
John Wayne's Teeth Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dear anons who hate the current state of Sup Forums drawthreads
>Avatarfags are the lifeblood of these threads, not your petulant copypasta REEEEing. Nobody comes here to listen to you bitch about what the threads SHOULD BE.
>You do not matter. You are disposable and replacable, and your concerns will never matter because you produce nothing of value.
>Your anger and stupidity is the primary motivator for the avatarfags you so wholly despise. Your REEEEing keeps the thread bumped, keeps it from falling past page 10.
>The majority of you anons are upset incel faggots who spend too much time strangling your dicks to things absolutely nobody would ever respect. Before you complain that people are socializing on Sup Forums, let go of your shriveled cock. Maybe you'll give your cortisol-flooded brain the rest it deserves.
>As long as you don't draw anything, you're worthless. you are a joke, you have no say in what goes on.
>Just in case you forgot, this is Sup Forums. We are here to sow discord, rage and disgust, and there are no mods to stop avatarfagging. There hasn't been a "drawthread" purge in years, therefore your spite towards Avatarfags is futile.
>Also, what the fuck are you going to do? Post copypasta and REEEE at every person who DOESN'T want to draw your nasty shit or give you (You)s? Good fucking luck doing that for hours on end. While your mood and desires plummet further downward and your life satisfaction deteriorates, Avatarfags will dance upon your death bed with their cocks out, laughing at you because you can't have fun on Sup Forums, which is the fucking POINT of even using the internet.
>Nobody has to be good at art. They don't have to get better, and they don't have to improve. This isn't /ic/, and the personal standards of a lonely cuck with no girlfriend will never be relevant.
So stay mad, you worthless user cunts. Your dreams are fucking DOOMED and you have no control, even in the graveyard of the internet. Now go and bump this thread with your futile frustration. XD

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Also, underage fags get the fuck out of these threads. Go do your home-work before you go off requesting weird cartoon porn.

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Fuck off niggers

Can you make these 2 women from Fairly Odd Parents have fun with a dildo?

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/r/ing her getting lovingly fucked

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Sup Forums drawthreads are bad, and will actually degrade your journey to becoming a fulfilled artist.
You will spend a lot of time in the presence of anonymous retards who have been banned from every other community for their antagonistic and borderline retarded behavior.
These people will not open their wallets to you, offer you meaningful critique or assist you in deliberate practice, they are here to get embarrassingly niche pornography from you and refresh threads for hours on end waiting for replies to their trolling comments.
You claim to come to these threads for fun, but when the regulars you associate with are shadow, vorefag, tonguefag, YV, Fernando Fernandez and other infamous shitlords you are humiliating yourself.
Sup Forums drawthreads are made out of habit, and are a landfill for the uninspired to bury themselves in.
People come here for praise and adoration, which feels nice until you realize who these anons truly are. They're malicious retarded cunts who want to waste your time, because they've already admitted that their time is worthless. They'll drag you down, and soon, you'll no longer be posting art on the drawthread.
You'll be sitting here refreshing a thread, wondering if you'll get (You)s for that image you posted or that reply you gave that artist you like.
You will become one of those loser anons, and you won't even know it. Or worse, you'll become one unconsciously, living in denial about all the time you've wasted on Sup Forums, waiting for a golden age that will never come.

I would like Luna to have anal sex with Clyde.

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>wholesome request from last thread

Attached: popopoka.png (1542x1080, 841K)

> Or worse, you'll become one unconsciously, living in denial about all the time you've wasted on Sup Forums, waiting for a golden age that will never come.

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Ah! thanks popopoka! such a astonish delivery

Requesting a comic of this dormouse girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake vore references: imgbox.com/g/OWIeC0Xfko

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Popopoka you're legit talented. You drew a "don't kill yourself" pic a long time ago for me and I still love it. Thanks for not being a cunt and putting your 100% into your deliveries.

spending 1 and a half hour on the background rather than the actual character itself. You're a faggot.

Requesting Ichirin Kumoi getting knotted and impregnated by a wolf or wolf guy

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You know someone's a mad faggot when they resort to insulting Poka

Taking requests

oh gee i wonder who the salty user cunt throwing salt at popopo is. It TOTALLY isn't somebody who is unhappy with their life.

imagine being so deluded. Nobody is safe from critique dumbass.

i wish you had never got your baphomet request done not because i wanted you to not get it i just preferred that over this and the regularity it brought to threads before. the anons and drawfags getting mad at you over being here and requesting it the fact that you just kept on adding more garbage requests under it increasingly as the months went on became some kind of living meme

guys stop insulting popopoka otherwise he wont draw our free requests reeeee


Draw a fisherman fishing



popporopi pls get poka out of her room.

seethe harder goon.

