Where do you other Sup Forumstards work?

Where do you other Sup Forumstards work?

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Thank you

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At home, frelancer

I work at a bank and right now it's the most stressful time of the year. The job itself is not that strenuous, but dealing with all of the overwhelming shit that can come through the door can be a bit much after a while.
>people getting holiday money for gifts
>loved ones pass away, forcing others to become POAs/PODs
>people can't pay their loans/bills

Uncle Sam is an asshole and I cannot fucking wait until I finish getting my Broadcasting degree so I can quit working at this fuckhole.

nowhere. 38 years young. i can barely sit up and no i'm not fat lmao i'm literally disabled as fuck.

I work for an organization that fights hate speech and white supremacy

Family-owned convenience store chain in Colorado. I’m a territory manager with 11 stores.


so.....Finish Line or Champs?


Work on an ambulance full time, but I just got promoted to work on an intercept truck where I'll respond to EMTs whose patients crash on them

JHU/Applied Physics Labratory

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Ad agency that does almost all of the world's B2B food marketing

Weapons testing range at Aberporth, UK

labourer for a local Trady in NSW, Australia.

Waiter at a Burger Restaurant. Fucking tired of my snowflake bitch coworkers.
I’m the only guy besides the cook.
Also, why did OP not include salary?
I’ll start.
I make about it $10 an hour plus tips.

Fuel farm.
$44K + per year

I work at a family owned vet clinic in Denver

Inpatient pharmacy at a shit hospital where no one cares about patients, stay healthy user, stay fucking healthy

City Letter Carrier. I work a lot, but I make an insane amount of money.

I'm the branch manager of a sales office, selling industrial valves for refineries and chemical plants. Small locally owned place.

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I'm a music teacher.


I work at Applebee's lol, I'm GU

Work for a big tech company.

I work in america. I get to use my white privilege to lynch niggers for a living.

What a soul sucking job, I feel bad for you user

It's private lessons, not school classes, so it's not so bad. My students seem to like me.

Working with children is aids

>"private" lessons
>My students seem to like me

Ok, there bud

Walmart asm #4108 elm springs arkansas

Now that's a truly soul sucking job. At least youre not a csm

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Checked. In an office. Production manager for vinyl records

Many of my students are actually adults.
lol the parents often wait outside the room, and the door is glass, you perv

Nice digits Farmer Satan

>you perv
I think you're the perv. I was just quoting you

Working as a Carpenter in Canada. I kinda like it.


I work at your mom's vagina.

Pic related.

Attached: Vag_'o'_Doom.jpg (750x600, 45K)

I do railroad stuff. It's alright I guess.

Chef at wendy's

You were framing my words in a perverted way.

hang tough

Phhhffffttttt...... nonsense.

Bmw parts counter monkey

Poa pod?

Like dead nigger storage?

casino dealer

Just stop replying to him, jesus


Yeah when I'm in between jobs I go looking for free junk to in my free time too user, good exercise and gets me out of the house, and learning more Street smarts blah blah

Going to the unemployment office tomorrow morning for the first time in my life, do you guys have any experience or know what to expect with that place?

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I.A.T.S.E. Stagehand.
$47.18 an hour.

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Fuck csms haha

Go to sleep pecko

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Freelance IT/Web Developer...
Going through slow period right now.
I.E. , SoCal

I design valves and slips for refinery work. Mostly. I design other shit too. Mostly manufacturing machinery and parts, molds, etc. Lots of fucking valves slips though.

I do government stuff.

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I’m not a complete failure so not Applebee’s

>that golden brown honey mussie

>not honey dill sauce

MA teacher, we had a two hour delay today because of snow so that was okay

FedEx package handler.
Make a lot of money for short hours.
Got strong.
Lost 20 lbs in 2 months, since I burn through around 5k calories per part time shift day.

I work for an engineering firm in Denver

What is this??

Game developer the internet fucking hates.

Wal-Mart department manager

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I sit in a chair. My job is hard.



It's superior to honey mustard and honey mustard is quite tasty.

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I’m really sorry but it’s not better. Why would I dip my golden nugz in smashed up pickles and pepper? This doesn’t make any sense and I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Have a good day though and please don’t respond back. I was being sarcastic when i used a question mark after “pickles”.

Not the one who posted but looks to be concrete finishing

yo electricity really be doing that? damn

When shit goes wrong. Yep

damn that's like, quacking crazy yo!
do they fish airplanes with that?

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>pickles and pepper
The ingredients are dill, honey and mayo. No pickles, no pepper. I'll reply to whomever I like.

you wish


I have no work experience in the U.S, I just got my ID and my ssn. What would be a good first job? I've applied at several companies but no response.

Fuck you, cap your bins

Not only did I cap my bins my guy, I got price changes and section work done. Didn't have a truck last night. Fuck the clearance ammo though. Fucked my day up.

gonna be putting in 60 hours this week and next so I can take the last 2 weeks of the year off.

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skills? degrees?

My parents are rich Jews, I don't work.

Engineer at F500

gets boring at times but pretty comfy

post circumcision skin bridge Chaim

Local government

I work in an office. It's journalism, so it has some excitement potential, but yes, it can be really boring at work, sometimes.


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>waiter at Olive Garden during evenings/on weekends

About $15/hr on weeknights, anywhere from $15-50/hr on weekends and Fridays.

>Substitute teaching (until a better spot opens up in my district) Monday-Friday

$70 per day, for 6.5 hours of work, (and 0.5 hr unpaid break, during which I usually end up working.) Barely above the Massachusetts minimum wage, but substitute teaching is a joke.

My parents are rich Jews and I work my ass off every single day, barely making ends meet. (I'm the Olive Garden/teacher guy.) Can we trade parents?

professional faggot
i get paid in cocks