I'm a North Korean defector. AMA

I'm a North Korean defector. AMA.

Attached: 255px-Flag_of_North_Korea.svg.png (255x127, 2K)

Why would you leave best country on earth? What address you living at that so much better?

How many guards did you had to blow to get through the border ?

I dont believe you, howd you escape

Why you so faggy?

Nice try, SSD.
A group of smugglers that move people into S Korea by boat got me out. I paid them, was put on a boat with about 5 others, and we left to S Korea.
Because it's Sup Forums.

Is NK not as bad as people say it is?

How are you accessing Sup Forums from N. Korea? Is your job finding troll material for the great leader.

Long live Korea, N. Korea is best Korea.

Do you have any family in N Korea? How are you on Sup Forums, and how do you know english

Where can I buy a nork woman's military uniform

he said he's a defector you retard. it means he fled the country

Prove it

What was your initial reaction to South Korea? Were you starving? Have you fucked a South Korean girl yet (assuming you like girls)?

The rural sections are. The city is nicer than you'd think.
My family died through natural causes before I defected. I currently live in the US, and have for almost 2 year. I began learning English shortly before I defected.
Ebay, maybe?

every escape ever made from N Korea is made thru China -> Vietnam -> Singapore -> S Korea

you need to try harder next time faggot

nice LARP dumbass

thanks for nothing noodle nigger

I don't really know how I can.
I was suprised by how advanced the city was compared to that of North Korea. Lots of technology and information I had never seen before. I grew up in a lower class rural environment, so food was always an issue. And I didn't fuck any S Korean girls, but I have a US girlfriend.
Believe it or not, doesn't make a difference to me.

The fact that you're so fluent in English when even South Korean aren't as fluent as you when they have better education makes this whole thread fishy.


Are you saying that South Koreans ate your mom?

See my previous posts.
Kpop whores.

How the "food"

What is your favorite NK dish you miss?

Lol not all dumb fuck, never heard of SK smugglers? You need a lobotomy.

How expensive is it to buy a North Korean wife?

I say 1 chicken and 3 dogs

2 chickens and 3 dogs?

Defect here

OP here. Apandoning the thread because I'm tired.

Well you are a bag of info.