Am i chad?

Am i chad?

Attached: frontside.jpg (758x500, 63K)

Put on some weight and less make up!

having to ask for reassurance from Sup Forums proves youre far from it

Ayup insecurity and probable autism


what makeup.
im 80kg

Insecure and homosexual. Post your ass hole if you want attention otherwise fuck off.

no but you're cute anyways :)

a) stop fucking pouting
b) stop trying to find validation for your average looks on the internet

this tbh sorry bud

No, and you're underage. Reported.


Attached: shit3.jpg (381x410, 155K)

Is that a galaxy s7 edge?


Yeah, you'd know if you were Chad.

So now i'm laughing at logposts. I guess there really is a first time for everything!

nope you're fag. but don't worry, the way you look you'll be very successful being fag.

Im 28 years old

Fag? I got over 2000 tinder matches with women.

If hes average its over for all of men.

Nah, more like an Eric. You’ll be far and balding before you know it.

Im 28 years old and no signs of balding.

fucking based

Chad is a meme. You're a person, posting photographs of your head on Sup Forums. Pretty lame. Leave this place and talk to girls!

You look like you can’t decide whether or not you fully want to commit to your transition.


What fucking transition?

To a 41%'er

absolutely based logger

Lol? Dw i slay more than this thread will ever combined.


My fucking sides

This is now a log thread

Attached: 1564874682646.webm (960x720, 1.91M)

>Mfw toilet clogger fattie catfishes as a hot guy

Attached: 12 - guMHG2T.jpg (170x254, 16K)

You have the facial aesthetics to be Chad, grasshopper. Your only mistake is asking the question. You see, the true Chad does not question himself. He sees, he assesses, he acts. He knows what is rightfully his on sight. In order to attain your fate, you must become swole, though that is the least of your tasks. The Chad does not "want." He simply attains. To want is beta. To act is Chad. The Chad looks, sees, and acts without hesitation. His will is manifest, and none dare question this, for it is the way of things as far as mankind has ever known. Only when you cease to question, will the question be truly answered.