Why is he so hated?

why is he so hated?

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He autismed into irrelevance.

He makes good points but is too smug for my taste.

Also this:

But besides a few nutjob feminists he's not hated at all ?

the dude isnt a fan of loli but still defends it, ill give him that. Im not fond of political channels outside of that

>he's not hated at all ?
Get out more. Watch his discussion with Spencer, that's where it all started to spin apart.

Because he's an alt right faggot nigger nazi

Anyone with different opinions will always hate those with different opinions.

He's a snake in the grass clown, who tried to take his youtube career so seriously, that he tried to go into politics, horrifically failed, and destroyed a political party. Oh yeah and "It depends on the child".

He isnt really hated. Hell I would call him a classical liberal as he isn't very conservative. I really like his political opinions and he seems well thought out.

Just sad him and Tommy didn't get elected. But he can always try again. His name is becoming more and more well known.

I diddent watch this guy in forever but im interested now, im at work so cant look atm but i might check it out later.
Could u give me a TLDR ?

From a fascist perspective, he's a grug brained libertarian who would be a horrible tactician/leader. And in general he's just pretty full of himself and not a modest person.

because he's an idiot

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>Could u give me a TLDR ?
Neither side really "won," but Sargon just made a complete ass of himself while Richard was trying to be respectful.

Quads of absolute truth

didn't he beat his kids?

brats need discipline

as long as he doesnt beat them off

Cause hes the toolmans assistant!

>He got involved in major gay ops despite claiming to be above it. He, and his lackeys (specifically vee and SFO) used to go onto /cow/ on cripplechan to try and get the cowboys to go after whoever he was having a disagreement with. He was told, multiple times, to fuck off but kept going which resulted in the cowboys decided to fuck with him.
>Sargon interpreted the fucking with as being Metokur's fault, and tried to start rumors that Metokur was a gay cam whore which is why he has never revealed who he is. When this failed he then made a video where he insinuated Metokur is a pedophile. He then went after anyone who laughed at him (Warski, Ralph and others).
>He involved himself in UKIP and acted like a major dick and because of the stupid and arrogant shit he said torpedoed their popularity.
>He went after people who criticized Candid, an app which was used to develope a censorship AI.
>Is a literal manlet with unwarranted self importance and too much smug.

Hate? He is a buffoon. He is beneath contempt.

All I'm ever going to remember from the first half of 2018 was all that IBS shit. Good times.

Because he played in Star Trek

Who the fuck is that? Is he jewish?

>>He involved himself in UKIP and acted like a major dick and because of the stupid and arrogant shit he said torpedoed their popularity.
I'd just like to comment that the reason UKIP tanked was because Farage left.

>as he isn't very conservative
He flatly said he wants the alt right agenda to win against "muh SJW's". He sucks Trump cock, joined a far right british political party, and dedicates most of his energies attacking the left.

SO that's the reason? Not that anytime the media or other politicians had anything to say about UKIP the first thing they'd mention is Sargon's white nigger, I wouldn't rape you or it depends on the age of the child comments?

no, he fiscally is very left. super gay friendly and bats heads with alt-righters over race all the time

>anytime the media or other politicians had anything to say about UKIP
Who gives a shit. Heard what they had to say about Trump? And he won.

those are niche issues which he often contradicts with the figures he supports.

That ''far right'' party turned into a liberal one the moment he joined, all the far righters jumped ship and joined nigel. Hell even Nigel farage called him out.

Sargon isn't Trump. Trump is successful and charismatic, he was before running for election. He is also over 6 ft tall. Sargon is none of these things.

>turned into a liberal one
Yeah, with liberal heroes like Milo, PJW, and their heavy pro brexit alignment.

im not here to portray Sargon as based, im just saying your statement about UKIP is false.

Same reason they hated Jesus, because he speaks the truth.

brexit was supported by jeremy corbyn early on, you are aware of this? also all of those people are accepting of gays. m not even fond of these people.

hell corbyn still wants it really bad, but hes been forced to be the face of anti-brexit

Yep which is why you did what most sergn dickriders do and go straight to the "It worked for Trump" despite Trump never being caught calling anyone a nigger or saying that depending on the child it was OK to fuck them. Usual skeptic smooth brain shit.

