Does she deserve the hate she gets?

does she deserve the hate she gets?

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She deserves this

she deserves more.

No. We need to quadruple our efforts to shut her up.

fag why are you linking your shitty Parkinson camera videos

Yes she deserves the criticism

Yo fuck you faggots

No the fuck she does not, and quite frankly I don't give a fuck if she's just a mouthpiece or not.

Symbol of good in this world. Fuck you senile faggots.

No she doesn’t deserve the hate but she also doesn’t deserve the praise she gets either. She’s just a kid saying shit that adults have been saying for years but for some reason people pay attention when it’s autistic teenager. Only thing that really pisses me off about her is that she whines her childhood was stolen and that cuz of climate change she doesn’t have to go to school. The kid has a better life than most of us. Touring the world, meeting celebs and world leaders, becoming tragic

She’s a symbol of good? No she’s a symbol of someone pointing and bitching at a problem. You know kinda like a child would

Yeah this little Soros puppet is a shit stain

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>deserves hate
Pick one.

overall she is spreading important information that most people ignored before and only care because of her age and her relatableness etc. either way the planet is fucked eventually no matter what happens. be that in a century or in a millennium it's inevitable

Why isn't she in school learning things like how to avoid being your parents puppet? Someone needs to rape and beat her so she knows how it really feels to having your childhood stolen.

Fuck you cum dumpster,keep your cock holster shut with your dick in your ass self.

shes just a puppet for the corporations and manipulated by her fathers, they are using her to make money, and now theyre going to use her sister for some feminazi movement too. its all bullshit

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This is just parroted rhetoric leftover from the wallstreet protests. She's on the world stage informing people on dire matters.

A fuckin child might have trouble discerning this though. Faggot.

I agree with everything except
>inevitably fucked
So we just gonna speed that up? I don't wanna throw my arms up in the air dude

Yo nigger that's some quality retard word salad you got there, quit sperging

i won't act like i know much about climate change but it comes down to large corporations more than individuals does it not? still i reduce my impact on the environment but i feel like the other people who don't bother probably make anything i do pointless

still we are already seeing positive yet small changes already so idk

I love how shes going to be Time's person of the year and literally nothing will happen on the climate change front. Here's your award for being neat!

Hey, Goy...I mean, guy. No it does not. It is up to us the individuals. That's why you should sterilize yourself and eat the bugs. Be quick about it and you might win a trip to Isreal(our greatest ally)!

An uninformed public vote government officials with willful ignorance towards science into office

An uninformed public keeps people buying Nestle products despite their companies child slave labor and ecosystem destroying manufacturing/disposal practices

It's all part in parcel

>Do not feed the troll.

no. she's just a retard kid, high on herself and being used by unscrupulous corporations to cash in on the current green-wave.
>her 15 minutes of fame are almost up

>Do not feed the troll.

No. She will be seen as a heroine in the future, if there is any.

There's no real hate against her, that's just excuse for her supporters to use for when they're criticised. The hate is directed at the shitty people behind her

she doesn't deserve the hate nor the attention.

Her parents should be kicked in the balls for letting her do whatever she wants.

>does she deserve
Abslolutely deserves, drama queen

She herself admits the attention she got is absurd. Now this. It's not fake.

She isn't sponsored, isn't backed up by some dark forces. She's just a little girl with a mission.

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Lol @ bait

She is brave and is only looking out for our best interests. The planet needs our help. We all dont want to live in a toxic dump.

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No, and she does not deserve anywhere close the attention she gets. If people would stop actively hating her then she will slowly become irrelevant again.

>She's on the world stage
No shes not. She hasnt stepped foot in any Asian,African or South American countries where they have no limits on emissions and trash flows freely through the streets and main waterways. Her handlers are playing it safe. Ill start to support her when she shows up in N. Korea and bitches at Kim for blowing nukes up in his country and all over the Pacific Ocean or goes to India and yells at them about their pollution problem.

No. Her handlers do, though.

All females are thots, prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

Just scream "I'm an incel!!" as loud as you can

Dubs of truth, check em

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Yes. This.

I think it’s hilarious the amount of negativity this girl is getting from people. The same people who don’t have a quarter of the passion or conviction about anything in their lives, let alone anything that would make a positive contribution to the world. Just another reason for people to bitch and complain. Smh.

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Fuck off with this shit.
There isn't one thing you can write that hasn't been already written.

No !

..... nobody deserves "hate" unless they did really heinous things to somebody who had done nothing wrong.

Greta Thunberg is doing the best she can to ensur ethe viability of future generations of our children.

She deserves whatever plaudits she receives.

There is no hate.
I have seen a lot of threads asking WWYD to her sexually.
But you stir the pot and faggots will rise to the top.
Expect it but don't get butt hurt about it.

You can "smh" all you want but you're talking out . your ass. You don't know these people or what they're thinking/doing. Dumbass 14 YO bullshit.

You don't say.

