Hello /b im stuck in this toxic asf relationship right now

Hello /b im stuck in this toxic asf relationship right now
I took this girls virginity, only started taling to her to fuck, she hasnt made me cum and we've fuckked 3 times alr
I found out she was talking to her ex she swore she wasn't (i stopped talking to mine for her) only after he threw a fit on his IG story cuz he wanted to take her v card but couldn't

how tf do I get out of this cuz this bitch got dirt on me hella an i know she's all drama

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Well user, she looks like a girl I know pretty well. Gonna need her first name before I help

Post her tits then show her the reactions. she'll leave you

Are you a nigger? You type like one.

Not sure that you're old enough to be here JR.

What kind of dirt does she have on you

If she's telling her ex that you took her virginity, she's definitely trying to make him jealous. Whether she's doing that just to hurt him, or to make him want her back, that depends on her personality. Which do you think it is?

If she hasn't made you cum, I mean, she was a virgin, she probably doesn't know how. You have to tell her what you want. Get a little dom with her and make her ride your dick until you get yours. Come on, man. Were you a virgin too?

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what's the dirt that you think is bad?

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I think op is kil

Lol u can guess
underage heh
dont care
shes jus manipulative, she be sending nudes to her ex n all that while we're supposed to be together, and she would tell people I like kids like she did to her ex,
bro i tried, im not a virgin, we did everything, I've came before with girls i HATE, jus at that point we already were in a bad spot but wanted to fuck and then i gave her more chances but yeah not even close

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we've talked ab cp cuz ik about that shit, but holy fuck does she kknow 10x more, she's listed off actors and shit to me and i only knew about cat goddess

tbh it sounds like she's gonna be breaking it off with YOU pretty soon here.

I think what I would do in this situation is just mentally check out. Use her as a fuck toy for free no-strings-attached sex while she's sticking around, make her dress kinky, maybe watch your weird CP together while you fuck. The "not cumming" thing sounds like something for you to figure out about yourself, honestly.

Just don't buy her shit, don't put effort into seeing her unless you're just getting together to hook up.

Eventually she'll either dump you for being boring, or she'll dump you for her ex. Either way, as long as you're not in to her (you don't seem to be) and totally mentally detached, it's just free sex until she leaves.

Hell, fuck other girls when you can get it.

Doesn't sound like a bad deal if you play it right.

Thats the thinng bro, I checked out emotionally/mentally a long time ago i think thats why i cant fucking cum with her
and i hope she leaves my damn life im only keeping her in it rn to try n blackmail her or sum so she wont say shit about me

tmr we'll have an opporutinity to hook up afterschool, im gon tryna finesse her like i always do, blindfold her get vids and then ill be good

Oh ok, I think I get the not-cumming thing. I used to need that emotional connection as well, although not anymore.

When I really didn't care about the girl, it helped to just get really rough with her, slapping, pulling hair, choking. The rush of "holy shit am I going too far" would make me cum whenever I wanted. Obviously make sure she's cool with this stuff, has to be 100% consensual of course. But give that a shot.

Definitely get vids so you have dirt on her too.

She swears she wants me to abuse her but then right as we're gonna fuck shes like "be gentle" cuz i usually am rough, like wtf? i swear ima jus rape this bitch

also Ive only had sex with a handful of girls so maybe Im not there yet

The "be gentle" thing is likely part of the play, like she wants you to ignore her request and fucking manhandle her.

Obviously don't stab her to death with your cock on the first thrust, ease in to it, but I say go for it.

oo im excited now, I hope I can get her to meet up w me tmr

I've never cared whether we did or not till rn

you can do it bro. cum balls deep in her and get her pregnant so you're fucked forever

wtf i use a condom

Since I helped can I get like one pic bro

lol is that maria I see?

She a year younger than me brutha

Handcuff her to her bed then go home, smoke a blunt, and play halo with your phone turned off

Are you sureee

Lmfao this would be funny asf but I would be scared her dad or sum would come kill me

Yes she’s 15 rn

Oh i didnt realize you were a pussy, i guess this is how it all started then huh?

Op how long have you 2 been together?

be a chad about it and find a REAL w*myn to cherish and fuck. even if you don't right away, it's still better than being the cuck in the back seat.

If anything her e boyfriend ex is the cuck hahaah he cried cuz he didn’t get to take her virginity bro
Nah I’m doing something better trust, that plan would work if I could be at her house but I can’t
We started talking in September

Post her nudes or ill do it for you

Go ahead if they’re actually her I’ll put up what I got

That doesn't answer anything lol

ur so epic gamer

What was ur question bro

Take this post and use it as proof that you're too retarded to even construct a sentence and so shes coercing you into this relationship as a vulnerable individual

Probably bro, I’m really vulnerable
How do I fix that

Where are you from op


Well, how did you meet this girl

I know her in person. From my school

You just gotta deal with it man. Break it off hard and quick. Deal with the drama she throws your way until she moves on.

In the future, be more honest and upfront with your intentions and ensure you two have similar goals in mind. Sex isn’t worth this shit, a lesson you clearly have yet to learn.

She lied about talking to her ex. That's where I would have bailed. Don't look back

What kinda dirt does she have on you?

Fr bro thank you
That is where I really broke it off but I wanted to at least fuck her one las time jus for the vid

Refer to

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Rule 1. Do not stick your dick in crazy. It always ends badly.

Well I always thought crazy pussy would be better but it really ain’t

Learn English before you try to speak it. Dumbass.

Based on your post you're a fucking idiot so I'm not going to help you one bit. I'm guessing you're a white boy trying to be a black boy. I already know I'm correct. Fucking die.

That’s crazy because no one asked

Violent fucks like you are why bitches get screwy in the head, maybe slap yourself you little shit they don’t want you smacking them.

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you need to be 18 to be here, so go make a reddit thread fag

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Wtf r u talking ab bro I have never hit her hahahah she always tells me she wants Me to though

beat her