S/fur bread, because someone had to bake it

s/fur bread, because someone had to bake it...

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Anyone got any mares? I need to fap.

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>requests mares
>post a bat

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i've got a lot of night mares.

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Do any of you draw?

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solo only?

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Aircraft, but that's about it.

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Solo or sex, it's all good. Thanks man.

like this?

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No, like actual planes... You people, I swear...

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Anyone have the rest of this comic?

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nice feet

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free suicide

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I never liked furries until I started to think how fucking soft that fur has to be if well maintained, like, full body fluff... Or am I alone with loving the softness of cats and such?

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dog pussies are soft as their fur

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i just quite like some of those.

a feline lover would be soft as fuck

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a pity dog girls aren't real

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100% straight

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um are you high dude? Cuz they certainly are. And they are enslaved furry girls. Fuck this gay earth.

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oh they are very real

they just can't talk

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I want a mommy with a big cock to fuck my brains out, and make me her bitch

totally straight btw

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I said dog girls, not girl dogs.

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That's kinda important. Even for a pervert like me.

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This image identifies as straight

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It is if you're female.

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Something I will try if I'm still single after a while most likely

Imagine their face after stripping them all down, expecting a good dicking when they suddenly just get cuddles, I would call that a sensory orgasm

same thing

well ok man

Keep in mind it takes 2 years to get a bitch comfortable for sex And they live 10-15 years. So it's gotta be a lifelong thing. Just get a canine fleshlight if you aren't going for it.

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any centaurs around? Centauria maybe?

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Let's just say that if I get that desperate, then it would be a lifeline thing for them, plus no drawbacks to creampies if I remember right?

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Well it's my first choice. Bitches look good. If you are desperate just try human women.

Yeah no issues at all to creampie them, every single time. But you have to do a vaginal treatment to keep their vaginas healthy and free of yeast infections.

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Tbh human women seem pretty meh, especially since all I've seen have been pretty shitty in attitude, and bestiality is legal here, so might as well... What kinda treatment are we talking about? Like your usual TV ads of "super ultra deluxe yeast infection preventer"?

Okay, dude. How do you explain that?

You go to the vet to get your dog vaginal medication because you're fucking your dog. Is the vet aware of it or do you just pretend she has a condition that she doesn't have?

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>and bestiality is legal here


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Welcome to finland

oh, right. furry thread.

didn't mean to turn this one into Bestiality General

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Finland allows bestiality?

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>get your dog vaginal medication because you're fucking your dog. Is the vet aware of it or do you just pretend she has a condition that she doesn't have?

You can buy penicillin online if it's bacterial, and fungal is even easier to find. If you ever need penicillin and don't feel like going to a doctor, just look up 'fish penicillin'. Same exact stuff used on humans and everything else.

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Hmmm...So he was behind that...

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Yes, but owning/disturbing videos/pics is illegal, aka "you're fine to fuck em unless you have evidence" oh, and unless you're obviously hurting it by doing it, aka no chihuahuas

I mean... at least you're showing consideration for the animal to not want her to suffer.

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As you should if you have an iq over room temperature

>you can do it, you just can't film it or take pictures

makes sense

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what about chinks?

Lucky you. You need to mix mostly high end honey with a fair amount of garlic+cranberry oil, a tiny bit of peroxide, ginger oil, and 1 drop of cinnamon oil. Cinnamon is harsh so use a minimal amount.

Make sure you use a lot of lube and no solid particles floating around. Get the top of the top brands.

wat dude

I've gone to the vet for routine stuff. I would only use a male veterinarian who I at least assume is zoo.

That's fucking retarded and likely to cause more problems by affecting the pH. Don't recommend it.

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I still don't condone real zoophilia, but at least it's better than someone who doesn't care about the animal involved so long as they get off.

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I mean, as long as it can take your dick no problems then its fine

What's retarded is thinking your dog fucking potion is anything but snake oil but alright there buddy

>I would only use a male veterinarian who I at least assume is zoo.

you suspect the vet knows you fuck your dogs, but you also assume he's a zoophile because of his profession?

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we should gas the furry 'people'. Fucking degenerates.

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are you fucking stupid dude. Yeah it obviously works.

I mean think about it, veterinarians are mostly insane cat ladies or "dog moms" who castrate their slaves then babytalk them as they eat cannibal crunch cereal.

So when you find a male one, he is most likely dicking some furry pussy. Why else would a dude choose a vet instead of a doctor? Same half a million in debt, but vets make 70k, and docs make 400k. It's kind of common sense my dude.

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Yeah and there's people all over the place who swear that diffusing essential oils is going to cure their kid's cancer. It's cute how you've convinced yourself that your little concoction is nothing more than a placebo.

wat dude

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I mean....

You bring up a good point about the numbers, but I really doubt that the ability to fuck dogs with immunity to legal repercussions is the reason why men go into veterinarian schools.

Then again, I have heard one dude say he was turned down working at a veterinarian clinic because the woman who ran the place assumed dudes would fuck dogs.

There might be *some* truth to it.


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yeah basically the entire field is something like 85% women so the few dudes in it are into droping sperm, deep in animal hole. Period.

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Dunno if I would have the balls to take the risk still tho

I need sleep for work tomorrow, so goodnight everyone.

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