I want to rape a woman so fucking badly

I want to rape a woman so fucking badly.

I want to witness the pure fear on her face. The watery, desperate look in her eyes. She knows she is helpless. She knows there is nothing she can do, nowhere she can run, nobody she can call. She knows her body and her pussy are about to be dominated in the ultimate fashion.

Every delusion of control, every lecture she heard in her Women's Studies courses, every piece of "self-defense" advice she's ever received, will be absolutely destroyed. She will know in that moment, and forever onward, that men are in control. My fists will make her bruise. My penis will make her bleed. My knife will tease and caress the curves of her broken body. I will take her flesh. I will render her helpless. A helpless, hopeless piece of beautiful meat, left to quiver and suffer for the rest of her life. A puppet for my sexual violence.

Nietszche once said "Women are a tiger's claw sheathed in a velvet glove." Truer words are rarely spoken.

I do not hate women, in fact I love them. I love their supple bodies, I love their paper-thin sense of superiority. I love knowing that in a single instant, I can thrust my hands onto their throat and turn the smug smile on their face into a horrific frown. I can watch their lovely mascara running down their reddened cheeks. Their once perfect and symmetrical eyeshadow will smear and spread like a bloodstain. I will shatter her like glass. Her sufferring is my ecstasy.

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You're trying too hard and you're not scaring anyone

>I do not hate women
>I want to rape a woman so fucking badly

I don't intend to scare anyone. I am expressing myself, as is my right.

You are a faggot and will be raped yourself


nice edgy RP

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It's not about misogyny, it's about sadism. If I were gay, I would want to rape a man the same way. If you have no appreciation for rape, why even comment? To obtain a sense of moral superiority?

I laugh at your petty insults.

don't you have homework to do young man?

Thank you! I intend to fuel the desire of any fellow rapists.

If you like small titties and petite, come find me in texas.

I don't know if he has any. Is School out already for the holidays?


Do you intend to tease me? Do you have a rape fantasy? I am more than happy to fulfill your desire to be taken control of, but I feel it's inherently not possible to rape a willing participant. I'll abuse you beyond your limit.

I really want it but am to scared to ever go through with it ;v;

Why do you talk like a fedora tipper?

2 neckbeards talking to each other.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. You know deep down this is what you desire. Give me a discord or something similar. I want to make this intimate and slow moving. No need to rush a good rape.

>It's not about misogyny
>every lecture she heard in her Women's Studies courses
vv this one especially vv
>She will know in that moment, and forever onward, that men are in control
^^ this one especially ^^
>Nietszche once said "Women are a tiger's claw sheathed in a velvet glove." Truer words are rarely spoken.
You're absolutely a sadist no doubt about that, but denying any misogyny is seemingly going against your own words. These things don't seem to translate to men.

>why even comment? To obtain a sense of moral superiority?
I have garbage morals, pedophilia-condoning etc., I'm a worthless piece of shit. So no? I comment to do some form of socializing and hopefully expand my own reasoning and debating/arguing skills and find the false beliefs I hold. Also, to make dumb jokes like .

only reaction you would get is laughter when they see your tiny penis

>no timestamp
imagine thinking people were that gullible

Believe what you want lmao.

I speak however I wish without your permission. Your anger is useless.

Men are objectively stronger than women, that is an objective and inarguable truth. I have a pathological desire. I'm happy to socialize, especially with those with garbage morals. I admire your desire to be educated, although I'm not sure I can educate you on the philosophy of rape and how it pertains to control over an individual.

Holy shit.

You dont love women, you love you.

hey op you alright?

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>be me
>oh nice, a rape fetish thread
>can't wait to read this gonna be so hot
>its just another poorly veiled Sup Forums thread bitching about sjws
>just wanna hear about qts getting raped

Fuck you, OP
You deserve to be raped, too

I like don't want to die tho lol.

Ok boomer


You might be onto something there, based on the assumption that I prioritize my own desires over the desire of a woman. I admire the physical traits as a woman, I don't admire her ego. I want to witness her dehumanization, and I suppose that's not really a loving thing to do when I take a moment to think about it.

I'm doing alright! Not quite a doomer, not quite a bloomer. Just a man that knows what a man is capable of.

