No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly

>No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly
Is he correct?

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No he is just a jerk off. I'd say obongo was probably treated the worst of the modern era. Not that he wasn't a dick anyway.

There were politicians that were shot to death. So, no, not even close

No, but he's a racist fuck head and i hope he gets impeached and embarrassed in front of the world.

Julius Caesar would disagree. Trumps cool tho.

this topic is gay and you are too

Have you any proof of this?


Not even in the US but surely theres a reason everytime its brought up in the final impeachment hurdle of whatever your shit systen is that got this moron elected in the first place, that whatever libtards bring up conservetards just damage control and deflect. Really hope you or someone else makes it look not as shit flinging mosh pit as it looks to the rest of the world.

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Lincoln wasn't shot till his second term. And Lincoln is about on par with how GEOTUS has been treated.

ok boomer

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So you’re saying there’s still hope?

there have been one day presidents
>David Rice Atchison

It's disgusting. They treat him like he is some kind of criminal....oh wait. He is a criminal.

JFK got shot. All Clinton did was cheat on his wife which isn't against the rules. Everything that is happening to Trump is Trump's own fault. If you hang out with bad people. People are going to assume you are bad.

The greatest irony with Trump's victim role-playing is that HE is the creator of all his problems.
Whether its arrogance, sheer ignorance or a mix of the two, all of the flack he's caught can be drawn back to stupid and unnecessary things he's said and done that aroused or exacerbated suspicions.
It's honestly amusing to watch it every time.

no, he is a boomer snowflake that should be ignored by history.

>I'd say obongo was probably treated the worst of the modern era
By whom? His media lap dogs or the cringe faggots of The Left who were fellating Big Mike's song every chance they had?

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Yeah, hes the one that doesnt want him to get elected so hes throwing anything at the wall to see it will stick. Right, adam?

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>Nobel peace prize
>still doesn't know what for

I was gonna say yeah but then I remember the time he tried to get Obama to release his birth certificate or not donate $1million to some charity

Look at the big ol' confirmation bias on this feller!

>has been treated worse or more unfairly
Wait until you hear about this Hitler guy

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history is a damn long time and this planet is a fairly big place, relative to the scope of this assertion
so, probably not.

>falling for obvious bait

>*Trump voice* Wrong!
>we used to hang politicians who betrayed there people for treason.

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no,he's just a crybaby.its pretty disapointing that republicans let him get away with the shit he does instead of fighting against him

>not even in the US

then why do you even care? also,impeachment doesnt automatically make a democrat president

then again,you bring up "conservatards"like you somehow think conservatives even support donald trump


But were pretty close to that. It wouldn’t surprise me if adam schiff and Peolosi shot him dead and drank his blood from a wine glass at this point but then again you needed testosterone and buts to do that. Oh and probably a brain large enough to process thoughts complex enough to walk down the street or open doors to get to Trump

Nah, Obama was treated like shit by the republicans for Obamacare. Straight up disrespected during addresses to Congress. It’s like you morons only have a two year memory. This is the way politics will be from now on, I think.

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I'm pretty sure Lincoln had it worse

I think it’s time to bestow him with the title, Donald the Great! Like Alexander, Pompey, and Antiochus.

Worse than Lincoln or JFK? I think not. This is just Trump playing the victim card again because the mean people on the TV don't like him.

Any shit the nigger got for obamacare is fucking deserved.

Next you're going to say it's the Jewish Media who are out to get the Amerifag King?

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ok boomer

I'm pretty sure JFK was treated worse. What with his head getting exploded and all

> Is he correct?

Wondering if Donald Trump is correct?
That's like wondering if really big shits don't stink.

Sure, pal.
Like with a year left in office, Reblitards just say, "No, we're not going to allow you to pick a justice."
Every single action O wanted was blocked.

Snowflake can't even handle not being nominated by Time, and attacks the recipient, now the ones who made the decision.
He's retarded.

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Actual teeth. God, Trump's ugly.

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maybe jimmy carter. i think he was just too nice when presidents have to be ruthless to a certain extent. every underprivileged person who i know that was around to remember his presidency has nothing but praise. he did a lot for the poor but unfortunately, you kind of have to kiss ass to the rich to stay in power and hope you can help people on the side.