Black introvert AMA

Black introvert AMA

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Excuse me?

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Are you still loud in movie theaters?

Why do you think people are interested in a black introvert?

How do you feel about being black?

I swear this website has been taken over by niggers now.

I'm not loud in movie theaters, I don't even watch movies that much.
Idk why, I just want questions.
I don't really feel anything about being black, it's the same feeling as other people.
Us black people are taking over so get used to it.

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Does being black come with super powers or is it a direct downgrade from stock?

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Unless you call better genetics a superpower then no to both.

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no, you have nothing of interest to say.

You don't know that.

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Damn so it’s true that all black men have a 20 inch dick?? Man I need to upgrade soon then

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Come join the party user.

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If you're white, breed with a black woman if you want the best for your kids

This is truly the best option user.

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What’s wrong with her belly button

Yup, lightskins are winning

just die nigger, fucking cringe

I do like lightskin girls, but I also really like dark skin girls aswell.

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Why do black introverts love fighting games

Tell lizzo to get down before she breaks the sink.
I don't know since I don't really play any fighting games

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Darkskin girls are alright, but typically lightskinned girls are better maintenanced

pic related tinder girl I used to fuck

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I'm am an that finds beauty in both.

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how's the naruto obsession

*A man
I don't really fw Naruto that much, if at all in fact.

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I wouldnt even do this if you payed me for it

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I got two questions:

What do you get from going to a website filled with douchey white supremacist 12 year olds? Are you like me and it's just for the porn, or what?

Secondly, what's your stance on interracial marriage? I'd absolutely date and or marry a black women and raise some beautiful mixed kids.

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1) this sites only good for the porn, everything else is edgy trash.

2) I'm all for interracial marriage. It shouldn't matter what race you are, as long as you love them for who they are there shouldn't be any reason to be against it.

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>idk why

probably because they aren't, if you didn't attach a picture to your threads everyone would just call you a nigger

They have been calling me a nigger, the pics don't help that much.

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How does it feel to be a nigger? Oh wait I don't actually care. Can't wait to see you on the news when you get gunned down

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I know you don't need a white dude feeling sorry for you, but I'm sorry that so many white people are pieces of shit, even if they think its just harmless internet trolling.

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Thanks man, it means alot knowing there's someone on here who isn't complete trash that goes out of their way to try to put me down. I salute you.

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yes hello I have a question. do your friends who are black accuse you of being into white shit?

what is worse a white kid raised in a poor inner city around majority blacks or a black kid raised in the country around poor whites?

my Weiner also says to post more fat black asses for research purposes of course.

do you dislike white people?

do you have sympathy for white people that care about their future existance?

1) My friends don't accuse me of doing white shit because I don't have any friends :D :(

2) I don't really know, they both seem equal to me.

3) you got it
I don't dislike white people as a whole, I only dislike the racist ones.

I don't know what you mean by the second question, but if you're referring to the ones that think their race is slowly becoming extinct then no.

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Every single fucking race is like that with every other race that isn't their own.

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That's one strong ass sink

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what if I, as a white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes, want my kids to also have blonde hair and blue eyes? is that racist to you?

It isn't necessarily racist, it all depends on the context.

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What do you think makes some people racist?

I'm not OP, and cannot speak for him, but:

>"white people that care about their future existence"

>What you meant to say was Neo-Nazi scumfucks who believe in conspiracy theories surrounding race that anyone with half a brain can and should renounce. And the answer is no. Nor do they deserve it.

So? It's wrong no matter who does it. The fact that you get defensive when it's pointed out that white people do it reveals how you really feel.

Talking down on someone's whole race is a start. Also calling them slurs, preventing them from doing things most other people can do, and etc

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>You don't know that.

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>Imagine being a moral fag
I think reddit is a better plave for you new fren

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>Unless you call better genetics a superpower then no to both.

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no u

I love my black queens. Love you all

Do u and the black people you know in America really give a fuck about juice wrld dying? Is it media hype or do blacks really care about these type of events?

I wasn't much of a fan of juice weld, but I genuinely do care when these events happen.

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Is drinking lean and taking Xanax really that cool in your community or do a lot of guys think it’s a drug that kills you?

A bit of both, I personally hate that we promote using this stuff even though it's slowly killing our community, weh should stick to less harmful substances like weed.

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5 favorite black amature camgirls/ onlyfans hoes rn?

You're cuter than all the pathetic white women I've seen. I'd love to mess around with you

Why do you think it is that all the interracial porn is now super racist what happened?

You seem like a very reasonable person.

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That's a tough one, but I'll go with. Rissa2cute, raychiel, dulce moon, strella Kat, and katt leya
Scuse me?
I don't think anything happened, interracial porn has always had some racist aspects to it. they all portray black people as criminals/thugs that rape white women.

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How big is your dick nigganon?

I do?
8 inches.

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you pay any attention to politics?

Somewhat, I don't really like talking about politics though. It's always a depressing topic to talk about.

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Like Lower iqs, shorter average height, high thyroidism and high blood pressure? Yeah but at least black man got big dick even though Kenyans have smaller ones than the Chinese.

Can I see her squeeze a nice long log out of that turd cutter?

Bruh, what is wrong with you.

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Are you female? If so post tits

I'm a guy, and I don't think anyone wants to see my hairy nipples

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Dude, I don't really have any questions, but god damn is this thread filled with some good looking black women. Thanks for helping me expand the fap folder

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My aim is to please user.

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And you do it well user

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sauce pls!

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what is an introvert?


a shy, reticent person.


another term for introverted."

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Got any black sissies?

I do, but this threads dedicated specifically to black women

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Damn those are some serious mammaries

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made for feeding

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