Tips on how to ruin someone's life...

Tips on how to ruin someone's life? Girl I've been involved with for the better part of a year is cheating on me with some douche and I'd like to make her life hell. I of course have her phone number, address, and the names of several family members including siblings. Something outside the box would be appreciated, good answers get nudes.

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Creating an instagram/facebook page filled with her nudes and info, then add her family and friends.

Works every time

easy, sabotage her birth control.

get number of person she's cheating on
send him nudes of her
tell him he's cheating on her

That's a little too obvious but as promised

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Oh shit! I know!

How about you grow the fuck up, dump her, forget she exists, and move on? She's a person, you don't own her. She cheated, that sucks, but shit happens. Don't define your morals by what other people do.

That's a good one. Slashed tires would really suck.


Also nah

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cheating slag detected
people who cheat deserve to be exposed

Tell her you want to get tattoos of each others names, make her go first, when she's on the table go "to the bathroom", and just leave her there lol

Fuck her mom

why ask for advice if you're just going to be a little bitch about it? admit it, you won't do shit except post her nudes on Sup Forums.

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Share her nudes so we can share them everywhere

Slip some laxatives into someone's drink next time you know someone is going out to cheat.

if she's in retail or restaurant, print nudes and tape it over men's washroom with phone number

I haven't cheated on anyone. I did have an ex post intimate photos of me online, all over my Facebook wall, on Twitter etc Always with my face visible and never with his. So I disagree with revenge like this. It can ruin someones life. She cheated on OP, that's all. She didn't kill his dog, steal his ideas and write a best selling novel... She had sex with someone else. He should break up with her if it's that big of a deal to him, and move on.

This girl in tampa?

gaslight her. look up way to do it with out being to obvious.

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If I were you I would have shared the ones with his face

whore detected lol

Put up a scam website where people supposedly get cheating wives. Use her photos to make the ads, and write phrases like "My name is X and I want your cock" over them.
If she ever complains you publicly expose her to the family.
In the end you get revenge, we get nudes, plus some stupid boomers click your ads and you make money.

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You should just confront her about it and break up with her. I know it's not easy user but she's doing this because she doesn't think you will do anything about it. Show her that your confident and don't need someone like that in your life. That's going to be a lot better than any kind of revenge you may try to come up with. There's a high chance of some serious blowback with potential legal consequences depending on what kind of revenge you try to pull off.

this, fuck revenge porn laws

Agreed, you need to move the fuck on user you're not going to be able to ruin her life short of posting her nudes or throwing bricks through her windows.

Go fuck a hotter chick and then send her pics

Hard thotposting

Revenge is petty but thots don't like the idea of any kind of consequences for their actions. Cheating whores need to be tagged and then released into the wild. That's not Revenge, that's paying it forward

Kik teddywiggins1 nudes name info to expose

look at that gunt! Yikes. Abort abort

Hey OP, whatever you do, don't listen to this Tumblr slut.

You girl cheated on you? That is fucked up. If your situation were so bad she should have broken up with you. But instead this tatted up cum dumpster wants to string you along while fucking some retard.

You have every right, no, Total Obligation to post pics of her and expose her faggot side dick too.

I would say sabatoging her birth control and from now on only blow loads in her face like the worthless cunt that she is. And if by any chance you have pics of this gutter slut who claims she never cheated, please post those for tribute.

No one is going to post pics of you unless you did some fucked up shit. Also, if you were such a cum dumpster as to allow a dude to take pics, that's on you princess.

taking revenge on shitty people is completely acceptable.

The whole "be the bigger person" attitude is just a cop out by weak cucks who lack the courage and willpower to take revenge.


the best thing they can hope for is that you "be the bigger man" and the only consequence they face is losing some cuck idiot who they weren't interested in anymore anyway.

I totally get where a lot of these angry posts are coming from. I just don't believe revenge is good for you. You wouldn't want her to damage your soul in the process of drawing out her toxic s***

It should be crisp and formal. Expose her shity cheating Behavior and Destroy her social credibility. You don't need nudes to do that man. All you need is proof. Do it and then kick that cont to the curb. You will be doing a service by removing her from circulation

Man I’m sorry to hear she’s cheating.

