What is an over the counter drug you can pretty easily kill yourself with Sup Forums?

what is an over the counter drug you can pretty easily kill yourself with Sup Forums?

if there is not really anything that come to mind what are some other easily obtainable medical substances that would aid in ending your life?

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and yes im aware that over the counter drugs are specifically not regulated because they wont typically harm people, but humor me anyways.

Bleach. Drink it.

You do not deserve to die if you are so stupid that you cannot Google. Also Tylenol.

idk why but that honestly hit deep, not really your fault but it makes me question wtf is even wrong with me

you can buy lab grade caffeine powder, 10 grams or so of that would kill you

Benadryl 150 mg

this is pretty clever thanks

Oh shut up don’t let that speak to you. You came here to be consoled, not for suicide advice.
I don’t know what’s bothering you but go do something to break up the cycle you’re in.
>inb4 “hurr durr, an hero breaks the cycle”

They can't "easily" kill yourself with OTC drugs. They literally design them to be as difficult as possible to die with.

I looked it up and it looks like there is a lot of variants of this; a lot of which probably wouldn't kill anybody. You got a link to an exact one?

I shouldn't tell you this as suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I shouldn't be here with what I've attempted but today I am glad that I'm still alive. That being said, I think everyone should have the right to end their own life as painlessly as possible.

In this regard, you'll need a bottle of balloon grade helium from a Party City type store, and a continuous-flow style of oxygen mask (same ones you see them use in TV all the time). Connect the two, SLOWLY crack the helium valve as to not injure your lungs (Gas Embolism is a terrible way to go) and sit back and relax. The human body doesn't have a trigger for "too little oxygen" only "too much CO2", so as long as your breathing the inert Helium you'll simply go to sleep. No pain, no waiting, just slowly getting sleepier and sleepier until you never wake up. Again good luck op wither you an hero or push through it it's your life and you have control over it.

The party helium no longer works, they reformulated the helium mix to include enough oxygen to keep you from dying. Too many people used exit bags. Professional grade helium will kill you however it is hevely regulated

thank you so much. you seem like a very kind person.

Don't let this way down your mental conscience. You are a very good person for at least giving me the option for a painless way to get out.


how get.?.?.?
even if its really hard like what is the way to get it.

I mean, drinking to much water will kill you


will this work?

Be ready to die from a massive fucking heart attack if you do this. Caffeine in its pure form is more potent than pure cocaine.

charcoal will do the same thing

Yeah i thought it through and Helium like this user said it the way to go.
the side effects seem fucking horrifying

Alcohol. Buttchug a bottle of vodka, pass out and die. Your ass has no reflex mechanism to vomit up alcohol while passed out the way your stomach does.

Literal brain death if you dont die you will be a vegetable the rest of your life. Things cant be that bad op, get help or go out and do something insane. Dont curl into a ball and die from lack of oxygen.


Yeahh...Elon Musky..you was all time..!

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jesus you're right

I might just say fuck it and jump off someplace high, but the problem is that I live in fucking Kansas the flattest fucking state with nothing around that is high enough to kill me, and if it is high enough it defiantly is like a 50% chance of leaving me a vegetable for the rest of my life. I dont want to use a gun either because thats how my dads best friend killed himself and I dont want to give him flash backs

might just wait till i am able to get a car after Christmas, and if things arnt better by then ill drive off somewhere where i can make it look like an accident or something

just drink 5l tapwater in 30min and die of kidney failure.
seriously, you can kill yourself with everything. overdosing everything will kill you.
just buy 100packs of ibuprofen and eat them all ot once. it will be slow, it will be extreme painful but liver failure and holes in your stomach will kill you in the end.

user don’t do it, time are tough but it always gets better. Sometimes it gets worse before it does, but it does get better. Don’t off yourself, don’t put your family through that, please, from one user to another user. Suicide is not the answer.

How Painful is drowning like if i made it look like I swerved of the road into a river or some shit?

Oh yeah, because I'm sure your dad will be juuust fine with any other method

not painful at all if you drown in pussy

Industrial gas shop. Where you get all your welding gases etc.
Also do not underestimate the might power of gravity. It’s free, and available at a high place near you.

Give medics a great sense of respect when they find you with a bottle up your ass.
“This guy knew how to party.”

OTC wont work well you def need smack for sho

Actually kinda pisses me off when suicidal people don’t think even twice about their family, especially when op’s dads friend committed suicide. Op how can you possible not see the repercussions of what your gonna do and do to your family. It will be destroyed, broken, more suicides may follow, is this what you want?

I drowned once.
Sucked dick, would not recommend.
Unpleasant af. Try it now.
- hold your breath.
- ignore unpleasant feeling
- keep holding until you pass out
- bet you can’t.


no it's not what I want at all it's just idk how I can even get up anymore

I feel awful that i'm even considering it

Replace your car with a motorcycle. Theres a really good chance you will die and no one will think suicide

paracetamol, caffeine

Please think twice, man. It gets better.

idk how im gonna feel tomorrow, but i think im just gonna get out and do things. I can't bare the though t of my family having to live with me dead.

No it doesn’t, you make it better when you decide to. The world is massive and full of experiences and he’s looking at the nearest four walls and calling it quits. He’s not comfortable, he’s just used to the sensation of getting older in the same location which isn’t as hard as trying.

Do it and leave your family with a "wonderful" feeling of having a dead son. You will quit, but they won't. They will keep living their life. However, it won't be the same. Endless nights of nightmares, fucked up Holidays, and many moments of thinking what they did wrong. No one will explain them that it wasn't their fault. But even if someone did, that wouldn't help.

Or.. Just move your fucking ass, fail once, fail twice, fail a hundred times. But just keep trying, because even the worst ones succeed.

It's up to you.

thanks user

caffeine suicide isn't realistic.

Carbon monoxide (basically tubing, tape, a car, and garage)

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