Bored as fuck and I got work in the morning (pic related) ask me anything faggots

bored as fuck and I got work in the morning (pic related) ask me anything faggots.

Attached: coral-landingsbest-buy_750xx432-243-0-23[1].jpg (432x243, 21K)

1541 represent


do niggers only buy bad headphones because of the name brand, or do white people do it too?

Any slutty older milfs working at the store?

362 reporting in

Best way to steal?

836 posted up
Why do the holidays suck so fucking bad

What's with all the gay sex that happens in Best Buy bathrooms?

not op but I can answer some questions

mostly niglets, though white people will justify buying overpriced shit just because it comes with beats "free"

Mostly ham-beasts and smuglies in their late 20s.

Why is it every time I'm LOOKING fifty of you helpfags bug the shit out of me every fourteen milliseconds, but every time I need a case opened or something it's a fuckin ghost town?

Is there anything worth buying from there

Inventory was a cluster fuck here, like 1300 picks a day for 3 days straight. It was cancer

I thought my shit was bad at 300 LMAO

Well, our ap guy decided to watch you, so we want to make sure you feel uncomfortable knowing we are watching. Now as to why no one will help you retrieve item from case, fuck you I'm on break

I hate apple, but I loved the iPod classic. Mine finally died. iPod touch is gay as fuck and had shit memory and is overpriced and easily breakable (so, you know, it's apple). Best replacement? Or should I just get a 128g sd card and use it in an old phone?

Welcome to the real induction

because we are literal pawns in a dying company. The under-staff, causing customers to vent their anger on us, but we stick around because they make us feel as if we are "doing the right thing"

don't forget to make it real, be human, and think about tomorrow bros

came here to ask this too

It was fucking awful, we had a guy do an 18 hour shift just to get all the ship to homes dealt with.

Secrets you know that could get the place shut down?

We just combined two stores into one, but we're easily in the wrong Rev band
So we doing loads of work meant for stores with at least 10-20 more employees smh

I was in for 15 hours on black Friday, I feel the pain brother, we really out here doing the dumbest shit for this fuck all store

because our managers force us to make contact in under 30s and we do not communicate which customers we've contacted already

In terms of ghost towns, probably you're asking for something super cheap when there's big fish around. Or just bad luck.

Here's a hack. Next time you wanna get something done, just tell them you're thinking about a credit card. Then, cashier time, "oops, changed my mind"

Honestly couldn't give a fuck about the store, I do it for my boss, cause we go drinking and I like being drunk

If you could describe working at Best buy in one word what would it be

550 here
Everyone does. I try to talk sense into them that a 300 dollar pair of beats isn't gonna hold a candle to the 150 dollar pair of Sennheisers we carry, but most people just want it for a fashion statement.
No milfs, but a couple of qt3.14's
AP can't stop you as per policy. Do with that info what you want.
I feel it. Some asshole shat all over our bathroom and we had to get a hazmat team in.
Sony's Android based walkman's are actually pretty nice. They're SD expandable and the battery life is pretty impressive for something running Android.
To elaborate I love the job when I can actually talk the technology. When cheap fucks come up and ask for the "Cheapest Best TV" I lose a brain cell or two.


Amen, if the employees werent chill and all hung out after work and shit, I wouldn't have made it this far
Good luck finishing these last three weeks strong brother, it's almost over and back to hiding in the warehouse during slow season

As a customer, I want to thank you guys for putting in the time on Black Friday. Been there, done that, I know the feel, and anyone who can hold it together for more than half a shift on that day is tops in my book.

How about nobody wants to actually buy anything in a brick and mortar store anymore. And we are trying to keep afloat by offering long term services, pushing credit cards, and force extended warranties but it's really too little too late.

Really fucking stressful

I take back pain. This is more real.

Since starting, I've gone and gotten myself addicted to both alcohol and nicotine.

No, dummy. I'm white, dress decent, talk in an educated manner, and I can use an Oxford comma. I'm a viable customer, not a potential thief. I'm usually there to purchase. I'm talking about the paradox of the schmucky sales reps bugging me all the time when I'm browsing/getting prices as opposed to me standing in an aisle craning my neck so I can make an actual purchase and it's tumbleweeds.

it possible to get like two days a week of work there? Want some extra cash but dont wanna become a wagie

My store regularly does game nights and shit. I think I've bought lunch for myself like 4 times since Thanksgiving. Every other time has been shit the store bought.

My store actually got a shit ton of labor for "fulfillment" so we have 180 hours a week for fucks to just do picks and leave me to do the rest of inventory, all I do is clean, stage and organize my cave all day.

>addicted to both alcohol and nicotine.
You can't get addicted to that, man. It's not like it's drugs...

Appreciate it bro, honestly we don't even hate customers that much, it's just squeezing all the hype to buy into 30 days (Best Buy makes like 70-80% of their total yearly revenue from Thanksgiving to Christmas) of the year is ridiculous

Yeah, but more than likely not. Just apply for part time and set your max hours to something like 20. You'll probably get 2-3 days a week max.

"What Microsoft laptops do you have around $100"
"I DONT game"
"What do you mean I have to buy an addon to play my CDs"
"I had a bad experience with X brand, what do you have that's better?"
"Which of these things aren't Chinese"

Much love. We can always tell when a customer is a bro.

Moreso that I drink nightly and vape while on the job than addicted. Helps me deal with some of the people that come into my store.

what's your favorite color (:

Is this Jared

>AP can't stop you as per policy.
the fuck is AP

This is why I switched to Home Theater.
Mint green. Reminds me of the cute panties my ex always wore.