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I just mentioned Trump because you seem to believe that the media and "other politicians" view of UKIP has any bearing for how many voters they get.

Also, you seem like a bit of a tard.

Did he slow down with his videos? I haven't watched him for a few months.

I took him at his word when he used to say he 'leans left' or is 'centre-left'. Other than that, there is nothing in his entire history to hint he has ever had a principled view that capital should have restrictions for the sake of democracy. When it comes to social protection spending, his only argument in support is "I don't mind it", which was actually how he argued against the genuinely classical-liberal position that appropriating empty properties to house the survivors of the Grenfell fire was justified. He didn't mind if 'his taxes' were spent putting them all in expensive emergency accomidation, just don't take anything from people vastly richer than he is but who pay less.

what were the arguments? honestly lost all respect for spencer when he appeared on CNN

>genuinely classical-liberal position that appropriating empty properties
It's a classically liberal position to take someones property?

Because you can feel that he's always trying to act polite and eloquent, not because he is polite and eloquent but he knows that's how you win debates. His actual talking points are cringe Sup Forums trash

I don't fucking blame him considering the absolute state of the left.

We've got a bunch of communist antifa thugs on the rise whining about a non-existent pandemic resurgence of nazis, to which said nazis that do actually exist continue to be irrelevant.
The true irony here is even if nazi numbers were soaring to pandemic levels, the only fucking reason why a normal person would care about that is the fact that nazis are bloodthirsty, genocidal, shitbags, but guess who are even *worse* bloodthirsty, genocidal, shitbags? Commies. Stalin alone out-hitlered hitler. Which genocidal ideology is riddled within antifa? Commies. Fucking commies everywhere within antifa, and the fucking commie apologia and excuses for antifa's bullshit from the left is infuriating.

If nazis ought to be punched, communists ought to be beaten within an inch of their lives -- that's the difference by body count alone and until I see antifa and the left start outward beating said commies with at least as much fervor as they whine about "nazis" it's hard not to want to spite the left at the moment if you have at all 2 braincells to rub together.

No you mentioned the Trump comparison because you're one of Sargon's discord groupies. It's the standard response to denying Sargon did more damage to UKIP than anything else. You calling me a tard is just cope because you dont want to process this fact.

Holy shit you're so misinformed and full of hate. Everyone hates stalin apologists. That's only a small portion of the extreme left.
Also, if you fucking idiot didn't know. Nazis don't have to be blood hungry monsters to be a threat to minorities or even bigger groups. The just need to approve fascist policies and vote for it.
Communism doesn't support any of these immoral and evil things like race superiority or war.

Nazis are absolutely a problem in europe you fucking morron.

because he's a fucking moron

kek this
what a dunce

Richard explained liberalism for what it really is (fake and gay) and sargon being the classical liberal that he is tries to explain to Richard why modern liberalism is a perversion on classical liberalism (libertarianism). Same thing with identity politics. What did Richard say when he went on CNN? Was it the time when he said that nobody should take the bait Trump is dishing out?

Holy shit you're so misinformed and full of hate. Everyone hates hitler apologists. That's only a small portion of the extreme right.
Also, if you fucking idiot didn't know. Commies don't have to be a blood hungry monsters to be a threat to *literally everyone*. The just need to approve communist policies and vote for it.
Nazism doesn't support any of these immoral and evil things like terror famines and war.

>communist antifa thugs
They aren't communists, they are radical liberals. Communism as a tactic transformed into zionism and neo-liberalism while retaining the same social objective.Get your head out of the Cold War and into the current year bud.

You honestly believe his involvement in UKIP had more to do with the that party losing support than Farage leaving and starting a new party?