I fully intended to arouse other rape fetishists, feel free to tell me all about how you want to rape. I have absolutely no connection to the garbage heap that is Sup Forums, I do not capitulate to political bullshit. You people are all focusing on the wrong idea.

I don't want to take your life, I want to violate your body. I know there's no way you can trust me, but the danger is all part of the arousal. I want you to be alive to suffer the brutality of how I violate you.

Why can you already tell OP is a DYEL pussy. Fucking faggot, if you had any balls at all you would've already done so but instead you're writing fanfic on Sup Forums.

You have no idea what I've done, and I take pleasure in that fact. Go back to /fit/.

Ok how old are you and are you in the U.S.?

For a long time after my ex dumped me, I had pretty heavy fantasies of raping her little sister, because I knew knowing she caused that would hurt my ex way more than hurting her herself would, and her sister was the most adorable teen kid sister and it would be the ultimate act of defiling something entirely innocent from the whole thing and ruining her forever

did something happen to you sexually or were you in an extreme situation that put you in severe danger and you were completely not in control of what was going to happen to you in your childhood or teenage years?

i'd like to know where this desire to overpower and dehumanize, objectify someone else comes from.

why a woman? would you rape a man, if you could muster the strength to hold him down?

OP yet here u are posting in your shitty basement in ur mothers house lmao

>I don't want to take your life, I want to violate your body. I know there's no way you can trust me, but the danger is all part of the arousal. I want you to be alive to suffer the brutality of how I violate you.

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So you just like a sense of control then

What a stupid premise. You physically overpowering someone means literally nothing about the relative power of different groups in society. A woman could buy a gun and walk up to you and shoot you in the head and you would die instantly.

Real power is political power.

This is the best ylyl thread ever.

have sex

It's not even about me. I just like seeing pretty girls helpless and suffering
The only benefit to me being the one doing it is I get to cum

This thread is being monitored.

So you would be fine if another man rapes your pick?

That is so dreadfully beautiful. Taking out your rage on the innocence of her kin. The revenge aspect of that scenario turns me on. I believe people conflate my sadism with a desire to "get back at" the female gender, which is nonsense. It's about pain and control, not a crusade against the vagina.

I am severely mentally ill and had quite a challenging upbringing. I have always had a desire to resist authority, not because I was raped or sexually abused (I wasn't) but because I always thought "why do YOU get to tell ME what to do? What give you that right?" I am inherently anti-establishment. We live in a broken system. Women are the arbiters of this system. Women control men with sexuality. I want to show women that their sexuality and their very identity is a fragile, laughable, pathetic lie. I am not sexually attracted to men, so I couldn't derive the same pleasure and intensity from raping their hairy assholes as I would a woman. If I achieved sexual arousal from the act of raping a man, I surely would wish to do so.

Stripped of all outside sources, a naked woman is not stronger than a naked man. What a moot point to make. I could buy a gun and shoot a woman in the head and she would die instantly, idiot.

I have had consensual sex at least a dozen times. I always get a kick out of slapping them silly and spitting on them, degrading them however I can. It will never amount to rape, but the consensual degradation is pretty hot in itself.

Just KYS

you're name is definitely Liam

please rape someone and get arrested.
jail will be fun for you.

>Women are the arbiters of this system. Women control men with sexuality. I want to show women that their sexuality and their very identity is a fragile, laughable, pathetic lie.
>You're not in control, I AM!

I know, but I'm not worried. I would never actually do it. Rape play, hell yes, but not the real thing. I feel like it could only be disappointing compared to my fantasies.

Well you did say some dumb shit about Women's Studies or whatever in the OP

What an ultimate loser you are.


Right, so yoyu're just an insecure control freak afraid of the "power" women have.

You are teasing and fooling yourself. You want to be "raped" without being raped. You want to give control without giving complete control. You don't want to cross that threshold. You don't want to give into your innate desire to submit. If I were to rape you, you would know what it means to submit to your desire.

got a favorite video you like to watch? I've returned to Max Hardcore Jesse in Hawaii a bunch. She's so broken down over the course of it.

The fuck are you talking about? I don't want to be raped at all. I want to do the raping.