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Are you an American, op?



Yes born and raised American

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aRe yOU TriGGeREd?

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Top kek. Then you dont understand how this all works.

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Yes-huh, he is! Orange Man Good!

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I'm not doing the Impeaching you cunt face

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I don't care how you feel about it.

Just pay your taxes.

3rd term bitch

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He's not mine as well. Thank God I am not a fucking merican garbage.

Kind of hard to pay taxes when they are still living off that college loan daddy is still working off.

Perhaps when that gender studies degree gains them em... Well I guess there is always Walmart

Technically he isn't my president either, because I'm not from USA.

Huckabee is on twitter going on about how Trump is eligible for a third term since he 'lost' his first one. Why do Republicans loathe the constitution so much? I mean, they really fucking hate it.

Sorry, foreigner opinions go straight in the 'discarded' comments


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Move to Cuba. I heard Trump wasn't their president + it's 100% communist, leftists would rejoice.

If Trump is a threatening tyrant, why did Democrats just agree to give him $730,000,000,000 for the military?

-------> NOT. MY. PRESIDENT.

Yeah whatever you liberal cuck.

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But you don't trust her or believe anything she says so that quote is INVALID!!

Why do you libtards believe certain parts of the constitution should only be exercised by certain people who have a similar political mentality, instead of everyone who is a US citizen? Or is there another excuse for why libs dont want Republicans to exercise their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, etc amendments?

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>Why do you libtards

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So you don't live in America then? If you don't, then you're right. He's not. However.. if you're a stupid fuck liberal faggot ass and you live in America.. I got news for you...


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I live in America and he isn't my president

Unfortunately, he is. Be sure to vote next time

Yeah, but he is tho. If you live in the US anyway.

You seem to be confused as to how your electoral system works. He won, hes your president. What part don't you understand? I'll break out the crayons and help

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He isn't though, he isn't my president. He also lost by 3 million votes, not my president.

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Who cares about popular vote? Retake 9th grade civics you mong

Doesn't matter a loss is a loss.
Take your L and he isn't my president.

OP is israeli
>and still butthurt

>Doesn't matter a loss is a loss.

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And Trump lost too

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Nope, born and raised American non jew


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No. One. Cares.

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