Anons, I need your help

Anons, I need your help
I'm 18 (legal, fuck you.) and a senior in highschool who just moved across the country. I'm having a hard time making new friends. Where do I start?

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Homeless shelter

I will be the hobo king.

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Walk up to people you think look pretty cool and say "Hey wanna be friends?"

Go out at 1 a.m then scream "I want friends" but EXACTLY 5 minutes. Thank me later

I thought about doing things like that, but I thought about it and if somebody approached me where I used to live and said something like that I'd probably brush them off

have you tried being that guy with the mints?

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I haven't tried being the mint man, no

You should unironically ask advice for advice.
But with the time you're working with, it's probably borderline impossible unless somebody finds a good reason to like you or approach you.

So don't stress too much about your literal last year of HS.
You'll meet a million new people working jobs.

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you should

I still have another 6 months ahead of me though, which is really hard to bear without anyone to talk to. Some kid I met last week smiled at me in the halls the other day and it legit made my whole week. You don't realize how much you need other people until you don't have other people.

not the worst idea, honestly maybe I'll just become the mint man

be the best mint man you can be user
i believe in you

Thank you user

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Best ways to make friends: school, work, hobbies/past-times, passions, careers

Example of each: goto school you bum, get a job you bum, a lot of people I climb with want my number or to go again together but I'm a weirdo and trying to stay sober and need to concentrate on myself.. but I do like them, I train in mma and anyone I meet training or simply has knowledge/ interest.. I usually hit it off with

..or just do as I used to: do all the alcohol and drink all the drugs and become life of any social setting, have sloppy unprotected sex, get women pregnant, borderline ruin your life, but always finesse with plan b/abortion

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Oya, and if you want to try the latter, remember: you will always be suicidal, you will often be in danger, and every night is a close brush with death/prison

Scream nigger in public places. Everyone will obviously look at you as the alpha and follow.

Kill yourself it'll get everyones attention

I'm having trouble getting into to social setting in the first place

the best advice on this thread

I just gave you prime examples dickhead, duck you're dumb, I'd hate to be the person you're trying to become friends with

GO OUT, BE YOURSELF, AND DO THINGS.. stop crying on Sup Forums about how you're not doing anything

1. Pretend to be retarded
3. Profit!