>Sperging because I have a new request

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Oh oh oh is THAT a terrible drawing?!?
the shit...yeah that one's incredible.
What really stands out to me, is the sweet lines, the coolness of the scribbles, and then you've got the crunch of the drawing, man what a REFRESHINGLY DELICATE and UNDERSTATED and DUH LISHUS doodle! it is UNBELIEVABLE. HOHOHO that's inSANE!

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>not reading his post.
He half heartedly complimented you, faggot.

>Sucking me off this hard
Keep sperging over your king, sperganon

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Requesting a full body pin-up of Barley from the upcoming movie Onward, naked with a bit of a muscular and chubby body, and an uncut erect cock.

Attached: Onward Barley Lightfoot Request.png (2234x788, 1.76M)

draw a teemo

Oh good, you idiots replied to him and now he's going to shit himself in the thread for hours again.

>Complains about sperg

10 lines of pure sperg

show art troll


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bring back Baphomet you swine

poo poo haha

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why do you fucking idiots want to make everything worse?
Avatarfags are the problem, not anons

>Obsessed AND sperging at a vore request

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/r/ redraw this scene but with naked women

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Quality content right here.

le poopoo

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i just want baphomet instead of mouse is that so bad?

Requesting Hyp getting a big titty anime woman pregnant

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why are there rumors about me
why does everyone keep mentioning me now
i dont even talk to anyone anymore
i just draw by myself

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shut the fuck up faggot

Requesting Goku sparring the great Immoral Zodd

literally who? fuck off loser

>bigballs tanuki request from last thread

ey i'm glad you like it ! was fun to draw

oo, thank you user, that's means a lot,
that makes me want to keep drawings things :D very nice

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The reason Sup Forums drawthreads are so bad is because of the focus on avatarfags and their personalities rather than sole drawings, content. They blame the requests but really it's the users. They seemingly exist to steal attention from real, original content creators, who have already been driven off this place or board.

I don't know a single person outside of Sup Forums who wants to see some retard's blog post about their favorite video game or how they like to suck dicks. It's annoying and stupid, why do you think that's cool or something interesting? That isn't content, it shouldn't be classed as content, it's literal blogposting. Stupid reaction images that seemingly don't contribute to the thread at all. But it somehow works, because a lot of you allow it to work. Things like requesting avatarfags' OC's doing something or even egging them on to talk about something unrelated to what they draw is encouraging this behavior.

Half of the time when they aren't drawing for you they're just jerking each other off through ironic "uwu owo" posting and reaction doodles. You can see this happening with popoka, debil, bb, mobil, and even trinket half if not, most of the time. It's literally a character they put on just like with YV. To seem better than their real selves.

This shit is so pathetic and shows why Sup Forums drawthreads are nothing but a waste of real artists' time. Because whenever I see a better content creator on this board, on these threads, I just shake my head because I know they're wasting their potential. Please, don't make a name for yourself here. Make it where it will matter. This shouldn't be a place to just give sweet nothings, but a place to critique yet maintain it's stability perhaps like /ic/, not to take attention and attack.

But it's already too late, this place has gone too far. Most people will either ignore or mock real arguments. Nobody is into the truth anymore. And ever since 2011, it's hell.

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haven't heard about rumors about you sicklr to be honest you and dissu are the only two drawfags no one talks shit on aside from hating your art

Thanks Poka, this came out really cute lol. Much appreciated

go away you tasteless faggot.

Ey poka
you gonna do my bard thing or nah?
I just wanna know if i should keep watching the thread, no biggie if you're tired

is this the new big bad demon requester copypasta

popopoka is pretty cool, but like where's poka.
Miss that fluff.


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get necked, incel user faggot. XD
We will never stop avatarfagging and we will revel in your suffering

it is obvious when avatarfags samefag.

You'll see Avatarfag A enter the thread, and they'll always be given the same style responses from "anons" every single time. The chances that Avatarfag A and the same anons appear in every thread together dozens, if not, hundreds of times is slim to none. Even some sort of coordination with other avatarfags in the Discord chats would be near impossible that many times.

Now is every positive response they get a samefagging attempt?
No. Of course not. All I'm saying is it's blatantly obvious when they do, and calling it out when it does happen, there's nothing wrong with that.

