So would you/b/?

So would you/b/?

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From behind

Bestiality is illegal in my country so no

Damn, she looks good there!


yes but I need earmuffs

just to see dem tits

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she has some spanish rice and beans stuck in her teeth. disgusting, really.

she's cut
seems pleasant
she doesn't seem at all as dumb as you guys make her out to be but holy shit doea her voice and the way she talks trigger me in the mildest possible way.

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You can tell when republitards are scared and afraid - it’s when they post anti-democrat memes.
They are flailing and desperate because they know their time is limited

Ew /b is not into horse cock

I think you’ll find that it very much is, new friend

yes, we're afraid of people with retard strength and retard logic. she doesn't have the first, but she definitely has the second.

that said, i wouldn't find bending her over and fucking her.

>yes, we're afraid of people with retard strength and retard logic.
no you're not

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> highly intelligent
> successful
> pretty
which of three is the thing that you guys OBSESS over? hmmm? if you focus on her looks you are an incel and hate women. let me say that again, you hate women, because you can't fathom appreciating a woman for her intellect, you can't imagine recognizing a woman for her ability to out earn you and have greater prestige, instead you just focus on here as a sexual object, the true sign of a scared, beta, woman hater that doesn't believe a woman can be better than a man.

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I would fuck her silly

I wanna breed this literal witch

Probably, not because I find her all that attractive, but she needs a good fuck.

Have you seen her boyfriend? My arms are bigger than his legs

vote for her again

Who wouldn't? Moar?

More pics of her please who got em

>retard logi
i voted for her and i dont even live in NY.
she is such a national treasure.
> those teeth tho


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She attacked UBI >:(
Yang Gang 2020

she literally looks like she has a penis

Oh hell yeah. She’s hot. I wouldn’t want to have a deep conversation with her though, more just enjoy light convo and then her body.

trump has already had his way with her you bimbo

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He has a mushroom penis. Stormy Daniels said she couldn't even feel it. He lasted less than a minute. Sad!

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Absolutely. If we were in a line to get food and she was all "wahhh", I'd be all "yo there's some paper towels in the bathroom". After she comes back after I hold her spot in line, she'd probably return all giddy with wet hands because she saw the establishment had air dryers only which is a plus for me since I go to the place so often. Happens a lot.

how’s ol’ stormy doing these days? last i heard she owed trump about $200k and her lawyer is in jail for trying to blackmail nike

You must be a fucking retard to want UBI

Moar like this?

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I believe she's doing well after the bogus arrest in Columbus was resolved

two drunk

that’s good, at least she’s back doing what she loves. stripping.

>ex gf says bad things after a bad break up

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Your reply looks like it was written by Trump himself.

>how’s ol’ stormy doing these days?
She's okay.

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Fake the foreskin doenst move

Yeah, I was actually there that night but I didn't see the arrest or any of the drama. 4/10 for me, but I'm not really into blondes or fake tits. Or strippers. Columbus is my home town and I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

Did stormy already spend all of Don the Con's hush money? Dumpy must be the only man who paid a hooker twice to have sex once.

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where do you come up with this shit?

Moar like this?

only the finest marxist academia

Meh if I could pull her hair and finish in her ass I would cheat on my wife with her but if not I would pass... who am I kidding I would hit that ass.

My standards are 1: less hairy than me, 2: real vagina. That's it. Used to be 3: weighs less than me, but I lost like 80 pounds AND also I no longer care if they're fat. Kinda prefer it tbh

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The answer is yes. Especially head. I really need a need scrub and I feel those teeth can do the job.

Keep going? I like

you might have better luck on i only have them for parody

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If you are a servant enslaved in trumps office and need help reply to this with your SS number.

he didn't deny it, don't be mad

Nope, this hoe needs to be shot and buried!

does the pope shit in the woods?

Would I ever.

Date her, bang her, Wife her, make sweet passionate love to her every night, make her the mother of my brood of children, grow old with her, and cherish her fondly through all the days of our lives.

She's smart, attractive, ambitious... what's not to love?

Ask her how she feels about NK, and Lil Kim, post what she said then ship her there and let Kim deal with her.

No. She claims to be part Jewish, which turns me off

Double-bag her head and you have got a deal.

I’d go chin deep in that ass

He’s not retard, he’s just 12

What kind of panties do you an anons think she wears?

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i need those fat spic milkers in my mouth

Immediately begin Equine Dentistry courses. Youd be surprised how scarce they are and what they charge for a simple procedures.

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Who cares, shes a herpes infected skank.