Do you tape your webcam?

Do you tape your webcam?
If yes, why?

Attached: zuckcam.jpg (1200x630, 120K)

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No, I don't give a shit if people see me jack it. Go for it weirdo.
If you put the time and effort into getting into my system, you earned it.

I do, because I accidentally turned webcam on during webinar.

>time and effort

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I have linux..

>so I obviously cant afford a webcam

I taped a 7 year old Toshiba laptop because I bought a new computer 2 years ago. Still runs W7 and I only really use it for pirating, porn, script kiddy shit and streaming.
I need to wipe and reformat the drive soon because support for W7 is coming to a close. Don't want to buy W10 for it because I doubt it'll last too much longer. Was thinking of using a Linux distro for the fuck of it.

I love how stupid people think everyone is susceptible to being hacked by simply being on the internet.

We had a project manager in the nude on a webx

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Why, my laptop has a white light that turns on if it's activated. It's directly connected to the webcam power.

but say you actually did something with you're life and what about if they start trying to blackmail you down the road with the footage?

Because the NSA and others can probably turn that shit on without me knowing.

See this:

most laptops have a light directly connected to the webcam power supply. Only way of stopping that is to somehow physically bypass it by opening up the machine or to draw out the light with a sharpie

yes, because i drew out the light with a sharpie

No. I want hackers to see me beat my dick.

ROLLEYES, Its not stupid to think your cam can be hacked because it can.

I do it and its easy as fuck, theres SO MANY ways,

I can trick you into opening an RAT just by sending you a dodgy link desguised as an image.

I can hack your router if you are in my local area and have complete control of every PC on your network including all cameras on ohones and computers.

Once the router is compromised I have a permenant access to all devices on your network and nothing you do, changing any device or formating your computers will not help you.

I can setup a fake wireless AP and perform a MIM attack. Mimicking an existing one and you never realise I've even hacked you.


need I continue? Theres 100 other methods.

every new usb webcam I've had has been the same. the microphones though...

Because with the billions of computer users worldwide, spanning decades, not one computer nerd has been able to detect that technology present in the system? Someone could solder wires to duplicate webcam output and know beyond all doubt if it ever comes on. Yet not one whistle blower detecting this and posting it to the internet, where it'd spread like wildfire and be impossible to suppress. Dont be a tinfoil hat man

>cue 12 hour reel if me dancing to com truise doing hash pellet after hash pellet

yes, for the same reason i still visit this site.
i was told i should do it when i was 13

I can haxxor cuz I sed so and used scary sounding tech words and acronymzz.

Fuck off. My IP is
Im using a Windows 10 laptop with a webcam.
Hack me, cuntboy

Not sure about the possibility of someone remotely accessing my webcam, could happen, maybe not, but I tape it anyway. Why? I don't use it to begin with, so why even risk it?

Yeah, OK, but can you jam with console cowboys in cyberspace?!?

Attached: hackers.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Its almost 2020 and people still think an IP is private info...

We all know nothing's gonna happen. That other dude is just a fucking moron.

Even if it were possible to just turn on my fucking laptop webcam when I'm just sitting at home, I wouldn't give a jackshit. What will they see? Mostly nothing, and once in a while a dude jerking off, wow.

Nope. Attention whore so ..

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my parents told me when I was a kid to do so, bc of "muh hackers". i think it's reasonable enough, so I've left it taped since then, and always put the tape back on after using the webcam.

Zuckerberg did it, and I think somebody else who was very famoius (the Pope? Trump?).


I was on yahoo chat in the 90s when some dude in chat was bragging about what a hacker he was I called him a fag and said he wasn't shit ten seconds later my computer shutdown and my windows never booted again that was the day I stopped using windows.

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>extra t h i c c

Release it. We don't negotiate with incels

Everyone knows that the light spectrum-radioactive-heatseeking-magnetic spectrum cameras they secretly put in these things are easily able to see through tape

that was par for the course back then. IP's in chat rooms and irc in plain sight. Everyone on dialup and not behind a router. Shitty old windows that could be nuked by a script kiddie app by simply knowing the target's ip.
Shit isnt like that anymore.

Finally someone who gets it. I got one of those bs blackmail emails and called the guy a cuck then told him to share it everywhere.


Damn, I want it!

This they can literally use your wifi router to see you moving around inside your house and get a complete layout of your home.

Attached: AI-Sees-Through-Walls.jpg (900x506, 40K)

there you go
that's why you don't have to worry about your cam. why the fuck would anyone care about seeing you? (unless you're female perhaps) why woukd anyone who has the access to turn on your camera even bother when they could already potentially gain more from what you have saved on your computer.
you're not important enough.

how do you know if your webcam is hacked?

Blackmailing material. Have you never masturbated in front of your computer?

>still being ashamed of jacking off
Have you fucking looked around lately???

I had a virus or whatever and my computer slowed to a crawl. When I went digging around I found that the camera was running in the background and saving hours and hours of footage. It was mostly my face staring at my screen while I type. After that I decided it was better to be safe than sorry, and taped my webcam.

