Be me, retard newfag who just graduated high school

>be me, retard newfag who just graduated high school
>I’m 18 fuck you
>Me and my little sister’s rooms are on the second floor, mom and dad never go up there
>sitting in room
>decide to jerk off
>nut to incestbait porn
>clean up nut, ball up tissue and toss into trash can
>go downstairs to eat something
>come back up
>sit on bed and play Titanfall 2, just became free for PlayStation plus users
>play for about 25 minutes, toss water bottle into trash can
>stop and stand up
>go over to trashcan
>nut tissue ball is gone
>sort through trash like a gremlin
>no nut tissue
>think I’m a wizard
>walk out of room
>go to hallway bathroom, door is opposite to sister’s door
>wash face
>unsure what happened
>walk into sister’s room, she’s not there
>yell to dad and ask where she is
>”I’m down here user!”
>Glance over and see pile of crumpled tissues in her trash can by chance
>guilty feeling/dread fills my stomach
>pick up tissues, look at them
>barely any nut on them, I know it’s the nut tissue ball from that as well as the way the tissues are crumpled
>they’re damp
>they smell like saliva
>drop tissues back into trash can
>walk back into my room
>sit down on bed and go back to playing Titanfall
>feel like I’m gonna vomit
>make this post 3 days later
>sister is acting like normal
>wonder how long this has been going on under my fucking nose
I’m not attracted to my sister. She’s my sister. I have no idea how to deal with this. Should I kill her and then myself?

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Just yourself

If this is actually true you do need to stop it.
I have no fucking clue how though. What a crazy situation. Do you have a therapist you see ever or does she? Maybe they can help? I’d say maybe say something to her privately if you think you’d be able to. You know your relationship with her better than me

Offer to jizz on some saltines arranged on a plate for 50$ per serving. Win / Win

Feed her from the tap faggot. Or buy some cakes or some shit and jizz on it and give it to her, keep us updated

just flush the cum soaked paper you fucking idiot, but yes you should kill yourself

How old is your sister?

This but meaner. Kill yourself OP, you fucking retard.

I’m doing that from now on, yeah.
She’s a few years younger than me.

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>Be OP
>Have sister
>Literal cum dumpster
>I'm not attracted to my sister
What a faggot.

Has she ever shown sexual attraction to you?

It’s different when it’s actually your own sister retard.

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is she "generally speaking" hot?

No. I’ve never had any indication of this.
She’s too young for that retard

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If you're not comfortable banging your sister, then you should figure out what you have to do to get yourself comfortable with it and bang your sister. I mean, sister or not, she's stealing your cum, it's basically free nookie

Tell us her exact age you fuck

>faps in incest"bait" porn
>uuuuuuh but im not interested in my sister

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She’s 13.
You have autism.
Funny but it’s my own sister. It’s different.

13 is too young to know if she's hot?

So she finally hit puberty and the only way for her to vent her sexual frustration is by stealing and eating her big brother’s cum? Hot dude. I bet she even masturbates while she does it.

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OP here, decided to fuck my sister, gonna send you all that dank loli pussy tomorrow

Uhh. Just keep doing what you’re doing honestly. If it really bothers then address it to her. That shits embarrassing so don’t be pissed, my only question is if she’s rubbing her pussy with it

I mean. It’s my sister.
Die but also a little kek
I wouldn’t think so, the tissues didn’t smell like pussy or anything. That would be a problem though

Quit being a bitch and talk to her about it, she needs to be told what's okay or not.

being curious about each other's processes is normal, you shouldn't be hiding it from each other. in an ideal world you could come (heh) right out with it and get the mystery out of the way. She sees you ejaculate, you see she's turned on by it, which is fine. No big deal. If she wants to touch your semen or taste it, that's fine too, it's not fucking poison.

Okay so first thing is address it to her or catch her doing it. Tell her how you feel about it, if you don’t bring something up it’s going to keep happening. Honestly I find that shit kind sexy but I don’t have a younger sister. I used my step sisters shoes for cum targets until she found out and continued to wear those same shoes. She’s older than me by the same age you are to your sister.

Fuck this guy, watch incest porn for a while until you can confidently fuck her in the middle of the night. Or just cum on her face OP. Imagine the image of her waking up with hot, thick cum on her face, and she’s already addicted to the taste and smell, so she doesn’t even think beyond the few seconds of brief confusion. She just starts tasting it with one hand, the other right in her panties. The whole time you’re just standing over her, still leaking the last thick drop.

