I’m trying to buy some gold on classic wow but I’ve never done it and I’m not trying to lose my money...

I’m trying to buy some gold on classic wow but I’ve never done it and I’m not trying to lose my money. Anyone ever bought gold?

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All the time. Paypal me $100 and I'll hook you up

Sounds legit.

Well, your trying not to lose money part seems to be working

Farm some gold you scrub, it's easy as shit

I can’t sit around and play all day like some of you fuck faces.

Classic excuse for losers.
>I cannot do what everyone else can do because reasons other than just being lazy

Fuck off, you ruin the economy and are the cause of all cancerous spam. If you don't want to put in the effort you don't get to win

stfu elitist little shit
some of us have jobs and lives
I don't give a shit about the economy of some game


or....he works smarter not harder.

im not sure on wow currency but im sure you can buy more gold after working a job for one hour than you'd make sitting on your ass farming for an hour.

>im not sure on wow currency but im sure
Just get scammed already you fucking mongoloid

Get gud, get grinding

get fucked faggot. i buy gold twice a month and its fine

fuck you user, I'd rather work one single hour of overtime or skip a few lunch breaks and be able to buy what dumb fags like you grind out over days. fuck your game economy

ok boomer

I bought some Chiner gold like 12 years ago when it was all the gay ass Burning Crusade dailies
eventually I checked /played and realized there were more important things to get into

bro just deathroll

it's safer (on an irl money standpoint) and more enjoyable than actually buying gold

Everyone should check their /played and then look up how many hours are typically spent on a college degree.

You know the people that sell gold are the same that hack accounts right?

If you're buying gold to play a game it means you're not enjoying it anymore.

I've bought gold in retail because I make $50+ an hr working so I'd rather have someone else spend the time farming. Not risky from my exp. never been scammed. Luckily in classic got lucky with drops so never needed too buy it.