After a 3 month break I got back together with my girlfriend. Things were going great...

After a 3 month break I got back together with my girlfriend. Things were going great, we loved each other more than ever however she just told me she was pregnant. I know it wasn't mine because we've only had sex twice since reuniting both times with a condom, that's when she told it was from her ex who she used for sex while we were apart.

Should I stay with her even though it's a good chance of her being pregnant by another man? She doesn't want to get rid of it because that wouldn't be fair to her ex or the child, but she loves me and still wants us to get married eventually.

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No, you don’t stay with her. Don’t be a fool.

Sounds like she's using you as a fallback plan. I wouldn't trust her

Honestly if you care about her stay with her. You weren't together when she got knocked up so it isn't your business, let them handle it or just leave her to her own devices concerning the situation, mind your business and focus on her, supporting her and loving her like you always have. There isn't anything wrong with being a step father, the other guy she's dealing with obviously isn't mature enough find fatherhood anyway so dont worry about him, he's just an asshole for being inconsiderate and irresponsible. I feel like this situation will only make your bond that much stronger if you stick by her, not many men have the strength, courage or maturity to stick around in your position.

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Don’t listen to this dumb motherfucker. Use your brain. She fucked this guy WITHOUT a condom but fucks you with one. You think this is a total surprise? Don’t be a fool. Run.

So let me get this straight. Your girlfriend left you for another man and after 3 months, when the guy eventually knocked her up she wants to get back with you and you are considering this, although you would raise the child of another man? Ooooooh boy, that's some trigger right there

If the ex isn't gonna step up and raise his bastard you shouldn't actively support the bastard's well-being. Don't voluntarily be more cucked than you already were. Also, yes leave that whore. You JUST broke up and you're all lovey now, it's a honeymoon phase idiot just leave her

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Literally you will become " my wife's son" user. Fuck that shit. You are plan b. I bet Chad pounded that shit and threw it away when she got knocked up.

Kill her ex and her friends and family. Then leave and make her raise the bastard truly alone.

You can stay with her, but you have to fuck her a lot, really hard, every way you can. If you plant enough seed in her body, through her mouth, her pussy, and her ass, your seed will displace that other schmo's in the fetus, and then the child will be yours. But you have to give her every drop that you can ASAP for it to work.

Is this some cuck thread in disguise?
Because honestly, if this is real, you need to dump that whore

I wouldn’t stay...

The likely outcomes
1. She has the kid and you resent both of them

2. She has the kid and you don’t resent her and the kid but she eventually has a relationship with her ex that makes you uneasy

Just wash your hands of the situation in a civil manner and move on with your life; frankly you dodged a huge billet.

Sounds like you're being a good cuck boy continue and see what happens faggot

she doesn't love you, she can't support this kid without a man so she's using you to deflect her newfound responsibility, do NOT marry her, if that's what you're thinking. i s2g if u do, she will sue you for every cent of child support money you got. YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY, AND THAT SOON-TO-BE HUMAN LIFE GESTATING IN HER WON'T BE HAPPY EITHER. all she'd do is lie to it and say some wack shit about you anyway to keep it resentful of you

It's her ex's problem now
Dump her
She'll cheat in u with him ever chance she has

shes the type of girl to have unprotected sex with an ex after a short break from a relationship


She is setting you up for being a beta bux. You're an idiot to sign up for this. Dump her ass and tell her to go with her ex.

Mmmm...ask her to give it up for adoption, then see what happens. If she won’t, try again with a different woman. If she will, it will be decision t8me.

this is probably your ex, dumb fucking bitch needs to reap what she's sown and not get you thrown into it

assuming this isn't a larp, easiest way to know if you should stay with her: fuck another chick (prostitute or your cousin or whatever) right after cooming, ask if you should be with her. if you have half a brain you'll see how retarded you were. you're welcome

Leave her. She fucks her ex without condom but not you. I would fuck her some more times and then tell her that i am done with her. Women are all thirsty sex sluts, taking best available cock. Blabla love bs, they all want fucking cock

Raise the baby. Why are you even asking?

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you should never have taken her back in the first place you fucking retard

>She doesn't want to get rid of it because that wouldn't be fair to her ex or the child
lmao this has to be fake

Don't be an idiot let them both reap what they sow and move on to greener pastures.

grow a pair and leave

you're the backup plan to provide for her and a child that isn't yours because the ex isn't in the picture now