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>tell her, her breath smells funny.
Wait for her to stop doig it. If she keeps doing it just confront her about it. Or maybe, just maybe, dont leave your crusty cum tissues in your room. I bet your mom has found them too and is afraid of telling you to stop doing it.

It's a simple negative reinforcement situation.
Start putting something that tastes bad on the tissues along with the cum and she'll soon stop eating it and perhaps even end her attraction to you

why don't you just pretend to fall asleep around her and report back the results. for science. and profit?

Keep talking nigga, maybe you’ll get OP to actually do it. At least I’m hard


Next time, put the strongest pepper you can find on the paper before cumming.
Then we'll discover if she's only putting in her mouth or other parts

After that, have a conversation with her. You'll have a weird conversation, but things should be back to normal faster than you'd imagine. The only problem is - if your father starts screaming for water, I may have bad news for you

I’m just going to switch to flushing my nuts. That should be the end of it.
You’re weird user.
Seriously, die.
>breath smells funny
That actually made me laugh a little. Thank you but no.
What, like a Nintendo switch cartridge?

The real question is what's your fave Titan

Ronin for multiplayer, Legion for Frontier Defense.

Actually there are companies out there that sell the thing they put on the Switch caridges exactly to prevent children or pets to eat things they shouldn't

Good taste. I'm still digging Tone because that's the only way to get my 40mm fix from the OG game.

Maybe it was the dog lol

How much younger is the sister, user?

Nvm I’m retarded

No it's not faggot
t. Got first blowie from my sister

As a fellow big bro user, I would suggest you confront her about it when it’s just the two of you. It would be a serious problem if she started doing other things with your go go gadget sauce. If she’s just sexually curious, I would actually recommend you introduce her to pornography. If it’s a genuine Brocon fetish, get her to a therapist.

lol, just call her a faggot and get on with your life.

>Set up hidden camera
>Catch her stealing your cum
>Confront her
>If you want my jizz so badly you can get it from me

>not getting bi-daily bj's from cum-thirsty sister
Better you than the litany of faggots at your middle school

Tbh no one quite sucks dick like your sister. Well except maybe your mom

>leaving cum tissues in your room
Disgusting. Your room reeks of cum and you just don't notice because you're used to it.

i know from experience

Is this true?

I cum in my boxers and toss them in my hamper. What does it smell like? Would it be masked by laundry on top?

>what does it smell like
Sniff it you fuckstick. It smells like cum. It has a nasty stale smell to it that hits your nose like bleach.
Fresh cum doesn't smell as bad, but when it's been in the air for a while it's really gross.

>would it be masked by the laundry on top
A little but not really.

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>I cum in my boxers and toss them in my hamper.
you dont do the laundry right? Whoever does it, 100% knows whats going on

I’ve always done my own laundry. I would feel guilty if someone had to touch my cum shorts

What do you mean it smells stale? I’m not going to shove face into my own cum, buT I don’t know what smell I’m trying to look for. Just describe it to me.

I'd catch her stealing it or even catching her licking it up. Setup a camera in her room and record it for fapping. Once you caught her she will get very embarassed but you offer her your cock for some fresh cum.

Should also add I’ve gone camping and stood in smoke for literal hours each day in the same clothes, tossed them in the hamper and smelled nothing once a few clothes were on top. Are you guys saying that cum is stronger than smoke?

Something is wrong with your sense of smell

Is she skinny? Does she have any boobs yet?

just tell your parents about it.

Fucking cum inside her, you queer. Golden opportunity wasted on this tard

If you do your own laundry why would you put it below other dirty clothes? Just wash it, and dont leave your cum tissues in your room. It smells believe me. You just dont realize it because its normal for you, but other people can smell it.

This is probably the closest legitimate advice you’ll get here lol

Xdxdxdxdxd azopotamadre c mamut el prro

Literally just confront her about it and give her cummies from the source. It doesn't have to be sexual just a fun bonding experience

Try to catch her in the act. Figure out when your sister is upstairs with you in her room with the door open. Open your door a little bit, jerk off, set the volume of the porn to loud (how did she know you jerked off the first time? Are your rooms next door? Can she her you through the walls or do you think she always checks when you leave your room?), and go downstairs. Try to listen for when you sister leaves her room, wait a couple seconds, then go upstairs and try to catch her in the act.

If you dont think you can do this the first time, then let her take it. Stay downstairs a long time, and then come back upstairs (hopefully shes already taken it). Eventually her guard will be down, then try and actually catch her in the act.