Hello, Rich user here. Ask me any questions about what it's like being rich...

Hello, Rich user here. Ask me any questions about what it's like being rich. This is my first post on here so go easy on me.

Attached: download.jpg (244x207, 9K)

Can you spare $1000 so I can publish my book?

give me money fuckhead

I can't buy toilet paper right now.

How did you earn ur money?

Also rich user here. Are you as cheap as i am? I even buy used cars. Im a millionaire and i drive an iroc camaro

In some ways yes, I buy little to no material possessions except for my car, which is 90K

I wish, what is your book about?

Not when you ask like that

A combination of stocks, Bitcoin and Work in VC.

>Work in VC.
what's VC?

How did you get rich and what's the best advice you can think of to help us get rich.

Are cryptos gonna make a comeback soon?

Venture Capitalism

How are you rich?

Venture Capital, investing in startup businesses.


Do you get tons of pussy being rich? What's your lifestyle like, what do you do for fun?

Venture Capital business and smart stock/crypto investing. My biggest advice would be that its ot what you know but who you know. So go network and meet people.

Have you considered getting help for your hoarding disorder?

V= Ventura C=aCe. He's a pet detective.

I'm currently in a relationship although she lives far away and I can't see her much. I actually am not very happy in the relationship but I don't want to break her heart. My lifestyle outside of that consists of nice dinners with my friends and discussing life and society. Ski trips with friends on their Private jets. In two weeks i'll be going to iceland for fun.

Ok, as an example, where would one go to meet rich people and hang out. Do rich people even want to be around normies and poorcunts like us? Do you need any formal education or just a talent for talking?

Everyone knows what it’s like to be rich: easy as fuck. Why don’t you ask questions to us and learn what it’s like to be poor. Trust me, you have no idea.

Why would you do that? What's the use in money when you have the internet? Blurays? How big is your anime collection?

I hang around lots of poor people, some of my best friends aren't as well off as me. The best thing you could do is go to nice bars in big cities and especially clubs.

Did you get lucky or did you work really hard? A you a natural hard worker or have trouble with laziness?

A fair point but you seem to imply that getting here was easy, it wasn't. But, I'll be the first to say the best lessons I've learned have been from poor people.

Can you give us some indication of how wealthy? As a broke Aussie I consider wealthy anything around 100k a year ffs.

My anime collection mostly consists of watching hunter x hunter on Netflix.

I've had trouble with laziness and of course, there is some luck involved but I did work hard to get where I am.

I drive a 90,000 USD car

Are cryptos gonna come back? I've got some money saved that I want to invest for a relatively quick return

I think they will, I'm convinced it's right around the corner but I do believe a comeback is inevitable

Thanks for all these answers richanon. My boss is making around 200-220k a year, he's also my best mate.does it feel strange having friends ask you for money, does it ever come between you. Do you buy the best birthday presents?

Probably a tall order, but what would you recommend? BTC, Eth, sia? What's your pick?

I have a lot of money too. I still can't buy any happiness though. I kind of regret all of it.

Well shit give some to me. I could use that.

What is some fun stuff you can do now that you couldn't do if you had a mediocre (say 50-60k) income?

What are some good investments? I heard that real estate is pretty successful.

I am not a millionaire but i bring in 115 thousand a year. I own a house and have no mortgage. I dont have any debt really. I travel a lot, i’m actually travelling right now

>You're rich
>You can watch whatever you want
>You still have Netflix
Holy shit the absolute state of normalfags.
Hopefully you at least read then.

Also, you know you can reply to more than one post at once, correct?

congratulations faggot anyone can travel dirt cheap

How often? My trend has been once sometimes twice a month lately. Joys of being single

>can't spare 1000
>still wants details on the book

I got a question for ya. Why are all rich like this?

so you got lucky on BTC, cashed out, bought a stock portfolio (got someone else to do it for you), and now you buy percentages in productive people companies?

Do you buy expensive quality art?