Your daughter brings home her black boyfriend for the first time

>Your daughter brings home her black boyfriend for the first time
>"Hey Dad, meet my boyfriend Dwayne!"
Wat do?

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the boyfriend being black: fine

the boyfriend having that hair: unforgiveable

Ball up

shoot nigger, bury in backyard.

>Look Dwayne square in the eyes
>Walk up to him, without breaking my stare, not even blinking
>Stand no more than 5 inches apart from him
>"Diversity is our strength."
>I give Dwayne a massive bear hug.
>"Welcome home, son."
>Slip Dwayne a $100 bill with message "Sorry for slavery."
Id then allow Dwayne to use my bed to breed my daughter.


shalom! am i late for the thread? rabbi hershel said 6 o’clock sharp

Immediately strip her naked and bind her hands. Gag her and put a collar and leash on her. Hand it over to him and tell him to enjoy her as his new property. Before he leaves, hold her down and brand her ass, marking her as a "Blacked Slave"

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niggs already half bald from having that lame hairstyle LOL

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Please go on

i install spyware on my kids phones/computers so I see everything they do long before anything happens

He actually looks like a nice guy..... how pathetic do you have to be to hate someone because of there skin complexion???? That’s you OP... suck the Mausberg and kill your self

Okay the sorry for slavery part was pathetic... you just showed your chuck tendency

This x2
Caught my daughter sendin nudes to some catfish online before.

Suck his dick so he feels welcum in all the family orifices.

Not my daugther then

He has a daughter. Man was already a cuck

Dwayne? More like De-Wanyé

you just showed everyone that you are a bigot. bigots are NOT welcomed here on Sup Forums so get the fuck out bud

Ask him if I can have the pleasure of making a faggot of myself on his big black cock