Looking forward to 2020? Why/why not?

Looking forward to 2020? Why/why not?
I’m hoping that not too many of you anons don’t feel ‘it can’t be any worse than 2019’.
I had an okay year. Eldest son turned 2 and youngest had his first b’day.
Got a decent promotion and pay rise at work. (State manager).
Getting along pretty well with co-workers.
Wife is good.
I’m hopeful that next year will be a good year. Mostly I’m worried about a recession fucking up my job and life.
Pic related is wifes pussy post 2 kids so not too bad.
How about you user?

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Looking forward to it, got a new job recently that pays better than my last 2 combined, looking forward to the tax returns of 2021 especially

Nice wife user, have any pics before spreading?

Getting gray hair because Im thinking about asking for a raise after new year (because I will go back to school, try to build a house, maybe a wedding)
or if they dont cash out gonna have to leave this sweet ass job for another

pussy any different after kids?

Oh, congrats user.
I still owe money to govt for uni fees so all my tax return will go to finally finish paying that off next year.
Good luck in 2020 user!
Don’t have many pics on this phone sorry.

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I'm apprehensive. 2020 seems like it's going to be a monster so while I'm looking forward to getting all that stuff done.... my god, it's going to be busy.

I'm obviously hoping that there's no recession, but I have moves planned if things do go south.

Hoping that my wife's business will eclipse my earnings so I can take some time off. Also trying to get a chunk of cash out there and working again, but having trouble finding decent deals.

Good luck with pay rise user!

Tbh pussy didn’t change. Dr had to stitch her back up each time so I guess drs did a good job.
She’s much hornier now after two kids and gets off super easy now compared to before.

Thanks, likewise that must be a great burden lifted off your shoulders, leaving with with a decent chunk of $ leftover after it’s all paid off! No worries nice pics though

Sounds like you have a lot on.
I hope your wife’s business kills it.
I’m just hopeful that my wife goes back to work lol.

Nice pussy. Lucky man. Year's been good for me too. How much you making to be worried?

Not nearly enough, tbh, so embarrassed to admit it. Not even close to 6 digits.

Yep, lemme tell you it's been a very tough road to get to this point, though. I've been a single-earner for more years than I care to mention in polite company.

Can probably leave my 12k a year in dust tho

pro part so far
>broke up with cheating gf a year ago and successfully not looked back even for the lack of pussy
>got a job with a monthly paycheck
>father finally left the family. he's insane and his therapy sessions are actually doing something and everyone cant wit to meat him for Christmas, even mom
>my crippling anxiety and depression is dying. feel confident enough to smile at my classmates passing me in the hall and they smile back
>best friend is going to take me to a gym and introduce me to lifting properly (he's a local legend at powerlifting)

con part
>recently noticed my cock is small and that im a grower because my erection is above average, yet my soft cock is smaller than my testicle
>friend unironically asked if I ever got tested for autism
>broke and only have presents for mother and sister. won't get paid before after Christmas so im stuck
>have nowhere to gather the guys for drinking since I moved home to my parents again
>no pussy cause no parties to meet chicks cause no place to have parties

either, ill get a place, start drinking and throw the only respectable parties in town and end up with mad side pussy. get a car and get swole af and end up with more good friends and maybe a legit respectable qt3.14 gf

or I lose my job for some reason, friends abandon me since we never meet socially, get stuck in a room at my moms with no job, car, friends, social network or pussy which ends up warping my sense of reality, crippling my mental health to the point of me becoming a spastic retard shitposting on Sup Forums all damn day

it's basically 50/50 and im fucking terrifying tbh. im nearing the age where people my age start slowing down and start families. my friend is considering buying a house in a years time and my other friend stopped selling drugs and stabbing people for money and got a real job and got sober because his gf is pregnant. the mf has 2 cats now and they fucking adore him. he was a feared gangster 2 years ago.

in short. 2020 will either be the year where I start the rest of my life or end it. im not expecting shit cause expectations will destroy you. im considering selling homemade alcohol on the side to retarded shit kids so ill at least end up somewhere, be it prison or somewhere respectable.

>last month of the decade
>still larping on Sup Forums

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Just stick to your new job and do it well. Arrive a bit early and don’t chuck around. Then, even if your company needs to shed staff, you will not be one of those let go.
You are gonna make it user.

Also you don’t need a house to catch up with your friends. Make it happen already be it at a bar or cheap diner even.

I'll be buying my first house in 2020 after my current lease ends.

Nothing to grand. Budget goes up to $150,000. This keeps the mortgage within 30% of my monthly income, which is recommended how you do it.

>$2800 a month after tax and insurance
>30% is $840
>$2,000 to play with a month is tight, but doable. I'll just rent out the spare bedrooms because fuck it why not

Cheap house here is $500k.
Where do you live?
Also, congrats and yeah rent out the other bedrooms to hot chicks to fuck.

Fucking awesome here. NZ 28 years. 2019.

- Get engaged - check!
- Get gf pregnant - check!
- Buy new house - check!
-Get married - check!
- Buy new car - check!
-Pay rise @ job - Check!
-Wank material - Check!
- Weed - Check!

2019 is badass my bros. But fuck it need a holiday.

Sounds awesome man. No break over Xmas?

Yeah bro, about to get 2 weeks off. Looking forward to smoking a fuck tonne of weed and doing some shit around house (need to paint 'n shit)

Gonna be a smegma ridden holiday. I recently rediscovered OSRS on my mobile and fuck runescape poons my face.

I don't know any more, I just want the next six months to be over and be back home with a good job near my kids. My car is fucked, had to miss work and I'll need a new one that I can't afford, can't hit the gym because no car, need surgery in January for a hernia I got from training and I have to buy my kids presents. I just want this year to be over with, fuck me. FUCK! FUUUUCK!

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