PSA: user you will NEVER have a qt gaming gf

PSA: user you will NEVER have a qt gaming gf

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Games are for faggot children anyways.

Terrible shoop on her waist


neither will you user

printing her picture on a pillow doesn't count as a girlfriend FYI

This. Don't want s gaming gf lmao I'm not a child. Full spectrum well rounded personality is what I'm into, general intelligence.

My hot redhead wife is a gamer. A geek in general. It's great because redheads get bullied in HS for having red hair so they develop personality, then they get hot. It's fantastic.

hear hear, I got a big titty redhead too

hey, I do too

wait a minute...


Says the fucking dumbasses on Sup Forums. Get bent losers.

>Exhibit A: an underage, virgin gamer.

I-It can't be!

Well she loves me and if I learnt anything with destiny is that what's important is who she goes home to and that's me

Games are for kids and girlfriends are for cucks. Women are sluts. Use them as such and move on. Attachment will be your undoing.

LOL there really are plenty of them out there. In her family alone there are a few that are amazing.

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Spoken like a true beta cuck.

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gamer chicks are mad trash tho

>Browsing /b
>Well rounded
Pick one

Good on ya my dude

listen up, buddy, I am no cuckold.

It actually takes a confident alpha male like me not to be bothered by your wife expressing her sexuality in a healthy way. Imagine being so hung up about what your wife does in her private time that you need to be a controlling, misogynist freak. Shame on you.

this nigger doesnt realize most of us original/oldfags started off here as underageb&s and became conservative misogynists.
my wife is 5'9 120lb is a gamer/programmer mensa member masters degree badass that just wants to build nice things in minecraft in her free time.
i wonder how it feels to be a projecting butthurt shill in telaviv that will never be 6'0" (182cm)+ white or have a gamer girlfriend

Already do. It's overrated. Retro stuff from our childhoods mostly keeps her occupied while I study and work, but I still feel empty about it. It's either that or YouTube cooking channels. I guess we all have our vices. I wish she'd do something productive.

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I did but she went ftm
Don’t care, still marrying him

I have a better one. My gf is 9/10 Korean qt pie who doesn't know how to play games, but she likes watching me play games. We just played through the entirety of Death Stranding and she forced me to read every interview because she loved it.

>and here we observe the samefag in its natural environment

>2020 - 18 days
>not nudging your closest man-friend with whom you already have a close relationship to take female hormones and once his guard is down putting a ring on it

I don’t even want gamer girl. I’m not incel like OP


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Dude, I actually, unironically, feel bad for you.

It must be pretty bad not to be able to recognize what a normal conversation looks like, because all you do all day is sit in your room speaking to yourself.

I want to be your friend and help you sort your life out.

Married to one there not that great OP is a cuck virgin who can't even get a fat girl

off my one post, my bad
>here we observe the shitposter in his natural environment, of we wait long enough, he may try to start a flame war or incite autistic screeching from his gaggle


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Except women are property and should be treated as such. That’s like letting your dog run around to fuck the neighborhood dogs then coming home to you for affection and food. That makes you a cuck. Women are to be dominated and degraded, not left to run wild so you can end up taking care of someone else’s kid. And you call yourself a “man”. Get real, cuck.

I play some left 4 dead and the way out with my gf sometimes, it's comfy, but I wouldn't mind if she said she didn't like it



and my girl and friends would probably would laugh at you if i met you irl, thanks for being considerate of my feelings though, youre such a nice guy user, i just dont think of you like that.
>but im sure youve heard that before


Yeah? I had a qt gamer girlfriend, and it was a fucking nightmare.
>couldn't keep a job because she was a lazy fuck
>had to buy 2 copies of all AAA multiplayer games for us to share
>she never beat half the ones we bought and moved on to whatever was new
>zelda and kingdom hearts shit all over our apartment
>couldn't cook and sucked at cleaning
>had to remind her to shower and shave
>she had no intentions of improving herself or her personality because she knew almost any gamer guy would put up with her shit
>secret lives with beta orbiters she met on MMOs

So, yeah. I miss that ass sometimes because she was a thicc latina and would let me do whatever I wanted to her, but it was not worth it over all.

Listen up, buddy, who hurt you?

You need to stop being so outdated about your concepts, what you just said there is textbook misogyny and only incels would actually think like that. Just a heads up for you to check your thinking.

The job of a man is to take care for a woman and help her express herself in any way that she wants to, and there's absolutely nothing wrong if she wants to see other men. What counts is with whom she has feelings for, and you need to be a real man to deserve that kind of love from a woman. You definitely do not deserve that if you are a control freak.

Have sex

>who hurt you
>btw im a cuck with mommy issues

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He’s right tho


I already do, she plays wow and dota2, you made bro?


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spotted the forever alone

I don't see why playing a game means you can't be well rounded. Theres loads of fat dudes playing games.


Games are fine, but being a "gamer" isn't a personality trait.

What a cringey post. Whether satire or not, kill yourself.

I agree. It's a hobby not a defining trait of personality. Just like being attractive isnt a personality. But this thread was about having a cute gamer gf. She can have a good personality along with being a gamer and a big tiddie bitch

Killing myself won't make your taste in women any better.


You alright dude? Just posting my girl and happened to have an appropriate pic

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I am 50. I own a switch and still play pokemon everyday (just got sword and shield). don't be a bully bro, it is not cool.

>gamer girlfriend
Sounds terrible. Just watching her sit around getting fat.
Cleaning girlfriend who loves sucking your dick is best girlfriend.

Yeah bro I'd rather be working 90 hours a week on the rig with my bros

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Bro, youre a cuck.

Women aren’t objects you fuckin’ autist.

You're right, they're property.

PSA: I already have one you dumb asshole
stop posting this depressing pessimistic bullshit just because you're not happy