ITT: We vote on the best game of all time, everything you submit is added automatically to the poll

ITT: We vote on the best game of all time, everything you submit is added automatically to the poll.

Attached: GoldenEye 007.jpg (800x554, 88K)

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GoldenEye is shit

That's the shittiest poll I've ever seen. Did a 12 yo make it?

Paper Mario:TTYD is probably one of the best games of all time. And it wasn't in the list. This list blows.

So, add it faggot. You can add whatever you like

Battle Toads.

Second that

GoldenEye is overrated as fuck why is it so high on this poll?

The Game

Attached: THE GAME.png (800x600, 8K)

Dude, man... Goldeneye was a very special game. My friends and I would get together, get high as fuck, and kill the absolute fuck out of each other. Temple and Felicity were our jams. Mine the mins, bro
Paper Mario is one of those games I've always meant to play. Never played Mario 64 either. Or the one for Gamecube..... or for Wii..... The last Mario game I played to absolute fuck out of was Mario World for SNES
All joking and memefagotry aside, that shit was tight back in the day
Currently playing ESO on the daily. Even if it's just to log in for my daily reward. Really great game with a great community. All the solo TES games are fantastic, too. Love me some Far Cry but I've only ever played solo and offline. Far Cry 5 was the tits. 4 was awesome and I really loved the little helicopter that let you explore regions way fucking beyond your level. The prison escape scene still gives me nightmares. Far Cry 3 was tits, too. The first island boss was unbelievable and the knife fight at the very end was crazy. I had to look up how to beat that shit because it was just too stressful. Zelda has a very special place in my heart but the last LoZ game I played was Twilight Princess. Love me some Sims too. That's it though. I'm fucking old and don't really play many vidya anymore

1st Resident Evil. I haven't played many video games, but I have very fond memories of that one.

So your vote is 0

Current top 10
> 1. Beyond Good & Evil
> 2. F-Zero GX
> 3. GoldenEye 007
> 4. Final Fantasy VI
> 5. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 6. Dragon Quest III
> 7. Super Mario 64
> 8. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 9. Resident Evil [2002]
> 10. Shadow of the Colossus

bloodborne 4 sure

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you sound like a fagot

> Two fucking versions of Resident Evil 1 that high

FF6 hands down

>You will never know what it's like to experience groundbreaking, life changing vidya
How's it feel to know you're a gigantic fagot who everyone knows sucks all the nigger dicks all the time?

Cope, COD 4 should be way higher than it is right now


Untitled Goose Game

Deus ex

Rocket League
Worms Armageddon
Quantum Redshift
Mass Effect
Fortune Street

Super Poop W33dworld: Loser

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Taken in historical context...

Attached: super-mario-bros.jpg (709x473, 58K)

> Bayonetta unironically as high as OOT
Fuck this board


Original command and conquer, multiplayer connected with a null modem cable via the serial port.

Vomit in mouth, swallow

Bayonetta 1 and 2 have more stuff to do in 10 hours than the whole video game industry's catalogue combined!!!


Socom us navy seals combined assault for the ps2

Unreal Tournament 99

Las Trepidantes Aventuras Del Duende Jose Luis Y Su Armonica Del Destino

Attached: LasTrepidantesAventurasDelDuendeJoseLuisYSuArmonicaDelDestino1.jpg (680x356, 33K)

Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

Attached: 8545dc45f4af8001e60a161da27d6ce2a624e430e1d8b49fe6dffb7472ad98da.jpg (540x276, 33K)

Spanish For Everyone

Cluster's Revenge

Attached: 2b7nzw.jpg (620x474, 69K)


>no COD: Ghosts

pic related

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Border Patrol

Ethnic Cleansing

Attached: 1564011825481.jpg (720x720, 300K)

Legend of D R A G O O N

on the list bruh

made me smile

and vote for it. >my favorite of all time.


Kabuki Warriors
(no, really)

1. Perfect Dark
2. Descent II
3. Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
4. Ocarina of Time
5. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II
6. Red Alert 2
7. Paper Mario 64
8. Pokemon Blue/Red
9. Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA
10. Diablo 2

Soul Calibur (on Dreamcast...first console game to be better than arcade version)

Civilization III

No Chrono Trigger?
Ok bye.

Attached: 41W2CS1VQGL.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis is the best game of all time.

>everything you submit is added automatically to the poll

Attached: doubt.png (419x238, 84K)

"Best games of all time" is a stupid concept. Gaming changes too fast to compare today's games to yesteryear's games. The goals of the gaming industry changed. And the gaming audience and what games could even do and what constituted good gameplay and so on..

Depression Quest
Prove me wrong
>pro tip - you can’t

Halo fags are pathetic

pic related

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Im like the only person ive met who can beat the turbo tunnel.. i suck at the snake pit though

1) final fantasy 7
2) everquest
3) diablo 1
4) secret of mana
5) starcraft
6) diablo 2
7) gears of war 1
8) counter strike 1
9) world of Warcraft
10) starcraft 2
11) Warcraft 3
12) probably forgetting some

This meme is literally the only good thing to come from this game. I went in expecting GTA meets Mafia and instead I got a school guidance councillor simulator and a lot of hairy animated corpse bush


escape velocity


very slowly :)

I can win this