Ask a real doctor anything you want to know

Ask a real doctor anything you want to know

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How's all that debt, you fuck?

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Should infant boys be circumcised?

Where im from college is free so i have no debt

There is actual science that proves it decreases the chances to get aids, stds or penis cancer, that being said i dont think so, if they want to they can decide that from themselves

Is fapping to traps gay?

Yes and thats ok

what are the strangest things you encountered in your career

Hey doc, why did my wife leave me?

It is hard to pinpoint just one, there was a man that was brought by his wife after having sex with a pig, he had a perforated colon

And there was this one where a patient had to have a colostomy after a surgery and it was scheduled for her to had it corrected after 2 months but she never came back for the surgery..
After some years we found out she never had it corrected because her husband.. er.. liked it

Im not a therapist but i imagine you are in a better position to answer that than i am

Surprised there isnt any colostomy porn on Sup Forums

hey doc,i was supposed to wear this for few weeks but i took it off cause it was making me uncomfortable what you think of my decision?was it dumb?was it fine?will there be any consequences?

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Medically pseaking what happens to someone after they eat feces? DO they die?

Nyeeeeh..What's up doc?

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What was your injury? And how long have you actually worn it for?
Your decision was dumb

If they eat their own feces? Nothing really. If you eat someone else it cant transmit diseases but no real danger just from the feces.
You eat more fecal matter than you think

Is it safe to eat ass?


See ; some diseases but probably less than actual sex. If you like it go nuts

this time just fell on stairs but back a few years ago i got hit by a car and didnt go to a hospital cause i was going somewhere and the pain was similar and lasted for the same amount of time

Its probably nothing major though, dont do exercise and rest the limb.

you're right doc,thanks

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How do you feel about the current health care system? E.g.: getting in huge debts just to get healthy.

Your healthcare system doesnt make much sense, the system knows people will accept any price to get rid of cancer, and will charge accordingly, you pay at least double for the same care people get in other countries..
The people who make the money are the hospitals and the insurence companies.. you should address that

can I reuse a bloody catheter?

You shouldnt but if it is your own blood and you use it in yourself the worse thing that can happen endocarditis, a deadly heart valve infection