Girlfriend going to vegas for girls weekend. Found these on her phone, never seen this suit before...

girlfriend going to vegas for girls weekend. Found these on her phone, never seen this suit before....she can't be serious wearing that at the pool?

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she leaves tomorrow. should i remove from her bag?

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She's gonna cheat on you mate. Never thought why you never saw that outfit?

Who took the pictures?

one of her girlfirends, they were packing

I don't think she'll wear it in the pool. I'd only put on something like that specifically for someone. So my guess is she'll be using it in the bedroom and she won't be traveling alone.

Let another user enjoy her in vegas

Oatmeal ass

there are only a few places she can wear that top at a pool...even in Vegas. Looks more like they were just having fun

Don't worry a revealing bikini makes her even less attractive. Probably why she put it on. So other guys see how mediocre she looks naked and won't bother with hitting on her.

Who are you to decide what she need to wear or not ? she don't belong to you. If she will cheat on you, maybe there is something on your relationship which are broken.. No ?

The flamingo I believe has a pool specifically for clothing like this or lack thereof.

I'm pretty sure the Flamingo hasn't gone "European" or topless....but i do know that Caesars, Azure, MGM, Mandalay Bay and the Mirage all have topless pools. At least they did at some point i don't know now

Downs syndrome face

100% remove that shit unless you want her getting dick while she is there

remove it and call her when she gets there and tell her you found it and why dose she want to slut it up when she is there?

whats her number?

Mandalay still has one

If you remove it she’ll just get a sluttier one when she gets there

you got to control you bitch man... give her the best sex of her life tonight to show her she doesn't need dick elsewhere

getting dicked while wearing it, should check to see if the that outfit comes back in one piece(or if it even makes it back at all)

"accidentally" slip it in her butt tonight and say whats with that bathingsuit bitch? lol


She looks pretty manly. Doubt another guy would fuck her. You need to be worried about her fucking her girlfriend

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Thats not a bathing suit. Mesh bra and Mesh panties. Wife wears them and flashes me when were out on a date. Regardless, she getting banged.

I've got news for you user.
See that item on the left hand side of the sink?
That's a douche. Which means she was just giving her cooch some mouthwash before those pics were taken.
That means she intends to use it.
This party has already started. Still think the photographer is "one of her girlfriends"?

getting dicked while wearing it, should check to see if the that outfit comes back in one piece(or if it even makes it back at all)

no you reeee she will be getting dick while on vacation if she has that on....cuz some dude will deff take that as a signal and pull all the moves to get his dick wet

Good catch. Yup.. the party is in progress.

oooooooooooooohhhh snaaaapppp that is a douche in the background

Nice legs. I wouldn't pull out. But I wouldn't give her my real name, either.

she wont be at pool weather will be cold as shit thus weekend in vegas.

i think your worried about the wrong thing.... if she has these pics and this outfit that you never seen before, well....she is cheating on you bro....sorry man women suck

>women suck
That's the part I really like.

Lol. I'll bet op hasn't seen the plane tickets either.
She's shacking up with her bull for the weekend.

OP...where is she staying at?

Op she isn't going to cheat, women just do retarded shit like that for their "freedom" as if they still "got it" yadayada
If she cheats like my HS ex of 4 yrs did. Dump that cunt and go to college, new work, or a peer environment and start a new. It's not as bad in the future as you think

thats a good point user...but these bitches could be from the mid-west were 65 IS pool weather

Dude, she's already cheating.
When do chicks need to douche before trying on outfits in front of each other?

stop replying to this fake shit

I so want it to be true.
Schaedenfraude is the most delicious emotion.

Unless she's staying at a motel the pool I more likely to be indoors so that is not a factor. Besides that's not a suit you swim in anyways.

Pic related

Attached: they are out there.jpg (240x210, 10K)

Yeah, you can be sure somebody is gonna be doing some packing later.

If there is something in the relationship that is broken either fix it or end the relationship. Cheating from either side is underhanded and cowardly.

And other poster is right, this is coming from a roastie. Its not a matter of ownership. Both sides should be aware of what the other deems appropriate. The fact that she has to sneak this suit past him indicates she knows he wouldn't be comfortable with this

Right. She's going to vegas. In that.

Hang on - if you've never seen this suit before - who took the pictures?

Hey, do you have Kik or an e-mail that I can contact you at about her? I may have something you'd like to see. If you have Kik, message me at LittleHooptie or let me know a way to message you. Hurry up.

I'm guessing op is larping but if by some chance your serious any woman dressed like that in a relationships either planning to go to a pool party, do photos like that or "pleasure" some other man.