You have 5 hours to explain why you're not voting for Bernie. Protip you LITERALLY can't

You have 5 hours to explain why you're not voting for Bernie. Protip you LITERALLY can't.

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I'm voting for Yang because 1000/month and he's the only candidate who knows how to use a computer. But if he drops out I'll go Bernie.

i am at the south of texas
disprove that
i can prove a conspiracy nut tattoo

Bernie already has support. Tulsi needs to get up there so it could be a stacked deck.

I'm not from the US faggot

The only people supporting Tulsi are conservatives.

>Voting Yang
What a wasted vote, it's Bernie or bust dipshit

When you get pushed off your own campaign stage by a bunch of clown ass black bitches, you've lost all respect from me.

Oh, noes. They might do something horrifying like vote for someone who isn't Trump.

Nibba, thats the freaking point of trying to win the position of president. Thats, unironically, a good thing.

That guy is a joke. The only votes he gets are lazy bums that want a handout.

yeah imagine not wanting to go bankrupt for needing emergency hernia surgery, fucking freeloaders

Thanks for your indirect Trump vote although he probably wont need it in the landslide.

thats why shes polling at 2% for the democratic nomination
because conservatives arent democrats.
her candidacy is dead in the water

Sounds like poor talk to me. Get a job with benefits. Also most creditors dont care about medical collections

Get a fucking job with halfway decent benefits and youre all set you lazy fuck

"We're going to stand up to wall street"
DNC steals his nomination in 2016 and he doesn't say a word. Sounds to me like he's a spineless faggot who can only bark.

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Moronic migatards exposing themselves as believing that anyone without employment provided benefits should just roll over dead or rot in bankruptcy for the rest of their lives, you love to see it.

Lmao as if you would have done anything differently in that situation

>Protip you LITERALLY can't.
i'm from europe and not allowed to vote in the USA.
what have i won for disproving OP?

lol this thread won't even last 5 hours dickface

ok zoomer, its time to quit McDonalds and get yourself a big boy job.

>what have i won for disproving OP?
a fat big black juicy nigger cock

Is a spineless, socialist Atheist, who didnt have a job tell he was in his 40s, his wife got in trouble for corruption. Doesnt have the heart for it!

lole ye he was
u go gurl

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>it's Bernie or bust dipshit
:ahem:...tulsi or bust

>Tulsi are conservatives.

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More poor talk. People with jobs and benefits dont want to pay for you

How is McDonald's not a real job? Y'all gatekeep this shit but I don't see you wanting to work there. Is that because you don't think you could handle all the bullshit the put up with? People gotta have jobs to survive and whether you like it or not, McDonald's is a legit job and not just a handout for people who don't want "big boy" jobs

you forgot to end your sentence with niggershit, niggershit

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She has 12% approval

He's not Elizabeth Warren!

lol i'm from EU and i love to pay for healthcare for all, it's the best thing ever. guess i'm not selfish enough to get your mentality

Because I don't support taxes.
>Literally what

>explain why you're not voting for Bernie
1) I bet her dies in the next year
2) his heart is in the right place, but poor execution
3) he wont legalize recreational cocaine and hookers
4) i want recreational surface to air weapons to play with
5) I want UBI
6) i want my taxes to go down not up
7) we nned to CUT Governmet spending not add to it
8) i dont want to see another str8 white male in power
9) i want a prez who will give me free trap pucci

>came here to make Bernie thread
>first thread is a Bernie thread

and bernies is sinking fast while Mommies is going up

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holy butt smokes
who's this semen demon?

I'm a British citizen living in London

because its her turn
Hillary 2020

good troll

Tusli gabbard
look her up bro

our next president!

Bernie is leading in New Hampshire and California

>he thinks im trolling

>going up
is that what you call being stuck at under 2% and in 10th place?

you retards were supposed to go ballistic on my ass for acting like i didn't know who she was
fucking hell man Sup Forums is really oblivious to subtle trolling

>New Hampshire
:rolls eyes and makes jerk off motion:
Yang is leading in CA

You gotta hand it to him, he really went for the things he knows the Bernie bros will hone in on. Respect

Assad's bestie

I know this bait, but...