NIGGERS will tongue your ANUS

experienced this as well but i'd always taped my camera up. Was wondering why my computer had no more space and found several gigs of video and captures of nothing but black with a light dot in the corner. Took me a few minutes to realize it was my camera

You are a naive idiot if you feel this cant/doesnt happen. Your phone is super safe too.

Bruh share some hash with a com truise fan. Love that shit

Curious if the same people tape their phone cams

It can happen if youre dumb enough to get yourself infected. But you cant just say that guy over there with an ip I know.. Im gonna hack his webcam and spy on him. You're an idiot if you're saying it's that simple and possible

>Blackmailing material. Have you never masturbated in front of your computer?
have you?
hey everybody! anyone who's ever jerked their dingle or tickled their swamp in front of their computer raise your dirty hand!
>90% of the room raises their hand

unless you're famous, influential, or wealthy..... again. you're not important enough.
seriously, if I had access to your computer it'd make more sense to lock it down and ransom your shit or steal your entire online identity and sell it off to web brigades for 50 bucks.

putting tape on your cam is the last n of your concerns

nope i just leave mine in the living room

No not that simple but certainly possible. And I know it wasnt you but the people saying "if you arent famous you shouldnt care" are the true problem.

>I don't value my own privacy or personal information I have nothing to hide why care.


>I value my own privacy or personal information
>by covering muh webcam with tape.

that's kind of like putting foil over your windows without locking the windows as well.

closing the blinds is one of the simplest way to keep thieves from having a grasp of what you have inside.

but you don't seem like someone who's going to make a rational argument

so ur retards

The FBI watches you while you masturbate.

Kinda, and I'm not saying that is the best and only method to protect privacy. But it does help a tiny bit. And helps you stay security conscious. But thinking you are completely safe or that you arent important enough to spy on is a dangerous road. Better safe than sorry.

Use it as a TAILS machine, that's what I used my old laptop for and its awesome.

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I bet you think the tv has a camera in it too watching you watch tv.

keep putting tinfoil on your windows.
meanwhile I have a wall around my property

I remember watching this when I was a kid. I used to hate this show.

I tape my webcam because I don't want any state actors to get a positive ID on the user of the device. This is not a necessary precaution for everyone, I also removed the microphone and camera drivers, but in the scenario where they manage to install such drivers w/o my permission I would still be more protected than without the tape.

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>I bet you think the tv has a camera in it too watching you watch tv.
my TV does have a camera.

I also have a wall, fence and guns

you aren't special

This guy gets it. Tape is just a very small and admittedly not a very strong counter measure. But it is still a deterrent either way.

Watch out guys. This dudes wall is going to keep the hackers out.

Thanks god I don't use a gay notebooks and on my pc there are no webcams and microphones.

Because I don't need to have it untapped. Do You leave the lights of a room lit if You leave? Kinda the same thing -- I also disable its drivers (same with mic).

Hate to break it to you but many motherboards do have integrated mics

not the same thing at all

Unless you’re using a VPN every single time you connect to the Internet you’re not doing much good.

if it makes you FEEL better, go for it. obviously.

if you want to foil that hard then fucking foil hard or go home.
>even buying a laptop with a built in cam.
your foil is thin like a woman

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Mine is cheap af, so it don't

Listen you motherfucker

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>but muh tape will

Why do you tape your laptop but not your phone though?

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theres a reason zuck would cover his lmao, imagine the money someone would make for a vid of his tossing his rod?

Nobody gives a fuck about random nobodies tho, jesus paranoid big brother faggots

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Best reply in here

you seem personally insulted by peoples actions. Thats just sad

Not if you build it yourself

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My phone is 99% of time is in the pocket or in the drawer, nothing to see there

Trick question, I do tape my phone and use a mic lock

>most laptops have a light directly connected to the webcam power supply
you don't know how that light works
it isn't like when you turn on webcam that light is clipped on the camera, its physically 2 different things that you can turn on/off and you can google it to prove yourself wrong

if you're on windows it's as easy as changing registry entry (which isn't hard to program your malware to do)

>I got btfo'd so Imma switch to making it about you.

I give zero flights to moonfuckery what you do. tape your shit, put a bunch of tragic flower stickers, paint, or nothing. just saying that if you're worried about your damn webcam, of all fucking things, you're an idiot

just hit this button and you can disable the light

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they all are. people are just silly

I masturbate to them watching me.

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you are rarted

you seem to care a lot

knowing them they're probably masturbating to you masturbating to them watching you masturbate


Laptop frontcams aren't save anymore...
It's the Daedra, you see...

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as ahit as this thread is its less shit than porn and yellow reeeeeeeee

You built your own motherboard? You must be amazing at soldering chip sets and circuitry. Fucking moron

lmao k

so you come here and just angrily shitpost a "less shit" thread? do you just want it to be shit like everything else?

can you talk like a human being without sperging out over basic things?

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Whats the thing circled below it?

mic maybe?

The microphone. Arguably more important to disable than thr camera. But I dont think tape is enough

yea, you'll have unplug it

put tape over your mic and try recording
it's muffled quite a lot

Yeah it does reduce the effectiveness a lot with tape but you could still recover potential critical info from a muffled recording. Disabling the hardware is best

And miss out on some hilarious conversations in the future?

No thanks.