What do you think about Socialism now, Sup Forums?

What do you think about Socialism now, Sup Forums?

Attached: 1576164112711.jpg (1000x1000, 170K)

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Chick on the rights lips are way too full. Wish it was her. Nice tits.

Thats gabi on periscope retard

She's sucking in her lips in the pic on the right.

I know. I saw that and looked at other pics of her. Its sadly not her. She has thin lips.

most people have seen more than this one photo of her. we are fully aware of what she looks like, and the girl on the right is not her.

I think that everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

Nah, you can tell it's her by the mustache.

Attached: 1574850135746.jpg (540x532, 45K)

Are you sure you've seen ALL of them?

Attached: fat hoots chalupa bitch.jpg (1240x1808, 123K)

>maybe if I leak my titties on the internet I'll get VP"

Fuck I wish that was her

Post up the bathtub reflection pic

Bump for this I don't think I've seen it before


looks like a fucking chupacabra or a pile of melting butterscotch dog shit

Found it

Attached: DuEqzflUUAAtngq.jpg (1024x1024, 184K)

AOC is fine as fuck, you think nudes will dissuade her followers?

She's pretty okay looking, good boobers. I'll allow her permission to run in the future if she eat my gf out until she cums, then licks my dick until i ejac on her boobs/face whenever i want for one year.

any more?

Hey! Don't insult gabi, comparing her to that twat. Gabi is cool

Chick on the right doesn’t look like a horse. It’s not her.

Does she still scope? Haven't seen her is a while.

Ill show you her boobs for 10,000 dollars. "If you also show proof of her consent to me showing you her boobs"

?? I used to watch her scopes all the time. She was cool to listen to. Trust me, I've seen all of her, don't need to pay for it. I was just wondering what happened to her.

I mean AOC's boobs. Not the fake boobs. She's given permission so it's okay

I'm not insulting anyone. I'm paying homage to a Goddess.
Stop making shit up, faggot.

Oh, I mean. Those would be great to see, but they aren't worth paying for.

Which one is the goddesses to you? Gabi certainly is.

no boobs 4 u

I don't know who "Gabi" is. In fact, I don't think anyone knows who she is, because she's not real.

Tits confirmed, that's hot. Look at those swollen nipples leaking.

Attached: AOC tits.jpg (1369x1021, 113K)


Attached: 1574200091798.jpg (672x431, 94K)

Full blown Socialism? No.
Capitalism with social programs? Yes

Many people will believe this because all beaners have the same generic features.

video clip here