YLYL my fellow netizens

YLYL my fellow netizens

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Hardy har har kek lel top nozzle funny user.

First for fuck niggers, kikes and jannies LOL

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Greta wants to make sure the only stinky air is her stinky feet! Hahaha

reply or mom die

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>implying we had first Holocaust
user, I...

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What's this? Is this thread sliding on the Sup Forums side?

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Go back to Facebook kid

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Get cancer.

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i actually thought harambe was some black dude that got shot and the internet made fun of him by calling him a gorilla. months later i learned the truth

>Did not put the dot between board and ddns
>try it 15 times with direct/indirect
>see the dot in the pic
>literally feeling a chromosome twisting itself

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samefag cringe

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literal newfag


Who is this

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Is this an example of someone literally burning coal and paying a toll?

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What an entitled cunt, lol.

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Do you mean to say she got cancer from a nigger?

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Lost to this

Top keks, boys. Well done.

No I was joking, like coal when burnt can cause lung cancer. Or whatevers funniest.

These are my first devil trips.

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Just wanted to know if I was missing a second meaning for that saying, thanks.

How's the censorship going so far? Is it to your and your employer liking?

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what about the pyramids, you fucking idiot

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Hmmmm...who think...was him...?

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Checked. And what ABOUT the Pyramids?

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>big triangle houses were made by noggs.
Hello retard

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Is ironic that those mausoleum were probably built by slaves

Sup Forums is Sup Forums's retarded cousin, that Sup Forums holds hope for

>not knowing what 2500 years of decay would do
>calling eqyptians noggs
also original pic seems to imply romans were "european"
the eqyptians didn't have slaves until around the time of the Ptolemy reign

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Fuck i wish you people could meme. None of those things are said in defence of drumph you absolutle simpleton. Those are things he attacks.

Are you implying the Romans weren't European? Lmao

Holy fuck this is real

Yeah, because the term is modern terminology. Did you know Greeks are more closely related to various groups in the Levant, a region that is considered Middle Eastern as defined by colonial powers in the 1800s/1900s? Funny how the Western World wants to claim a culture from things they have little relation to.

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>relying on slaves instead of skilled artisans to construct the most beautiful buildings on earth
Whew lad

He dummy thicc

>what is a continent
Holy hell user, that will do it for me, that's it.

So Egyptians invented slavery is what you're saying.

>Greek culture is Middle Eastern culture
Fuck off nerd, you're not as smart as you think you are

>what is the mediterranean
>what is mesopotamia
you think the continent of europe was a thing back then?

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If skilled artesans built the pyramids they'd still be in progress you twatwaffle.

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Yeah it is, the only reason the rest of the Middle East didn't fully embrace it was because Alexander didn't have a successor. From that Rome merely copied the Greek culture and the Roman Empire allowed its expanse.
Ptolemy was an officer of Alexander the Great. It was more or less introduced by the Greeks.

Cease this faggotry.

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No u

Genetics isnt the question you fucking idiot. Culturally and geographically the west, or Europe, is descended from hellenic and latin societies. It also isnt modern terminology. Did the peoples of that era see themselves collectively as "europeans"? No, probably not.
Europe comes from Europa. You should be able to educate yourself on that more with that information.
Surely you are not so poorly educated that you dont know european civilization is descended from and related to ancient Greece and Rome, right?

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So the Middle East now has its own culture outside and separate of that which the Greeks have is what you're saying.

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