There's no such thing as a selfless act because you're expecting and receiving the reward of feeling good about doing...

There's no such thing as a selfless act because you're expecting and receiving the reward of feeling good about doing it which means it wasn't selfless in the first place.

Attached: 8dfe7a53353771db3f9c5b8b6cf4910e.jpg (474x474, 36K)

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Maybe it's pedantic, but "selfless act" could be defined differently / better as "no expectation of reward" and so the feel goodness of an act would still render it selfless

I committed a selfless act on your mom last night.

Even under that definition that means there would still be no such thing as a selfless act

Ok, so that just means the definition needs work. Selfless act can also mean "no expectation of reward other than a job well done" or something like that.

That would work better.

>doing something good is bad because you can not escape the confines of self
Ok Big Brother

Dublthink aside, doing something that makes you feel good is not inherintly negative, especially if it helps others. Of course, to do something good purely so that you can feel good can fringe on the unhealthy, but to imply that this sort of selfishness is in any way comparable to the sort that would instead hurt others, is heinously misleading and counter-effective to actually doing good. Another way to put that would be to say that posting your post is essentially telling others that they should not be selfless, whish is itself an inherently negative and hurtful thing to put on your community. Somebody willing to say this is either a fool or nobody fit to speak on what does and does not constitute as genuine kindness.

Sounds more like someone projecting because they're a selfish pecker head.

Attached: 0132.png (640x360, 321K)

Selfless acts are pointless anyway. Ask yourself this: why would you do something against your self interest? Even if you're volunteering or whatever and getting that fuzzy helpy feeling, you're still improving your lot in life in a less tangible way. However, if you fucked yourself over by say, giving all your money to a rich fuck, there is nothing gained. There you have neither been morally good nor did you receive satisfaction. But you did commit a selfless act.
Tl;dr semantics are gay, just be reasonably cool

seen a few examples of people dying to save someone while it's pretty obvious the reward will be death. maybe they were suicidal?

In the moment someone decides to sacrifice themselves they are certainly getting some sort of good feeling out of it at the moment. Maybe thinking of themselves as a hero or thinking about hoe other people will think of them after death

You're focusing on the implications but there is a remedy. Just stop thinking of selfless acts is actually selfless and just be okay with being less perfect

Ok sure. But how is that wrong in any way? Feeling good is not a problem. At least not in the same way as doing things that actively make others suffer.

Whats the point of focusing on this if not to deter people from acting (relatively) selflessly?

did a real quick wiki search for ya.
some links you might find interesting.

egoism. good job user, you found the black pill.

seen that coming so see here

There is no such thing as true selflessness and you are definitely not the first person to realize this. Just as nobody is perfect, nobody can live a life without acting on selfish impulse. If you focus your selfishness on helping others rather than on harming, than you've still done good.


Everything said still applies to these people

OP I think you're looking for Determinism.

that would mean the only selfless act is killing yourself. You don’t feel good, and it’s one less burden on everyone else

>implying these guys even considered good feelings in the 1 to 3 seconds they had before eating frag

>tfw you feel good about an heroing becuz other people will suffer less

OP just did a level 1 philosophy.

Cant wait to see what he thinks when he reads another 4 pages.

Lesson one, zoomer, absolutism is relative. :3

Ok phobe that what was said in friend's