I seriously do not understand how or why someone would stay in a relationship for a year and be cheating. Like fuck off with that be single and get a fuck buddy. Don’t be a fucking whore (guy or girl)

she looks like a trap. def not worth it.

>shit happens
And this is why it's so fucking common these days. Trust is something you build, and to throw all of that trust away is a pretty big deal. If you're going to keep your legs open while in a relationship, make it known up front. Don't bait someone that wants to build a relationship and act like it's not a big deal when you fuck them over and not commit.

This will probably fuck her up the most OP

How to get away with posting revenge porn. Post porn. Pretend it was an accident. Never admit you knew she was cheating to avoid the appearance of a motive. Wait till statute of limitations runs out. Then admit you knew.

do this OP
>subly pick fights with her, when she gets mad you tell her why are you attacking me
>ask her to do something simple for you, no matter what shes doing it wrong
>move herstuff around, like rearrange her room, tell her its always been that way when she goes wtf
little things like that build uo and can drive a person crazy. she'llquestion her own sanity in the end if you do it right.

Not your personal army

Not OP but anymore small things similar to those?


>after you've done the above, go to family and friends, tell them you are worried about her. get them on your side
>when ever you do something wrong, turn it around on them, make them feel like they did something wrong
>every now and then whisper mean shit, then deny deny deny, never do it twice in a row so as not to get recorded and caught
theres tons of little thing you can do, just be creative and most of DO NOT GET CAUGHT.

That's the way. That's storybook galighting. Sometimes make a pause, smirk at her as contemptuous as you can. Then next moment tell her you love her and be the sweetest. Start conversations with other girls when she's around. Only overt. Not on Instagram or something. Just talk to plain, hot girls when with her shopping, etc. NEVER admit you know she's cheating. She'll finally burst like a bubble, you HAVE to be the victim. Be as SAD and MISERABLE as you can be. If she's catching on to your gaslighting, be SHOCKED about her theories. Cuddle up with her, have sex, etc, and then go right back to it.

This man knows how to fuck up a person real good. I salute to you.

Drop her butthole pics here


This retarded whore logic is why we hate women. Kill yourself you dumb cunt.

at the very least, it’s the cheated’s duty to warn others about a cheater.

fuck you

lol thanks

I get where you are coming from, objectively you are right. Ya can’t convince someone to not go with revenge. I think the best way to hurt someone is to just walk away and forget. Makes them feel worthless.

My suggestion is to Grow Up.
You are going to have people fucking with you your whole life. Deal with it and get on with your life. When you obsess over shit like this, you're already failing.
Move on, live a successful and fulfilling life, and get over this shit. It happens to everyone. You're not special.
Maybe, if you're a vindictive douche, you're giving women a good reason to cheat on you.

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i would post pics of the whore in random places

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Back when relationship were worth something? Yes. Today, when promiscuity is at an all time high? No. Today it is status. To ruin someone's status is the way to ruin a person. You know, some people still value relationships, giving love to another not only for the own satisfaction. OP's whore ruined that for him. He cares more about that than status, if I may speak for him. So let's ruin what she values. Status.

LOL shut the fuck up boomer

look at that disgusting axe wound.

Same boat here. My ex bf is a cheating asshole. Have his nudes and want them spread.

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Just off ourself it'll be easier. Whore deserved to be named and shamed. Wanna cheat get exposed like the dirty whore you are.

Post his lil winkie we wil shame it for u

Just pez that bitch up.

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Think I'm gonna at the very least send nudes to her family on Christmas morning.

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Swear I've seen this cuck in another thread a couple weeks ago. Bitch who posted it melted down and demanded we not post him, by any chance you that same person?

Bro this girl nasty af who cares.
Real revenge would be you finding someone much better looking and dating them.

LOL that is like the universal cuck pose

man that's one long pussy

Not the same girl lmao but nice try

What is her firstname for folder dude?

If you're close with her family, ask them for advice

rape them in the ass

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This is my hobby.
Kik me.

Is revenge porn illegal where you live ? If not, plaster her ass (along with the rest of her) all over the place.
If it is, then do it more discreetly.
And I've gotta say dude, she looks like a whore. Why would you get involved with someone like that ? Looks like the type of girl you fuck (with a condom, always !) and dump.

Your last sentence really brought your post together. You are also correct

Hmmm...who guessed it was him...?

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