How do you feel about people that kill themselves user ?

how do you feel about people that kill themselves user ?

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Makes me think I can become an hero one day too.

more traps + sjw's should join them

Makes no sense

life's not for everyone, do what you want with your own body

Without being a edge lord I feel bad for them.

If you have enough energy to get up and do something why not make it productive it’s just confusing to me

Weeker then me

Bro, I just wanna vibe productivity doesn't allow me to vibe

Why not do something positive if you have the energy to get up

What am I supposed to feel, sad? Upset?

Pfft, they got what they wanted and what I need.

They're dead to me

I don't see the point of doing anything man not trying to be an edge fag but I'm waiting for the day that takes me to the forever vibe zone, but for now, I gotta keep up the act to keep everyone around from pooping there pants (no I don't wanna an here I just wanna vibe)

Feel bad. Sure, there are exceptions but they're very rare. Life is a wonderful opportunity for growth, that's why we're here, and if you miss out on a lesson you were supposed to learn, you'll just have to face it worse next time around.

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Bruh, how did you pass english?

I didn't, but really I'm ok at math but English and science can eat my dick

Depends on the reason they kill themselves. Overall though just mental weaklings.

Sad, jealous


Whatever you say satan.

>Thats why were here
Wow its that simple huh? Glad you figured out the meaning of existence for us all.


Well they don't feel anything towards me so what should i for them? They don't feel anything at all so they're just meat and bones. Or just bones. Or dust.


I can justify why someone might want to. Alot of aspects whether they have obligations to withhold to loved ones, children ect. Really depends on the circumstance.