Just coomed to tranny porn, should I just end it now Sup Forumsros

Just coomed to tranny porn, should I just end it now Sup Forumsros

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Your a disappointment

Post the picture it was to

No but you should go for 20 solid lashes just so you remember in the future that degenerates like you are cancer to society

Oh and be sure to have those lashes delivered by a priest ... in the middle of a mass just so you have the extra effect from the humiliation

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Jenny flowers


I don’t want to be a pervert anymore, if anything I’d coom by the third lash

No need to end it bro, if that's what gets you going then at least you know what your into. Unless you bring someone else into it , what you get off to is between you only. Tgfb.

It’s not though it’s an acquired fetish, I used to be into feet, rape, loli, etc but that just didn’t cut it anymore, I needed to get dirtier, I feel disgusted with myself, any further and I’ll be chopping my balls off and taking hrt

Its because your brain requires novel stimulus as you've figured out, but you're too silly to take a porn fast you dumby.

You can still beat off like a MFer, just not to net porn.

I'm very aware of this fact, and to keep the novel stimulus up I rotate between different ethnicities, petite, chubby, nerdy, goth, short hair, redhead, etc etc

The worst thing you can do is keep going down the rabbit hole of depraved porn, you'll end up at scat and bestiality and whatever other degenerate bottom feeding scum there is.

You’re, and I know

No just let us embrace. Soon you'll be part of the crossdresser Crue. Accept it and join us, my son.

Thanks fren, unfortunately I’ve already hit bestiality, I’ve actually fasted from porn and it helps, I just got the sudden urge to jerk it to tranny porn and I’ve honestly never felt more disgusted with myself, I’m probably just gonna not jerk it for a while and avoid porn like you said

NOOOOOOOOOOO! *hiss* REEEEEEEEE, stay away!!

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Go get hooked on the NoFap movement to brainwash yourself for a week or a month.

Lets pretend its all B.S and a placebo but you let yourself buy into it;

You will now be able to coom without wanting to neck yourself.

Or you may actually get a GF/slut (easier than you think) to dump a load or 2 into

Nofap is a croc of shit, I used to have this 3/10 roastie I would dump loads into but she kept trying to make it into a relationship, god bless her though, I just need to find another one like her

Yeh well there you go, that's a more viable solution just make sure you double bag both your dick and 2 paper bags for the next slampig's face.

Kek, will do fren

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Nah. I’m pretty amount of time you spend in an existential crisis mostly depends on how insecure you are as a person. That and how much you allow yourself to obsess over porn and sex. Outside factors like religious beliefs and how your family would react to your gay urges obviously factor in that insecurity a great deal, but I have a suspicion that the main issue is masculinity, for most straight guys who have this problem. In which case, you only need to accept one or more of the following explanations.

1. this is just a kink. A taboo. There’s a strong possibility that it seems hotter than it really is purely because you know it’s ‘wrong’
2. Attraction is based mostly on visuals, and the genitals have less to do with it than society would have us believe. If they did, we would spend more time looking at genitals during sex.
3. If you like traps more as they become more feminine-looking, that most certainly does not indicate homosexuality.
3. Contrary to what straigh-as-an-arrow people will tell you, it’s completely possible to desire sex and not give a fuck about what the other person looks like. So the fact that you can desensitize yourself to expertly shaven dicks and balls really isn’t all that unique or impressive

Choose whatever explanation you want, but you’ll only know for sure once you’re sucking the dick of a nameless man in the bathrooms at a public park at 2am. Godspeed, faggot

Im pretty sure the amount of time you spend...**

What a way to start a post

Please kys. Not for the tranny porn, but because you say “coomer.” Dumb faggot.

Fair enough

You also listed ‘3’ twice


Nah. Ella Hollywood is definitely worth a jerk to.

Was it a girl with a dick? Then you gotta fap to a guy with a pussy to undo it