Fuck EPA and fuck environmentalists

Fuck EPA and fuck environmentalists.
Good refrigerants, which are safe and non-flammable? Fucking banned because 'muh ozone layer'. Now we have to deal with R134A, which fucking leaks and clogs everything, R600a which is basically isobutane, and fucking R410a which has insane high pressures.
>Meanwhile, Chang still manufacture R12, R11, R143a and R22 gas and use it, sometimes even as propellant. Both of them have no clue about freon recovery machine.
Good glue? Fuck you, Toluene is illegal because 'muh junkies get high of it'.
>Meanwhile Boris sniffs 646 thinner that is 50% toluene
Good paint? No, fuck you, paint thinner is bad for you and you must use fucking cum dissolved in water, which fucks up wood and shit.
>Meanwhile Dmitri paints his ceiling with nice thinner based paint that will last for ages.
Good fireproof siding? No, fuck you, asbestos are bad for you, fiberglass dust is so much better for you.
>Meanwhile couple Mexican contractors work with asbestos without any PPE for 50+ years.
Good solder for electronics? No, fuck you, you must have tin wishers blowing up your IC, because lead is bad for you.
>Meanwhile Jamal dumps car battery on the side of the road.
Want good shopping bag that won't rip on ya? No, fuck you, use that shitty reusable plastic bag that barely outlasts classic one, while being 10 times more expensive.
>Meanwhile Pajeet and Pablo dump their plastic trash in the ocean.

With such bans first world will enter stone age again, where you have houses made out of cow shit and sticks.
>Meanwhile, India, Russia and Ghana will become super power by 2020.

Attached: asbestoswithpenny.jpg (468x283, 90K)

well, soon the passion for cars and guns will dissolve because
>Michael revvs his civic too loud
Having fun? no fuck you 1000$ fine from California PD for making a noise louder than 80 decibles at 7 PM

Meanwhile Pablo in apartment above you uses shitty hammer drill (not even rotary hammer) to make a 10 cm hole in concrete at 4:00AM, and Police can't do anything about it.

600 and 290 is the only thing used in small plugin units here, no problem with that they work like a charm i even installed 4 big water chillers with 2,6kg butane each just recently. r410 does not have anywhere near high pressures and is being phased out for r32. no one use anything but co2/r744 on bigger stuff anyway. the days of r12, 22, 404 even 134 are gone and i wont miss them at all. too bad if chinks still stick to their stoneage technology.

> no problem with that they work like a charm i even installed
Until chink that made that AC forgot to braze the line, or install tubing to prevent rubbing... Flick a switch and shit will go off.
>out for r32.
Which is fucking flammable and has pressures even higher than R410a.
I tried burning it, and it will etch glass. Based europoors protecting environment, not people.
>no one use anything but co2/r744 on bigger stuff anyway.
Ammonia, not CO2. CO2 is rarely used in reality, because pressures are too fucking high. Nobody wants 80 bars, you know...
> the days of r12, 22, 404 even 134 are gone and i wont miss them at all.
Yeah, days when refrigerants were so good they lasted for 80 years are gone, now you have R134a which will decompose in 15 years clogging every orifice possible

I clogged your mom's orifices

Attached: 41wNpong6zL._SY355_.jpg (342x355, 23K)

How could you clog hole that big?

I think we both know the answer to that question

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no, actual fucking C O 2, its the shit here and has been since mid 2000. get updsted. combustible refrigerants isnt a problem they are limited to 150gram charge and a leak from them wont do shit. over that you need air tight ventilated cabinets and stuff.

150 grams is like half of butane can. This will explode, or at least cause fire.

are you worried about driving around with an almost empty gas tank? thats a much bigger bomb...

>are you worried about driving around with an almost empty gas tank?
Diesel. Barely ignites. Fuck gasoline, I was repairing last time a fuel pump, and I accidentally a spark to chassis. I crapped my pants.


holy fuck the level of autism in this post

did you eat paint with lead in it while growing up???
consider eating some arsenic green paint next.

>Fuck gasoline, I was repairing last time a fuel pump, and I accidentally a spark to chassis. I crapped my pants.

Attached: Edgar-human_SS_01.jpg (638x630, 209K)

>arsenic green paint next.
Arsenic dental treatment. This is how you kill nerves.
>did you eat paint with lead in it while growing up???
No, casting lead from batteries.

Attached: 2019-02-06 00.42.26.png (494x490, 280K)

Static electricity. Literally nobody tells you that you should ground yourself to the car with a fucking strap.

>I was repairing last time a fuel pump

Yes. Tank was drained (at least I though it was), but not empty enough, and when I removed lid, which is hidden behind rear seats, I accidentally discharged to metal and got fireball of fucking benzine in my face.


>Yes. Tank was drained (at least I though it was), but not empty enough, and when I removed lid, which is hidden behind rear seats, I accidentally discharged to metal and got fireball of fucking benzine in my face

fuck it. I can't figure out what your first language might be. I feeling Slavic even though I don't wanna say slavic.
you're a polack aren't you?

my ass



Eeeeeeeeeee alalalalallllllllllll

>Eeeeeeeeeee alalalalallllllllllll
Gorillia cochilla lalaloooo you fucking retarded fucking fuck shit piss cum pussy bat

>Gorillia cochilla lalaloooo you fucking retarded fucking fuck shit piss cum pussy bat
Nigger! Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>Nigger! Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
The zoo! The zoo! Zoo zoo kazoooooo up your fart dick ass fart FUCK CAPE

>The zoo! The zoo! Zoo zoo kazoooooo up your fart dick ass fart FUCK CAPE
Big pee big pee is where i go to siing when i sing my ding ding song a dong of dongggg

>Big pee big pee is where i go to siing when i sing my ding ding song a dong of dongggg

Wing a longa bing bing bong, wing a longa bing bing bong is why the train just fucks along the line of liiiiiiiiiiiiiime

>Wing a longa bing bing bong, wing a longa bing bing bong is why the train just fucks along the line of liiiiiiiiiiiiiime
I will fuck a duck your goat you shit farming ass digger GO DIG MY ASS FAST YOU TARD TARD

>I will fuck a duck your goat you shit farming ass digger GO DIG MY ASS FAST YOU TARD TARD

Cum out your tiny ass more you shit chugging piss tickler until I tree you up a tree with a big fat pee you retarded antelope slug inbred cum FART FUCK

Well that degraded quickly