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This is how retarded the leftists have gotten:

More like misinformation

Nothing Time does surprises me anymore.

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Hate no. Mockery? AAAALL of it and then some.

> be Greta Thunberg
> watching you
> should be back in school.jpg
> How dare you!
> you stole her dreams and her childhood with your empty words
> People are suffering
> People are dying
> Entire ecosystems are collapsing
> How dare you!

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Greta ,get your ass back in school and quit being truant

> Be me
> Be poorfag thirdworlder
> Working hard to make my life more 1stworldish
> Greta Dumberg HowDaresMe because I increase carbon footprint

Can we get her a one way trip to the middle of Zimbabwe? I'm sure the people starving there could use the protein.

I think so, otherwise she wouldn't be hated

What did she mean by this?

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> Be Greta Thumberg
> Realize that I'll never have as comfy or wasteful life as my forebears
> How DARE YOU ruin the planet I was supposed to ruin!

It's nigerian for either climate or clitoris.


I want to make her mad by eating a steak in front of her and tease her about how much farmland, water and chemicals were needed to grow the meat. I want to watch her little Swedish eyes getting teary as I explain to her that no matter how much she protests, the TecnoCapital will always win, and i want to watch her lips tremble with anger when I explain that industrialization is vital for the TecnoCapital to reach the Stars. I want to see her break down in tears when she realizes that the TecnoCapital will abolish Mankind if necessary for the survival of itself.
I want to approach her and comfort her, telling her that her movement is a farce and her voice is used. I want to watch her right in those little Swedish eyes and tell her I love her, despite her being a reactionary. I want to kiss her watching her surprised look. I want to slowly undress her little Swedish body. I want to caress her virginal white skin. I want to kiss her neck and smell her auburn braids.
As i undress too, I want her breating to go heavy. I want her to gasp when she sees my throbbing cock, and I want her to reach for it.
I want her to frow when she smells the crude oil I smeared all over it. I want her to protest as I stick it in her angry Swedish throat. I want her to hate and love every thrust. I want her to gag as i fuck her face. I want to cum while going all in, choking her with my dirty cock.
I wouldn't give her a single moment, as I want to rip her panties and penetrate her virgin pussy. I want her to feel loved, humiliated, used, and polluted. I want her to feel pain as I rip her hymen, and I want her to feel pleasure as I touch her aroused clit.
I want her to moan, to cry and to beg me to not stop. I want to hear her orgasm and I want to cum all over her little body. I want her to lick clean my cock from all the oil and sperm. I want her to say she wants to get polluted again and again and again.

If you use a retarded child as a shield and no one does anything, you tell other people it's a good tactic to use a retarded child as a shield. Therefore more retarded children being used as shields.

Who's the girl on the left?

The smarter of the two.

Hate? No, she is just a child. Critisism, yes.

> assuming she actually cares about what her minders are forcing her to say

low quality bait >

youre mum



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Ha ha ha ha

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OH man. It's almost like time magazine is a business that reflects the general publics opinion and panders to them so it can sell more magazines.

But thats insane.

my love for her solely can overcome the hate of the entire world. many true hearted people were hated and persecuted throughout history. might just mean she's at the right path.

>when she shows up in N. Korea
>shows up in N. Korea
>N. Korea

You're either an elegant troll or pretty damn smart in some things but retarded in others

Either way you're a faggot

Yes, fuck the stupid autistic bitch.

but i thought nigs didnt like trannies

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Shes a propaganda tool, not a person.
Hating a character is moronic.

> Individual countries pollution doesn't affect other countries

How woke of you, retarded faggot.

Bullshit, she'll be a future president of United states. She'd have my vote.

Show me her ass and i will have an opinion!

Never happen.

Trolls trolling, can you hear them? In the threads, bullshit is glis’ning!

No. But she also doesn't really apply anything meaningful other than slight discourse. Not really award worthy

No faggot I was actually mad

Sup Forums is wrong about shit sometimes, and these spammed Greta hate threads make me suspicious.

Does it sound like Sup Forums? Sure. Do I think this many threads, or threads posted at this pace sounds like Sup Forums? Nope.


Are you being retarded on purpose?

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Listen chucklefuck it's not a narrow mind so much as it's actually bone afield fucking retarded to think Greta can walk into North Korea

Babysteps faggot

Watch and see.

No one deserves hate. Greta is just a stupid bitch being used to push the hoax climate crisis scam.
It's hard to tell if she actually believes the crap that comes out of her mouth or if she's been paid to push this.

No dude, it's the dark forces and she's been trained for a mission.. or something?

Were you even listening at all?

When is someone gonna kill her and her parents?

>No one deserves hate. Greta is just a stupid bitch

anyone with that many social media followers is paid pretty well before any other stuff she gets

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She's got a lot of enablers around her.

If she sands up to Winnie the Pooh... then I will give her respect. Until then she is just a 15 minuter that is a contradiction.

Sup Forums can still go too far. And often does.

Please leave

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