What the fuck is wrong with me?

What the fuck is wrong with me?

My brain is almost always foggy, I can't gather complicated thoughts, have been having trouble keeping my balance lately, and I stutter for no reason. Am I dying?

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You should go to a doctor.


In your opinion, do you get enough sleep? My buddy is 25 and has similar symptoms, come to find out it’s sleep apnea. I would see a doctor.

op not to startle you but that definitely sounds dangerous.

is this all the time? im addicted to caffeine and get that way when i havent had my morning and afternoon coffee

It would probably take a month+ to go see one with the insurance I have right now.

I get around 5 1/2 - 6 hours of sleep nightly. I'm only 21. I don't know about sleep apnea but I do constantly have a stuffy nose that I've never gotten diagnosed. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

Not all the time, every now and again it gets really intense. Today I was having trouble walking straight every now and again along with some weird brain fog.

Does your insurance have no system in place for cases like this?

Stop smoking weed retard

Same here but I’m a raging alcoholic

It’s worth it

Sounds like a migraine. Afaik not dangerous but annoying.

Still go to a doctor in case it is something worse. Symptoms like that can be caused by a lot of things and not all of them are harmless.

jealous. wish i was dying.

probably a stroke or few

emergency room usually
if he's American anyway

I don't know enough about your lifestyle to tell. you need to see a doctor.
maybe if you drink/smoke weed this is the problem?
perhaps you are depressed?
are you experiencing a lot of stress?

I am 18 and I have the same symptoms. Do you feel like NPC sometimes?

Carbon monoxide poisoning probably.


Doctor will be able to help. Even if it's just by telling you what's wrong.

Sounds like symptoms of a brain tumor.

Go get an MRI scan on your brain. It could be nothing but it's best to get it checked out. How often does this happen? what is your sleep schedule like? tell me about your diet. Do you exercise much?

Not the most likely reason but totally possible.

Get yourself checked out op.

Don't listen to this scare mongerer, get it checked out first before you start having anxiety. People like this love to jump to conclusion about things, either that or he's trying to bait you.

Got the same issues as well as this tingling numb kind of sensation that I sometimes get in my head. It's not very cool, huh? Got anxiety/depression etc, so that might be the same for you. You're probably not dying, but you're probably not well either.

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Brain tumor probably.

Nothing is wrong op


if you're under intense psychological stress, this can happen. I just went through it. I thought it was from smoking weed 4 times, but no, I've ruled out it was from stress at work, and being terrified of people there

If only you lived in a country with sane healthcare.
Ausfag here, since I'm low income I have a card that makes 50% of doctor's appointments free and the rest ~$40.
That being said go see a fucking doctor OP.

Check your blood sugar.

I don't think it's anything too serious. I'm probably just tired/under some stress. But it's very fucking annoying.

Prion disease?

More sleep. sleep is good for the dome. And make sure you eat good.

Brain cloud.

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Go get a glucose test

Nerve gas

could be a celiac

We don't really know all that much about brain fog. Everyone gets it at some point in their life. We think that there might be a correlation between brain fog and anxiety, lack of sleep, and other factors that could be genetic or environmental.

Maybe you've suffered some sort of stroke?

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YOU HAVE VERTIGO. I had it real chronically until I had a doctor that cared enough to figure me out. Ended up being because my sinuses grew weirdly on one side of my head, but that was a special case.

Most normal cases of vertigo are diagnosable by a good ENT doctor, especially if you can get one that specializes in ears and inner ears.

I sincerely hope you read this and seek help, you can totally fix your vertigo unless it was caused by a concussion, but even then you can slowly treat it and get back to being yourself.

The reason your brain is foggy is because your brain is sending extra power and attention to balancing because it’s realizing it cannot currently do that very well. This leaves the rest of your brain sort of dull.

I wanted to die if my vertigo was going to continue forever, I couldn’t work, drive, eat, think. It was awful. It wasn’t even until the 3rd ENT Doctor I went to that someone even believed me or cared enough to fix it.

Will try to stay in this thread and help you user, vertigo sucks. I sincerely hope you find a way to fix it.


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How much pot do you smoke?

Some more information and I hope OP is still here:

You won’t find enough info on the web yourself if it IS vertigo - and it sounds EXACTLY like the symptoms of bad vertigo. So you truly need to find a good doctor that will not stop until you’re cured. Don’t take no for an answer from docs, some of them are too lazy to truly help you.

If you stretch the right side of your neck, does it hurt more than stretching your left side?

One ear could be locked up by muscle tension and could be not transmitting all the balance signal it needs to to your brain.

If that’s the case, start stretching and work on your posture. Definitely also try out some of the basic vertigo fixes for Meinegers Disease and labyrinthitis.

Again, hope you get the help you need for it. I quit jerking off immedietly when I saw this post because having vertigo was hell for me and I can’t even imagine having it ever again.

Fuck how much it costs, go see a doctor. If you have the choices of living in heaps of medical debt and being alive, or living like shit and having vertigo forever, choose the one with medical debt.

too much sugar

Stop drinking every day.

Agreed, OP if you are a heavy drinker it could be contributing to your vertigo.

>I quit jerking off immedietly when I saw this post
bless you user

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Looked up the book itp and learned some stuff I didn't know I wanted to learn. Good post/10 and thonk

I used to be like this all the time, user I'd suggest you first check up with the doctors in-case it is medically related.
It could be caused by stress, dehydration, lack of sleep or not getting enough much needed protein in your diet.
How I fixed my problem "for me" is that I started drinking MUCH more water, some illnesses can cause faster dehydration as it is in my case.

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you caught the gay

Soo...nice one Elon...!

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Or you know.. it's also the symptoms of a sinus infection, sensory overload and also lack of sleep.

I get OPs systems whenever I sit at work. I thought I was going fucking insane, but then I was sent off for a week long work trip. Took a few days off after returning and my head cleared right the fuck up.

The first 2 hours back in the office i got the symptoms again. Figured out it's all the damn fluorescents in that shit hole. They're bright as hell, combine that with staring at a computer screen all day and I usually have 1 ear phone in listening to music. Boom, sensory overload.

I negate it by having both earphones in to drown out office noise with my music, look away from the screen more often. I still get fucked up brain fog, but not as bad and it disappears after I leave. Shit sucks.

came back to the thread just to reply to this and to tell you that I read it, user. will keep the advice in mind and will focus on my posture more. not sure if I want to land myself a shit load of medical debt but like I said I hear what you're saying. I hope you have a good nut.

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Choke on some Alpha GPC and ALL of the brain fog will vanish