I don't want the government to regulate maximum soda sizes or raise taxes on alcohol.

Bernie will definitely do that because single payer healthcare will encourage the government to make laws forcing people for being healthy.

And being healthy is a personal choice that you should make and only you pay for.

i remember when drummfpt was at 2%

New Hampshire is one of the most important states if you understood how the primary process worked at all.
Obvious bait but anyway no

Bernie's hands will be tied just like Trump's or past presidents'. There will be no sweeping reforms - presidential power is limited. If anything, Bernie will meet some stiff resistance on all his agendas.

my nigga

Because Bernie is a bitch. He got shut down by those 2 screeching nigger cunts, you think he can deal with literally anyone with actual authority?

Good thing you were only pretending to be retarded

shut up nigger

that worked real well last time

I've only voted once and it led to Trump being president so my track record's not that good

Watch Trump win and CNN have 200/200 trump articles instead of 150/200 like 2016. I used to read CNN but it’s literally every single article about trump in some way. Fucking retarded Democrats won’t even give press to their own people anymore they are so divided.

you didn't understand his campaign then. he wants the average americain to get involved into the political process, that's the only way big change can happen.

don't worry, i'm used to being irrelevant.
i wasn't even trolling.

oh well a boi can dream

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No I don't
But I remember Trump leading in the polls in December 2015 with 30% to 40%

Yeah because it was a real fair contest last time

I see shareblue is doing the same thing that they did last election for Clinton

>he wants the average americain to get involved into the political process,
ok im game. where do i sign up

i want the gov shrink in scope, and i want every single politician we have in the house, senate to hang publicly in DC.

Voting for Yang, gotta have my NEET bucks.
When he drops out, Tulsi is next on my ballot.
All else fails, Trump has my vote.

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porque soy mexicano

will it ever be fair?
and what is fair exactly?

should land owners have more say in the vote?
imagine me and you buy a pizza and a 3rd user who didnt pay tell us how to cut and serve it

I don't live in the US

im with you bro.
not even kidding thats my exact plan

Because I like keeping the money I earn you collectivist bastard

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oh nigga i aint reading all that shit
give me a QRD

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no but seriously, you might pay more in taxes, but it will be far less overall when costs for medical treatment fall away. also the vast majority of people will benefit from it

>why you're not voting for Bernie

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quads of inferiority

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>Voting for a cuck bitch

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im actually pro M4A. and yes i see in the long run how i will benefit. its all the other regulations he wants. and he has become very anti 2A. also i paid my student loans buy working them off. ill be god damned if ill have my taxes pay off someone else

He might come into close proximity with a high level cleric, and then he won’t just be turned, he’ll explode with no saving throw possible.

b/c I want Dennis in 2020

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He's too old.
He's never written a successful policy.
He's a panderbear.

the boomer trolley problem

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Because sadly he would lose to trump
We NEED to unite behind Warren or Biden if we stand a chance at getting rid of the orange nazi scum

wat kind of jungi ito shit is that?

also nice jew joke lol

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>doesnt want to pay for others failures
>call him a boomer

must suck to be poor, brown and dumb

Biden is a complete retard. Fuck Biden

Not American...

must suck to be dumb and racist

if you dislike everyone so much why live in a state anyways?


better to be white, dumb, and racist?
taxes are already a thing as far as paying for other people's things.

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ok with out trolling explain how this will benefit me?
why should my taxes be further strained on a program that will bring ZERO benefit to me.
some thing that protects the earth?? ok ill buy into it
health care ? sold!
banking and wage transparency..? ok im in.

but those people made an investment that will pay for itself over time, or it was abad investment. either way why should me and you be on the hook to pay it???

I hear if you saw his name in front of a mirror, in a dark lit room 3 times he'll come out of your closet within 72 hours to nibble on your earlobe.

This user is right. Bernard is as spineless as they come.

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its wonderful actually. i make 6 figures and own 2 duplexes that cash flow for me monthly.

and i rail out asian trap hookers on the reg so get fucked

BURNME: Annoying as fuck 87yo heart attack prone commie Jew who hates white people

That's why

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well regardless ill vote for biden or warren.
have fun wasting money on old bernie again.
maybe he can buy a 5th house!