Name a more powerful fictional character

Name a more powerful fictional character

PROTIP: You can't

Attached: Dinosaurs-EarlSinclair.jpg (1172x1500, 444K)

Wolfenstein's Hitler

Reverse Giraffe

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Man in the bag

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OP here, I think John Cena MIGHT stand toe to toe with Earl, but probably not win

get wrecked

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Spoiler: Cena kicks out at 2

Well, he's NOT THE MOMMA. So that's a strike against him.

never caught the kike vibes as a kid

>Name a more powerful fictional character
end(thread) {
return 0

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Freddy fazbear
And just for "female representation": Judy Hopps

I think I just did bro

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Given that to know who Earl Sinclair is you would have to be over 30, that means this thread is full of grown ass men arguing over a fictional green rubber puppet. Fuck this world.

Bro..... dont you know American Dad ?

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You fool... you absolute cretin

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I'm turning 20 next year actually, I just know him from Cinemassacre and idubbbz