I’ve been on this board since 2007. Over the last 3 years I haven’t posted much and have come here less frequently...

I’ve been on this board since 2007. Over the last 3 years I haven’t posted much and have come here less frequently. Porn spammers and politics has ruined what was once a great place. And the Mods don’t do anything to direct these people to the proper boards. This place has always had porn, but never to this extent. It wasn’t 24/7 when the front page was littered with porn spammers or Trump love/hate threads. Moot leaving was the worse thing that could have happened. Anyone who tries to make a decent original thread get buried and bumped out by people dumping their unhealthy amounts of porn. The Mods have failed the anons here. Theyve let spam take over this place. Fuck toy mods. I don’t give a fuck if you ban me, cause this place is utter garbage now

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>what was once a great place

im cancer from 2015, but sticked mostly to lurking, and even then it was better than now. i kinda miss those greentext threads

>hurr Sup Forums was never good
Yeah this is your newfag showing. Such a old meme a few people started saying and newbies picked up on it thinking it makes them sound old. Gtfo of here, you clearly were never here at a time it wasn’t 99% porn

Green text compilations/reddit also killed that aspect. All it takes is one guy posting a green text, screen capping and putting it on Reddit, and then he’s on YouTube. No one even bothers trying to be original

to be fair, both internet behavior and the very nature of memes have changed, so i'm not sure how much this place could've resisted the changing times. sure moot and co, could maintain a status quo of sorts and help the "culture" of this place persist a bit longer, but the gold and silver ages of Sup Forums were always bound to end by their very nature. it was a product of a transitional time in the greater internet culture. look how much youtube and its content have changed. the summerfags of old were always inevitably going to become the oldfags of tomorrow, the b you knew never really existed

I'm really ashamed to say this, but closed facebook dank meme groups are the best places to go currently. They have the same vibe as Sup Forums did in 2008.

Maybe because the mods care there.

Changing meme culture doesn’t mean spamming porn. The failure of this place has nothing to do with changing culture and (almost) everything to do with enabling spammers

Hopefully you are being ironic.

Tired of getting boners false oldfag?

True words, fren

it has to do with how engaged people were with being here, whether lurking or participating. there was a novelty that made coming here and maintaining the status quo more significant. also cultural shifts led to waves of newfags that cleaned this place out like locusts. people eager to recreate gold (raids, doxxing, etc) raised visibility even more and cheapening the occasional results like a forced meme, babbys first raid kinda thing. idk man, shit's felt off for a good while man, i check in every couple years out of morbid curiosity and nostalgia and it's entirely different every time

Sup Forums was originally (and always have been ever since) :
> " the random retard Sup Forumsin " ;
where all the garbage that wasn't welcome on the other boards could (and would) be used to get it away from the eyes of respectable & well adjusted Anons who couldn't tolerate the stuff being visible on the other boards.

It's never going to change.

> inb4 " /trash/ " - yes, but some things are too bad even for /trash/
> so it comes to Sup Forums if it doesn't infringe the Global Rules that are enforced on Sup Forums .

It didn't use to be great but it did used to have a lot less porn

Lol the internet hasn't been around since 2007 idiot

this board is only good for OC sissy/cd content unless you're a literal faggot why are you still here?

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i've been here since 9/11 u cancerfag

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Is this whole thread one giant copy pasta?

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Once upon a time it was impossible to visit Sup Forums on a routine basis without encountering child pornography on the front page.
So I'd say you win some you lose some; a few things have gotten objectively better here.

It's bots. Sup Forums was a thing that we the hivemind could weaponize against whatever we wanted. Deep pockets who want to pay for the illusion of control see spamming, gutting, subverting, and doing other forum spy tactics as an inexpensive way to divide and conquer.

In Ramallah, Mossad broadcast porn while committing war crimes so the enemy mud people wouldn't fight back with as much force. On Sup Forums, the same threads are created and run by bots without any moderator intervention. The same thing goes for Sup Forums. If they don't have enough control over the board, they'll do what they did to 8ch and puppeteer its shutdown.

Their hubris will be their downfall.

where? on earth?

I joined in 2005 in college. I miss the raid threads. Hack threads. The expose whores threads. The fighting with other sites. The interesting topics. I'm in my early 30s now, and I just visit sometimes. But its for sure just a porn, shill, share blue, ad site now. Moot fucked us all because he got all SJW, and the asian owner sold out ever harder. Fuck I remember when moot got caught giving access to the FBI.

Good, get out, newfag.

Sup Forums was never good
Having said that, yes Sup Forums has been dead since chanology. Occupy soon followed and this place became Facebook after dark.

Ive been here for a little over a decade and I'll also chalk it up to just being the nature of internet culture. Sup Forums was never an exclusive place but it felt that way for years because not a lot of people knew about(relatively) and a lot of those that did thought it was this dark, scary place full of kiddie porn and cyber terrorism.

People come in here and think because it's still this place where they can type faggot and nigger all they want they've become some sort of de facto edgelord. Then they do shit like start Rate My Dick or fucking Tranny threads because its guaranteed responses and those responses give their fragile little egos the internet dopamine boost of the day. As if the fact that theirs fifty closeted faggots out there ready to tell you your dick is a 7/10 somehow gives you value.

I dont think those posters even realize that at their base level they're no different than the like-whores on facebook or the idiots climbing all over themselves to be the first to post the comment meme of the week on youtube.

Sup Forums used to be a diamond mine of memes ten years ago. there was still porn, equal parts normal and abnormal shit. more inside jokes, lurk moar. zoomers ruined this place.

>I dont think those posters even realize that at their base level they're no different than the like-whores on facebook or the idiots climbing all over themselves to be the first to post the comment meme of the week on youtube.
i snort coke once in a while, but I dont smoke crack allday, everyday.

imagine if Sup Forums existed when 9/11 happened