What is your favorite gas station meal?

What is your favorite gas station meal?

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egg sandwich

>sugar free
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>I leave the house

Roller food and shame

> 7-eleven
Bahama mama sausage with onions, jalapeno, and mustard
barbeque potato chips

gotta go with cardboard pizza that's been under the heatlamp for hours + a full throttle...

Or taquitos and a mountain dew voltage.

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carb consciousness is important, fat ass.

i only eat from a gas station while on the road or a last result. usually either almonds, pistachios, walnuts, or some sort of jerky or chicharrons. maybe a hotdog if they look like they havent been spinning for the last 3 weeks.

chocolate milk and a pie

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That sounds goood

Cornnuts and a 5 hour energy.

road meals are always a fun challenge. recently i won major points with my gf while on vacation for bringing her one of those grape and cheese bowls that some gas stations sell when she was hungover.

Dr pepper and bag of jack links

We get that but with melons, too.

real tip, from someone who lives in a certain state where being on the highway between cities is inevitable (if you know what im talking about, you know exactly where)

stop in the gas stations for food in the nice part of town. if you see a hobo or a crackhead or tons of garbage on the side road, just keep driving. the food will be 1000% better.

cracker combos > pretzel combos

it's amazing man. I have to stop myself from eating it more than once a month.


okay good luck with your 250% markup on beer that you could get for half the price at a grocery store.

Why do you give out the most broad/vague explanation for where you live but act as if it's some sort of experience special to your own state? Also why are you scared to just say what state? And do you think your obvious no-shit advice is somehow helpful?

What does that set you back?

God tier

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because there is more than one state where that is a fact of life, faggot.

not my problem you live in the hundrums somewhere in iowa

Dunno about your shit country, but I get 4 cans of 9% Polish beer for £5 at my local garage.

Good job on not answering any of my questions and making another dumbshit post

Usually something with chocolate so like a Snickers, twix, kit Kat, etc. If I feel like spicing things up I might get something fruity so some sour Skittles.
>Hot chips
I usually go for lime flavored hot Cheetos or takis, but if I'm not in the mood for intense flavor and just want something more down tempo I'll have something cheesy like sour cream and chedder chips or some regular Cheetos
>Greentea Arizona or white 0 cal monster
Arizona to quench my thirst but 0 cal monster for dat energy

thanks i did do a good job

a bit less than $10. i live and Utah and buy a 22 oz local beer so it costs more than a 12 oz bottle.

if its there this is what i usually get

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nos, takis

Arizona Tea (any flavor)
Chipotle Ranch Cheetos


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I haven't had those fritos in such a long time

they go so well with white trashy beer.

Pepperoni pizza Combos and an orange kickstart

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replace that edgelord rockstar with a red bull, then make those combos the blue cheese & hot wings flavor, then yeah

pic related

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