I have hidden $70,000 at these coordinates. 46.8630667, -123.2364488

I have hidden $70,000 at these coordinates. 46.8630667, -123.2364488

I have spent the better part of 20 years drug trafficking in Washington State.

I have a terminal illness and I can feel my sickness taking more and more of my body. I will never be able to retain this money. Whoever wants it, can go get it.

Attached: 15756080805011150319816274275948.jpg (2736x3648, 1.91M)

ok silvio santos

Sure ya did, faggot.

That's all you made after 20 years? You must not be very good at it.

>ok Sup Forums you heard the man let’s pack our bags

Attached: EF38E927-59D1-4A77-B055-ADFC12720282.jpg (640x606, 22K)

Where is this at? What country?

Ok boomer

Dr could it...could it be..?

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so just outside Oakville city hall WA?

Nigger I live in Louisiana. You think I’m going to go all the way to Washington to just get trolled? Should’ve fictionally buried your money closer to me

coords go to washington state, usa, near olympia. probably fake as fuck tho

Attached: D4AB730C-7229-4081-86A1-5AF0FF65566A.jpg (500x500, 28K)

>I have spent the better part of 20 years drug trafficking in Washington State.

Do you have nudes of any of the crack whores you have fucked in exchange for drugs? If so, post them!

I live in Seattle and even I won't bother.

I’m in Tacoma and fuck this.

How about going and digging it back up, and using $1,000 of it, to travel down to Florida to re-hide it.

Not really hiding it if you tell everyone where it is

>implying there's any possibility OP will deliver

Attached: OP ascii.png (322x192, 4K)

>Pic related.

Attached: FoundIt.png (860x587, 970K)

Attached: Screenshot_20191205-231822.jpg (1440x1987, 806K)

OPs full of shit

Ok nigger

Alright Anons, do we have anybody near there that can check? This one's got to be real.

Your in Sup Forums. Your also on Sup Forums, are you really going to believe some nigger left 70k just like that?

Have you tried not being gay

By all means. Go ahead.

Just an old fag egging on the coomers.

Confirmed, I'm $70,000 richer.
Thanks user. Also had an antique fingerbox with it, probably $40,000 in value

Have you tried not being gay?


I ain't falling for your murder trap, OP. I know for sure if I go out there I'm definitely going get a cap in my ass. Nice try, faggot. Try reddit

I'll check it out and try to live stream it in case I get shot.

Pics or you will forever be a faggot sucking OP’s dick while he shits in your face

is this real

prove it


Attached: images.jpg (299x169, 7K)

I just went there and grabbed the bag.
$71K confirmed

Its not the destination but the path to get there