Who else likes flat chested girls?

Who else likes flat chested girls?

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Sure, LEGAL ones


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Like, whats illegal here man?

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married to one. big mammals are for people with mommy issues, if you ask me.

Inb4 404


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Inb4 040

pedophiles like flat girls. Normal adults like women with an adult woman body, which includes tits and hips.

Used to fuck this girl, she has small in diameter, maybe a dime, and about half inch long nipples. Favorite chest I've been with.

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What about woman with thick body and small tits. Mmmmmmm.

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Could do without the huge tits, but I’d split those thighs.

I could go either way on that one tbh

my gf

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Fucking pussy

This is for people that loves woman of 16+
This is for people that loves girls below 16+
Btw even though I am 16, I am considered an adult already unlike in america you have to be 21 I think. Over here where I live we can drive cars by the time we turn 16.

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Damn, that went down quick kek


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Gorgeous more

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Didn't see it but willing to bet same age, same appearance, same activity but with a dick not only would it not be deleted but it would be front-paged


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True story.

So you agree or..?

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People don't lie on the internet.

Timestamp those mosquito bites or gtfo.

i can guarantee you have never been in trouble with the cops, and if you ever did find yourself across the table from a cop who evidently thinks you're a pedo, judging by his cold, angry demeanor, you would PISS IN YOUR PANTS like a small baby. all your eliot roger style fake coolness would be out the fucking window, son, and you would be sniveling and whimpering. LIKE. A. BITCH.

Are you retarded? I’m answering the OP’s question

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Post chicks who don’t look like dudes faggot

Mods need to make 4chin great again and ban these posters immediately!

Found the pussy who doesn't work out.

Sup Forums was great back when people never got banned for posting for anything other than dissing lord Moot.

You're a Fucking shitlord that ruins this place. It used to be a place where anything would go. The epitome of free speech.

dude is your insecurity so overwhelming that you can't handle a fit woman

This set is at least 16 yrs old. Maybe even more since I think i saw them when living in my first apt in 01.

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cp has never been free speech lel

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No ass no curves blatantly obnoxious tattoos pictures of herself on her wall

Holding a light for her selfie what a fucking loser

Nothing here is CP shitlord, yet still calling to ban someone they disagree with.



This is obviously a honeypot thread


Yea you are

>stuck in 2010

Shhhh... Enjoy the honey

here you go.

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Sup Forums is a honeypot site. I thought everyone knew this.

That’s why it’s stuck on the 1st page with no replies.

Sup Forums is controlled opposition

Obviously mental damage from being raped with a vienna sausage

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>boomer memes
>confirmed honey post

It’s a flat chest thread you dumb fuck

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Do you know what windows are cuck?

She looks like a Down syndrome midget

This thread sucks


And that is a good thing. Ever heard about retarded strength? Imagine the grip

Wickr... Mau5432 ;)

It's more like a toilet than a honeypot really. Imagine all the shitposting a glownigger has to sift through to find something actionable.

what century is this from?

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Got more?

Go away trolls

too old

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It was Kodak that came up with digital cameras but they never pushed them because they thought it would ruin their film developing bussiness.

is that photoshopped or are her legs that short?

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>that belly button
fucking gross

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Yeah I mean... Who cares if they're not a fatty?

thats normal, youre probably a black

Ummmmmm what is this


Mods wtf seriously delete this

the fuck you are talking about? popped belly button is actually more common in black people.

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Shes perfect.

Mods mods mods
I’m so sick of this
I thought this site was supposed to have rules wtf

trolled by Sup Forumsposter xDDDDDDDDDDD

Let's see a pic of your ideal woman

Mods on this whole thread enjoy your bans
