Well boys, we did it. Jeremy Corbyn is no more...

Well boys, we did it. Jeremy Corbyn is no more. The foreigners shall be stricken from the land and the gays will be sent to concentration camps. God bless BJ

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>The foreigners shall be stricken from the land and the gays will be sent to concentration camps

Foreigners and gays are perverted deviants
Send them back to God!

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Fuck off UK, good riddance.

we don't need you faggots anymore, we're better off without.

Funny how quickly england went from being the country of gentlemen with tophats, monocles sipping on tea, to being the Russians of Europe with chavs, tracksuits and alcohol problems.

sadly it won't even be close to any of that. conservatives let in millions of non-eu migrants during their tenure. the difference between them and labour is essentially if the towelhead importing machine is on 4th or 5th gear, frankly.

I blame Labour and the leftist welfare free money state

socialists btfo

Imagine believing that either party had the interests of this country or its people at heart.

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the face you make when you vote yourself into welfare

Shut up sand nigger

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It's no surprise, really. UK voters are US-tier stupid.

Maybe I don't understand politics, but this looks like
A the results aren't fully in yet
B labour is ahead.

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It's based on exit polls which predict an 86 seat tory majority. Constituencies in the north east put their results out first and generally vote labour anyway so the current results aren't much to go by.

So much yes! Good job everyone, push the commies into the sea with their gay and migrant hoard and let's make great Britain great again!

Britain has always been the land of ruthless alcoholic tattooed scum. The fuck you on about you Mong? The Romans may have civilised some of us but we are still gross and awesome. Don't let this dumbass stereotypes of London rich boys in suits charming women prevail.


Murican here. What is our version of the labour party. Is boris like trump? Give me a quick rundown.

>voting Tory because you think this will happen

Are you actually this retarded?

>Murican here. What is our version of the labour party. Is boris like trump? Give me a quick rundown.
Roughly speaking,
Democratic Party : Labour :: GOP : Tories

Boris is kind of like Trump, but he only pretends to be a buffoon, whereas Trump is the real deal.

.... are you? This is Sup Forums. You don't give your actual opinion on here anyway. The best you'll get is a caricature of someone with an opinion.

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The Democrats are nothing like labor. Lmao

I don’t warm to many of our Eastern European brethren that have come over since the early 2000s but culturally we are similar.

Now, instead of Europeans we will be getting immigrants who are culturally less similar to the indigenous “white” population.

Frankly I don’t give a toss but those dumb ass northern Brexiteers are in for a shock.

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Britian has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Corbin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Corbin did lead.
To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples,
Inspired them to labour and valourous deed.

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Corbin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

In the victory of Communism's immortal ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering scarlet banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Corbin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

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I don't give a fuck about your opinion. But thinking the tories will get rid of faggots and illegals is fucking retarded. That is not going to happen.

It's like Fox News reporting Trump won based entirely on Kentucky being the first state to report exit polls.

So it absolutely is likely to happen, but it's not over yet.

... obviously.

The ancestors of the London rich boys led armies of the ancestors of the ruthless alcoholic tattooed scum via sodomy, rum and the lash to rule half the globe. So yes, but don’t underestimate the chinless wonders - they’re the real sneaky, nasty bastards

your democrats are basically our conservatives

apparently not obvious enough

A Welsh former mining community just voted Tory. Astounding.

autism made manifest

They voted Brexit. Not Tory. Pretty standard for Wales. Wales is basically the reason for Brexit.

Your abrahamic god doesn't exist.

Haha! Bet that hurt. Fucking brilliant.

Them and the voters in Blyth are all scabs.

And I’m not even a leftie!

>Roughly speaking

They elected a Conservative MP. For whatever reason one of the Labour heartlands couldn’t hold its nose and vote Corbyn in

They are turkeys that voted for Christmas not once but twice.

Dopey fukkers

You’re going to see so many scabs before the night’s out you’ll need a nurse to dress them

Better take out a loan to pay for it.

Why? The NHS being for sale was a figment of a fevered Milne imagination

It was a joke.

And the NHS isn't really for sale, it's just having bits sold off. It's nothing new, it's been happening for years. That's why Virgin sued the NHS, because the part they bought wasn't as profitable as they were told it would be.

It wasn’t a joke. It was a slogan and a central plank of Labour’s strategy.


"Labour" can't even spell labor correctly and they expect to run a nation?

...which I made a joke out of.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

American here. I don't have an opinion of Johnson, but would babysit his nurse maid.