jpg (640x360, 24K)

Attached: gang bang.jpg (960x636, 94K)

Attached: EC2E9AE7-3D07-4170-B177-C7BBE873D255.jpg (548x800, 55K)

Attached: Opera95Instantan95952019-04-159513055695www.google.fr.png (413x562, 380K)

cook out

Attached: CookOut.gif (227x227, 2K)

Attached: 16B5524D-CA83-4F7B-B7AA-DC9329283DCD.jpg (1242x1518, 325K)

That's not a jpg baka OP asked for jpgs baka waste of dubs!

Attached: nf93.jpg (1920x1080, 1.14M)


Nice dubs, meh picture.

discorad hN8DRA

OP here

Sorry I did ask for .JPG’s only.
Butttttttt since it’s still an image I’ll consider it....ONLY considering it as i’d rather have any other picture submitted here than that. Decent waste of dubs lmao

Attached: WinnersWinLosersGetBuried.jpg (799x588, 126K)

I like this one, a lot, user

Attached: B94239B0-2DCB-4FCD-ABB5-537A19359598.jpg (1815x1548, 225K)