That's funny because everytime I see someone suggest that the proper way to deal with offensive ideologues is by way of debate, some 200IQ antifa genius brings up how WW2 wasn't won through words.
Now we have a 300IQ antifa genius here telling us that WW2 didn't, in fact, eradicate the nazis and didn't work.

Simply amazing.

>Everyone hates stalin apologists
As a fascist I don't hate tankies/maoists or any of the sort. I just think they're misguided and larpy just like an-caps.

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i like his vids occasionally, but he's an egotist

yikes. Imagine the smell

Smell is but a social construct, user.

The only way to shut down nazis is by silencing them. Let these propaganda spreading parasites do their thing and enough low IQ scum will follow them and eventually will become a threat to society. You retards don't understand that even freedom of speech has it's limits.

I can't even
You have far right governments in Europe and the US right NOW making a point of fear mongering about brown people and plenty talking about ethnostates.
But screw all of that, muh antifa. Fucking antifa.

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>You have far right governments in Europe and the US right NOW
You aint seen nuffin yet, dindu.

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Running out of bitter old people to get riled up and vote my dude

Yes, that includes shutting down this shithole.

Fucking horseshit, user.
It was the commies during the weimer republic committing acts of political violence that gave hitler the ammo and engine to assume control -- lrn2history.

>The only way to shut down nazis is by silencing them.
Liberals agree with you.

Is it boomers posting Nazi frog memes, 56% face and FBI table 41 pictures on Twitter?

because everything he touches either was already shit, or is shit by the time he's done

>Blaming commies for Hitlers success
What a retard.

Strap on your hardhats boys, we got quotes to mine

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you'll find similar popularity of atheist posting online, yet their actual demographics are quite small.
Even moreso that the nazis have a political agenda they've vowed to perpetuate.

What in the shit are you talking about?

I know the truth hurts, user.

Gtfo with your whataboutism retard. The weimer republic got fucked because of the world financial crisis. Communists were not as relevant

he's absolutely right. they enable each other. communist gangs attacked people all over the streets in Germany which gave to public sentiment for authority to come in and put a stop to it.

just like how if skins started marching around everywhere communism would probably become popular politically.

"we need to stop the racist, sexist, homophobes, vote woke!"

imagine how there'd be more pantifa if some of what they had to say was actually true?

Bullshit. 1. Communist violence gave Hitler and the Nazis the support they needed to take over. When you have black clad pinko thugs attacking everyone who disagrees, even a crazy fascist seems viable. Seems like the real way to prevent fascism from taking over is to silence the communists.
2. The way to shut down crazy political movements is to shine an honest light on them, and then to mock the fuck out of them.
3. Free speech cannot have limits on it in the manner that you're proposing. The moment you suppress one ideology, you suppress them all.
>far right government in the US...
Are you insane? Trump is a 1996 election Democrat. If you think he's far right, you must consider AOC a centrist.

No, fuck off with your apologia.
Of course the outcome of WW1 fucked over the weimer republic, but two of the major factions vying for control wound up being the communists and what inevitably turned into hitler's regime, and during hitler's rise to power the communists and their violence were an easy target to point to.

Nevertheless, the point at hand was "the only way to shut down nazis is by silencing them." Well by that logic hitler should've been shut down, not crowned dictator of the third reich.

Go find a hammer and sickle and ram them up your ass.

based lolibro

>yet their actual demographics are quite small.
A majority of white people think they are discriminated against institutionally npr.org/2017/10/24/559604836/majority-of-white-americans-think-theyre-discriminated-against
I'd imagine you'd think these people are nazi sympathetic, not to mention the similar majority of white people that voted for trump the left likes to call nazis too. Nazi's aren't a small fringe thing guy, and they continue to grow.

He doesn't give a rat's ass about other's opinions about him

I disagree with him constantly, but at least he says how he really feels about something

Because he's someone who uses half truths and logical fallacies to trick people who don't know better into being angry at stuff?

>I'd imagine you'd think these people are nazi sympathetic
And I imagine your booty is full of black cum

Cum is white you dumb nigger.