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Nice multi browser posting, literally obvious.

It's the Euro avatarfag circlejerk hours. They'll fuck off here in about an hour or so before the American avatarfag circlejerk begins.

Just revel in knowing that they depend on Sup Forums for any type of social interaction. Most, if not all, of them will be six feet under in a couple years. This place is the last stop on the suicide train for them

What I've come to notice here is that Eurofags that frequent these drawthreads are for more sensitive to drawma-posting and shitposting. They're quick to freak the fuck out in various ways to any type of adversity that hits these threads. Eventually though, they just give up and take it all up the ass when they realize they can't win. They're a weak-minded people.

The American posters don't really give a fuck what happens here. They take it on the chins like champs, which is why you can't scare them off. They know this place is a dumpster fire burning hundreds of pounds of human feces. They revel in it. This is their territory. The Eurofags though need that safe little place to hide. They can't accept Sup Forums for what it is. And if everything isn't exactly perfect and doesn't conform to their ideals, they go berserk like 500lb aspie that was told he can't have a second helping of tendies. See old threads for example. They literally spammed the thread with Spiderman pics because someone made fun of their filters

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>Avatarfags are the lifeblood of these threads, not your petulant copypasta REEEEing. Nobody comes here to listen to you bitch about what the threads SHOULD BE.
>You do not matter. You are disposable and replacable, and your concerns will never matter because you produce nothing of value.

too long
tits or gtfo

but, she's playing with the plastic dicks,

i'll try to make something, user gave me the motivation :D

i'm sorry you don't like what i do, i thought the fireworks and landscape could add some atmosphere to the drawing
thank you for telling me what's wrong with it, i'll try to put in more efforts from now on

Oh yeah? Anons are your audience. Without them, you are useless. Who are you then gonna draw for? Your pathetic self? Goodluck.

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Newfag detected. Drawthreads used to be about artists interacting with each other.

look how that's turning out.

Lol who the fuck is this? And Nah, we'll draw with other avatarfags. Nobody remembers anons. Nobody likes anons. You idiots are interchangeable and forgetful. So yeah, I will always encourage avatarfags, because I come here for them, not you.


So stay mad, you worthless user cunts. Your dreams are fucking DOOMED and you have no control, even in the graveyard of the internet. Now go and bump this thread with your futile frustration. XD

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You claim to encourage and love avatarfags... Yet with each and every post, you drive them further to anger..... How curious. -Ben 10 superior

requesting her in your arstyle, it's an open request, it's also ok if you don't take it.
thanks in advance

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>>ttorrr scribble 75

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Normally your scribbles aren't bad.
But this is just bad.
From the titties to the front grip on that gun.
Just.... oof.

Aren't you the guy who stalks all the drawfags and saves their pictures?
Don't you have a half dozen pictures of a dog fucker on your computer? Including his nudes?

i was going to post in the last thread but someone said i was doing something and it reminded me of some drama
i kind of dont care but it kind of bothers me because i dont talk to anyone anymore and then anyone can say anything and its true
all this drama turned me off from being in a community and i hate it because i had fun being a part of that and now the only fun i have is drawing for myself or drawing whats fun to me
its just weird because im not even anywhere and whenever i come back to threads sometimes i get mentioned
i dont understand
sometimes i dont even post words
why would anyone mention me

Attached: sicklr.gif (600x600, 234K)

thanks anyway

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thats so weird i really always pictured ttorr as a little kid like the way he types and behaves and draws always struck me as child like

Every day a european who draws for you starves and dies every 7 minutes. Please donate to your local europoor with kind hearted messages and overwhelming love that they would never get outside of here. Thank you. This is a sponsered message by
>niggerfaggot, the pineapple company!

Attached: Europoor.png (722x827, 655K)

They're so empty that bringing up old meaningless bullshit is the only thing they have that makes them feel like they're having a human interaction.
It's lonely desperation. And it's sad.

Especially because all they need to do is drop the act and just be honest and open with themselves/others.


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requesting a butter werewolf

>implying niggers are any more literate than children

And his master complaining about fur in his food.
>Because a butler werewolf alone is just boring.

Keep patting and agreeing with yourself loser.


>Says the guy who makes rookie numbers look good

Yeah. You typo'd. I know. Your point?

only grown ass men want to draw loli
lol literally all I did last night was ask if an user last night was that "ghost fag obsessed with shitstain's drawings" in passing and bam you're here. That's not a good sign, dude.