Hell does super cheap mean? I've bought an Xbox there, a switch,. multiple large hard drives, laptop... Or are you saying you can't be fucked unless it's a TV or washing machine? Appreciate the hack though. Usually it's getting something unlocked, I've never had a problem at check out. Sadly because there's usually barely anyone there.

I like to score the boomers, let them know that their phone is spying on them, and that whatever computer they buy will be infected by whatever hot garbage links they click on, their info is sold to us and we send them targeted ads.

Asset Protection.

THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED!! Our inventory sup left halfway through the season too lol

Asset protection, basically glorified Walmart greeter

Thanks for the Walkman and AP advice. Not a thief, I just wonder. If he can't stop you what's the point? I could just wear a hoodie and glasses and walk out the door?

Asset protection aka dude at front door. We can't legally stop you but most likely your local police like to visit your local Best Buy for no reason just to chill + they're starting to equip stores with better cams

They're supposed to build a case on you and put you into something called the BOLO binder. They just don't want lawsuits from people who are stealing and shit.

It's honestly not worth it, the tards they got doing it have no idea how to do it so shit went missing everyday, shit was in the wrong places all day, things were so ehow shipped to wrong houses. It was a fucking nightmare

If your sale isn't more than 1k we don't get circle jerk points from our managers. Your store is probably hurting and it's a ghost town. Or it could be that it's holiday season and everyone is burned out. Or it's just bad luck.

Yet the cameras in Gaming and Appliances still look like shit.

You ont even need to be that elaborate, just grab some shit, don't pay, and leave. They will ask for the shit back, just say "no" and keep walking

When will you be promoted to customer?

fuck my management expects 3-5k sales from me every day with solutions, and still doesn't praise that much.

That's the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums tonight.

Probably once I finish my trade school courses. Mostly got this job to pay for that shit.

You got a fucking point, I just now finished all the shit seasonal help fucked up since THANKSGIVING. Those mf can barely help run a register

The sales floor at my store is fucking awful, they all can't sell for a danm and we have not hit Rev in nearly a year now.

What is the best thing to buy at best buy

"Microsoft is so shady these days. My computer has told me to call a few times and I only get connected to some 'a-rab. They keep telling me I have a virus. I thought I bought virus protection from you people"

154 here!

The fucking seasonal I got this year in the warehouse are a bunch of inbred fucks, can't do anything without being led down the path on a fucking leash, one of them just dissapears for hours on end.

If you're tired of being the IT person for your family, no joke buy Total Tech Support for that one relative that can't figure shit out. The only reason I have it is because I'm tired of fixing my family's shit.

Abandon ship or have a backup plan bro, my previous store got closed and they transfered me to another spot that's twice as stressful; Amazon is gonna put best buy outta business within 10 years, just watch

For one sale. 3-5k is avg but we get praise for consistency.

10 is optimistic yo

It's honestly impressive how bad someone can be at working when I see the seasonal help Lmao

Going to get a car remote start installed there next week. Is the guy that does it a derp?

Ha I already have a backup plan, an hero off the roof next black Friday, Swan dive into the line

Lol I think Tucker max wrote about his buddy doing that in a grocery store with a watermelon and liquor. They don't do shit. I'm not gonna do it because I'm not giga nigga but it's crazy they don't do anything

Any other autotechs here? Fuck this remote start season.

10 is optimistic yo. you saw Hughbert is gone right?

Wtf is a smuglie

It's rediculous, one of em is 32 and he's got a worse work ethic than the stinky Mexican up at ap

You will know when you see one

a smug, ugly chick.

Every one of the autotechs I've talked to are actually pretty damn good. They're MECP certified. YMMV, but everyone I've spoken to in my market is pretty good.
I've been considering this exact thing.
Yeah 10 years is pretty optimistic. Everything about Total Tech Support literally screams "cash injection" and the fact I've had easily 4k worth of services done off of one 200 dollar purchase is ludicrous.

Bro I don't keep up with corporate worth shit Lmao, but I'm assuming really good ceo/leader left and we're falling apart now amirite?

steal stuff from there and post it here

president of bestbuy. we ded

Do you think Donald trump is ethical

Hubert was responsible for the turnaround from 2012 to 2018.
Moreso than Hillary would've been.

All it takes is one smart-ish person to use their total tech right and that kills 10+ techs that made the store profit; guess that Chinese made everything profit is bigger than I thought

What kind of car? Which one did you buy?

227 reporting in

Well it's time for me to abandon thread, I have a 4500 piece truck to do tomorrow with the help of inbred seasonals, I'll need to get my rest before I attempt to tangle the retards.

My favorite part about 1541 is how our store manager gives in to the customers who scream the most.

But hey, lets think about tomorrow bros.

Well boys, hope the loot was worth it :(


In 2019, personal services and expertise are why Best Buy is thriving in the short-term, while most of retail is floundering.

Don't know what to tell you mate.

I bought an Apple Watch and it’s still in box right now. Can I buy Apple care for it? I bought the watch 3 weeks ago.

good luck, you're gonna make it

I felt that in my bones, halfway through this 50 hour work week; wreck that shit mayne

Have fun with that.
There's one manager that's done that with customers I've worked with. It's annoying when the GM tells us we can't touch open box prices, but someone else will knock 50 off of a computer that's already 800 off retail.
Yes, bring the watch and the receipt in and tell them you want to add AC+ to it. Should be no problem.

how about pay fucking attention when the associate explains things to you customer