>if some of what they had to say was actually true?
Like if there were incels shooting up schools, mosques and gay nightclubs and running over people with their cars? Lucky that never happens.

I don't think that's true, please cite your sources.

1. Acts of Revolution were needed at that time, stop blaming the Commies for making the first and most important step by opposing the regime with actual violence you dishonest fuck. Nazis abusing that with their Propaganda is not in the hands of the commies, they have no control over what happens after the people are ready to vote for drastic changes. It can go one way or the other. If the workers and commies didn't do shit, they would've all starved to death.
2. Haha how naive can someone be. Let's just educate and mock them, that's how we prevent dangerous ideologies to become too powerful

They're not wrong because racial supremacy and hatred of other races extends past just white folks. You have little stories about social justice ideologues getting into positions of power and then purposefully discriminating against white straight men when given the chance.
You have bigger things like how affirmative action purposefully discriminates against white folks but it's "good discrimination" because it advantages marginalized groups.

Ultimately the point is conflict theory and it's offshoots are bullshit.

trump is noone, he was a republican during clintons reign and a democrat during george bush. Then he went libertarian and stayed independent during obama.

You'll never see a social justice initiative to replace all the Jews in academia and news media despite their gross over-representation in both, because believe it or not, if it's not Jews that spearhead and fund these social justice initiatives, it's often shabbos goyim who were indoctrinated by Jews in universities and news propaganda. They'll say, "oh they're not over-represented, they are just naturally gifted and good with money, you're just an anti-semite." Meanwhile not applying that rule of racial difference to whites when it comes to their successes in the free market. It's institutional oppression when white people do it, but it's natural gifted-ness when it's jews.

take your meds
then have sex

Is this William T. Riker? How could anybody hate him?

Stop excusing the violent attacks by a vicious communist movement. You're acting like the Nazis came to power in a vacuum that was totally uninfluenced by the political violence at the time. You're ignoring the reality that the violent actions of the communists enabled the Nazi take over.
2. Well, lets see. German communists tried to violently suppress the Nazis. Americans allowed the Nazis to speak freely, and mocked them mercilessly. Remind me, which country was actually run by Nazis, I just can't remember.

As I said, a violent Revolution was necessary. And since the working class suffered the most from it, commies were especially violent. They literally starved to death, how can you not excuse violence in that Situation wtf?

because you retards will never admit there's an acute difference between jewish blood and denomination, or how their success makes them a minority that doesn't require further representation.

Yes, that's how they ultimately got 'their property' in the first place. There is not an unbroken chain of ownership stretching back to the start of history; there was once a time when 'property' didn't exist and then it did. We're not talking ancient history either.

The concept of property itself was conceived as something else. The idea that a person has an entitlement to the exclusive and legally-enforced control over something borrows the word from the collective ideas that later enabled it. Wetness is a property of water, that's an ontological argument; a statement of fact, part of the concept of 'natural law' that is distinct from societal law. Different societies have different laws, but nature is assumed to have an underlying order to it that applies universally. Water is wet, everywhere and at all times. That is its property. Ideologues throughout history argue support for their preferred way of things often by claiming the most important aspect of it is 'natural', which makes everyone who disagrees by default too stupid to be worth considering. Why do kings get to rule? It's the order of the universe. Why do warlords get to conquer? Note they never say 'might is right' without first establishing very carefully why and it's something to do with it being natural. Why is it ok for a handful of people to own more than half the rest of the world does? Whatever reason given, the root of it is the presumed natural-ness of de jure private property rights and the extensive legal and civic frameworks in support of them. In every case, the lethal argument that they are all the product of societal laws rather than anny objective natural ones is something to be repressed.

Classical-liberalism began with an acknowledgent by Adam Smith of this fact. Naturally, the Adam Smith Institute that uses his name see that as something to be repressed.

>*angry communist noises*

>there's an acute difference between jewish blood and denomination
Explain, because most jews in USA AND Israel are secular. A small minority in either consider themselves religious/orthodox. It's not just their success either, I've never said that.

No forced by logic and rationalism