What will happen to Trump if he is im-peached?

what will happen to Trump if he is im-peached?

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Nothing, impeachment does not mean removal from office.
Im prety sure you need 3 impeachments to get automatically removed from office as well.
This whole push to impeach him was a fucking lost cause from the start, it only served to push a narrative.



>Im prety sure you need 3 impeachments to get automatically removed from office as well.

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I suppose he'll move to Russia since he loves it so much.

Nothing because he's absurdly rich

Explain what really happens then plz.

Eric is gonna kill him because he is not the biggest loser of the fam anymore

>Im prety sure you need 3 impeachments to get automatically removed from office as well.
The absolute state of civics education in the US

The House votes on impeachment, and if successful it goes to the Senate for trial. If it's the Prez, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial. 2/3rds of the Senate must support conviction. Grounds for impeachment are treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Impeachment means removal from office, and possibly barring them from holding other offices, and nothing else.

He would be immediately removed from office, triggering the 25th Amendment. Vice President Mike Pence would become president.

No, look at bill Clinton’s presidency, impeachment does nothing directly

>Conviction of impeachment...
If it passes the House, they're impeached.

That has zero effect (cf. Bill Clinton). Once impeached, they have to actually be convicted in the Senate to be removed.

Correct up until the end. Impeachment is like an indictment. It doesn't amount to anything until the trial. The conviction means removal and barring from office.

I corrected that. See

Wins re election probably.

Didn't update til I hit post

Impeachment might become the new norm. With the current polarization and strong control over party loyalty, if the House is controlled by the other party, why wouldn't they vote to impeach the president?

You may be on to something, and that isn't a good thing. You see how little our government gets done because the two parties have their heads so far up their own asses and I could see them wasting time on impeachment once every term as it stands now.

IF he gets removed from office, he will face state charges in New York, that the next president won't be able to pardon. But it is likely Republicans are trying to prevent that from happening behind closed doors, so that he will be "too old" to go to prison in a year or two

He has a plan for when he gets out of office. He knows every lefty state will be trying to get him.

Agreed every good criminal has an exit-strategy for when the cops show up. Trump like any republican criminal will escape the law

You're about to see why impeachment cannot become the new norm. There are going to be a lot of new faces in the House come 2021.

While its based around the two-party system, this is primarily a power grab by the House. As much noise as the House can create, none of it means shit without the Senate's backing, and under McConnell's leadership, its become stagnant as fuck (not a bad thing, IMO). Since the House can't do shit about the Senate, they're trying to exercise power over the Executive Branch.

No American president past or present will ever go to jail, you're fucking delusional if you think thats within any realm of possibility.

I literally said that they are working on making sure that doesn't happen. Learn to read, retard.

Good ole sergei.

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Are you actually retarded? Republicans are such god damn morons its ridiculous how braindead these inbreds are.

>"they're trying to exercise power over the Executive Branch."
I refuse to believe that you are that stupid. The house has the right to impeach a president. What the fuck did they teach you in special classes...

You think Putin will take Trump in, when he tries to escape the law? I mean they are good friends. You might be right

Everyone doesn't go to special classes, cleetus.

He is already being impeached.

Well, he's charged with crimes. He could be tried and convicted but all impeachment entails charging of an alleged crime like an indictment but for a public office.

If you're not sure what that means let me give you the skinny:

1>You commit crime
2 >you are a suspect of a crime
3. > you are Indicted of a crime or under impeachment
3.2 >you are charged with a crime
4.>criminal or civil hearing
5.>penalty and or punishment

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where did he say that the house deosnt have the right to impeach? are you a fucking retard?

I wonder what you will spam every day when he is finally impeached but still serves his full term. Probably back to full time BBC/cuck posting

he's already impeached.. 2 articles of impeachment have already been applied

nothing. even if he is impeached hes rich. money is god in the us, so even if they try and pin him with crimes he will get off. just like clinton.

He's already been impeached.

Impeachment is bringing someone to official scrutiny and trial to see if they should be removed from office..

He's currently in the impeachment process and the outcome will either to remain in office or be removed.

He will not respond to the summons of the impeachment trial, which is a plea of not-guilty.
The trial will be presided over by Chief Justice Roberts. The Senate will vote to dismiss the charges. The prosecution will be heard. Trump will nevertheless be acquired.
He will finish his term, get re-elected, and then shortly succumb to whatever brain disease he has.

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Impeachment = indictment. The senate (jury) has to vote to either convict or acquit.

If this were any other trial, half the jury would be dismissed for bias.

So why isn't Pence filling in for the term's remainder?

Not all impeachable offenses are crimes.

In a normal trial, Clinton could have argued entrapment. But in the end he knew that lying under oath about a blowjob meant fuck-all in the grand scheme of the presidency and didn't bother.

The right, just , law abiding narratives!!! We still have laws and ethics don’t we ?

Ya... more democrats

He'll raise another $4 billion USD for 2020 and dems will lose the house

Wrong !

Senate can also simply dismiss the motion to even have a trial, effectively calling out house dems on their bullshit

He won't be. The impeachment will go no further than the Senate. This entire thing is meant to make him look bad but the opposite effect is happening and voters in critical swing states are moving towards him.

1 more year then its 4 more years.

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"Okay tyvm. The IG report just came out and I was just briefed on it and it's a disgrace what's happened with respect to the things that were done to our country. It should never again happen to another president. It is incredible, far worse that I'd have ever thought possible and it's an embarrassment to our country, it's dishonest, its everything that a lot of people thought it would be expect far worse. So I'm gonna get some very detailed briefings but they are.. they are.. it's a very sad day when I see that. Its a very sad day when a lot of people see that. They had no nothing, it was concocted and you say what you want. That was a, a, probably something that has never happened in the history of our country."

what a retard lol

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We get Mike Pence, who'll ban porn
So please no

nothing will happen to the fat fuck

yellowfags get what they want finally

He will get pardoned for all felonies as they surface, something a POTUS gets by the new POTUS as he leaves office, traditionally. That was probably his goal once he set sights on the oval office in the first place. He'll probably admit to a lot of his shit just to get charges filed against him just for that purpose. Mike Pence will be a lot more rational on everything but the Evangelical shit after that.
But, let's get serious. Trump got an Electoral College sleaze into the top office as a (faux) Republican despite him being a lifelong faux liberal Democrat. He won't get impeached. Even if he does, he won't get removed from office. Post-Nixon, the GOP became an expert in pro-GOP impeachment fighting. If he does get impeached it will be more like 2030 before it happens. They won't bother fighting with removal from office by then.

Yeahh! Elon...you was all time

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Nothing. This is all just a historical footnote and a waste of money

Is this sleep posting?