What do you think about conservatives?

What do you think about conservatives?

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Which branch?

sup Sup Forums I think I fucked up, I hit my dog with a belt to stop her barking and the buckle caught her on the paw and now she's not walking right so I need to know how to fix it cos cant afford vetenrian

Normal conservatives are fine. Far/Alt right are trash.

But, liberals on the other hand are mostly far, FAR left. Moderates are fine because they normally use common sense.

A bullet is pretty cheap.

The very worst of the far right are only a tiny fraction as annoying and destructive as the majority of the far left.

So, they're largely fine.

Dude fuck yourself

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Bad people, want to take everything fun away and say it’s small government.

Mostly agree. What's considered far left in the states is actually pretty tame and regular in most of the civilized, more stable parts of the world. The states are pretty far behind when it comes to education, health and governmental aid and liberal US seems to be trying to correct this. Some of them are whiny shits, sure, but same can be said for the many conservatives trying to protect their safe spaces and financial assets from progress.

Overall, I think conservatism isn't bad, but it works best as a compliment to progress rather than a blockade trying to stall it. Conservatives that are legitimately down for good faith bipartisan gestures are alright just like lefties up for the same are alright. Conservatives and liberals only trying to maintain the familiar/their finances or suppress the rights of others are garbage people.

they are prone to believing in conspiracy theories amd where one goes they all go....

Meh. Just a bunch a blokes tricked into voting against their class interest

We have hotter women and happy families

There is a huge difference between being left and being FAR left. The far left are the ones you saw crying when Hillary lost. The far left are the ones that can't have a civil conversation and/or discussion with someone of an opposing view point because they fear they will be "triggered". But, the same can be said for the far right. Far left and far right are basically the same in the fact that they are mentally and emotionally unhinged and should be heavily medicated and put away in padded rooms never to be seen again.

Conservatives are OK the far right is not. Same with liberals. Only difference is that the far right is openly demonized by both the left and right center while the far left is seen as OK even though they are just as dangerous and destructive as the far right.
Once the far left is met with the same kind of disdain as the far right things will be able to come back into balance.

They're cool.

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I can almost guarantee the one in this pic is a “journalism” major.

scum of the Earth

Consider the big picture. A Conservative considers Right Now as just fine. For some folks their right now may have been 10, 20, 50 years ago and they liked things as they were.Then there's Liberal / Progressive / Socialist / Communist / LGBTXYZ / Illegal Immigrant Rights / Pro Islamic Terrorist / Big Tent Democrats. They would prefer to change everything. If they can't get big change, they take little bites in an incremental way eventually eroding any semblance of current situations. Both sides would bend others to their way if they could. Humans need a new frontier with less government...

they suck at having at sex.

I'd fuck her but I'm sure she can't fuck right

Depends on what you mean by "conservative".

Insane Sandy Hook denying gun nut? I hate them.

People who have reservations about the mental health of genderfluid people? That's me.

People who understand that taxes are required but dislike waste? That's me too.

People who think Obama might have been born in Kenya? They're insane. I hate them.

Did your thread die, faggot? Kill your dog then yourself.

Like my hat?

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You’re an idiot lol

I always hear people saying that the American far left is tame compared to the European far left, or even centrist in Europe, but I just don't see it anymore. You had a point 20 years ago, now you're just uninformed. I mean, how do you go further left than outright communist?

Generally, bonafide idiots. I've only met a handful who could defend their viewpoints well.

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With leftists. But then I won't fuck a "chick" with a Jabba where the Hutt should be.

Kinda like the faggots that get their viewpoints from late night talk shows.

Compared to liberals I think conservatives on average have a much better sense of well being and internal happiness which manifests externally, making them naturally more attractive. As seen. It’s a real thing. Especially as long as these fat ugly blob tattooed-cunts infest the streets of major cities.

I lived in Holland between 1999 and 2003 and yeah, mainstream society there is left of mainstream society in the US. But even though I was living in a socialist regime I always had the feeling that goddammit, you can see what they're doing with the money. The trains run on time and the streets are clean. Plus ethnic ghettos are broken up and brown troublemakers are deported back to where they came from, which would be racism if Trump were doing it.

Pretty far left but reasonable here. I bet you and I could have a couple beers and have a nice respectful conversation.

Complete tools.

You don't interact with people outside the internet, do you?

I'm glad Scheer stepped down.

>outright communist
I guess lying always comes easy to conservatives.

Rock on. Most my friends are pretty far left. They know I lean right of them on some things. We hang out, we get along.

>people who are annoying about pronouns are just as bad as fascists
Cool story, bro. Or do you mean tankies? Then you're just a lying fuck, because they are ostracised and hated by everybody.

Modern conservatives are effectively moderately left on the spectrum as far as traditional values go, as a nationalist, seeing them accepting ANY immigrants when it erodes their already tentative voter base, while also accepting muslims, homosexuals, trans, yadda yadda, these things are so milquetoast, it goes.to show how much the window has shifted left. With the diversity and dissolution of the nationalist glue that would hold the disparate ethnicities together, we're heading to the collapse of america just like rome, but we're gunna get race wars

this is wrong on so many levels. the ones crying over hilldawg losing were the neolibs. and as some one who identifies as "far left", neolibs can get fucked. i laughed when she lost. she was a shitty nominee who stole the primary with her corrupt dnc friends.
i honestly felt trump coming. i can see a definite possibility of a second term. i live in peace with my right wing neighbors and can hold a conversation with them without being "triggered"
but i hold strong views on many things.

Conservative emotions are seen as a product of ignorance, which is bad. Liberal emotions are seen as a product of passion, which is good.

Millionaires have it tough
They really need those tax breaks

fucking retarded
>my dad and uncle and cousins
>cousins work for government, sweet teat
>uncle did too
>dad is just retarded

Corbyn just got btfo. Democrats are next.

And I'm a genuine social-democrat kek its just too tasty to see righteous lefties get owned...overrides my personal politics.

ur just fag
suck dick, don't try to talk about politics
>not ur forte, which is sucking dick

Do Americans have another definition of conservativism than the rest of the world?
Otherwise, you are confused

Are you seriously going to try to pretend that communists don't exist on the left in America? Are you retarded, or just lying? I'm not calling everyone to the left of Limbaugh a communist here. I'm saying that given a short span of time, one could easily list dozens of people that either are communists, or advocate for communist ideas.

Claim to love America more than anyone yet move heaven and earth to pass legislation so they don’t have to pay taxes. Personally, I don’t mind paying for something if I love it so much.

They have enlarged amygdala which causes them to over estimate threats, essentially they live in a state of constant panic, and find comfort in nationalistic tribal mentalities like cave men, believing that banding together will keep them safe.

In other words they're scared pussies that are afraid of everything.

With the enlarged amygdala higher processing parts of their brains are reduced, causing them to have issues understanding more complex issies. This is why all their solutions and child like simplistic (i.e. build a wall to keep people out) . It's also why they can't understand moderately complex scientific concepts like evolution, climate change, and psychology.

Everything I've said has been scientifically evidenced. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/

Of course 99% of conservatives won't read actual scientific papers.

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Republican politicians are essentially criminals who should all be hanged on the capital lawn, but Republican voters are bleeting cattle who don’t care at all about improving their life as long as they can find something to throw their feces at.

>They have enlarged amygdala which causes them to over estimate threats, essentially they live in a state of constant panic, and find comfort in nationalistic tribal mentalities like cave men, believing that banding together will keep them safe.

>In other words they're scared pussies that are afraid of everything.

>With the enlarged amygdala higher processing parts of their brains are reduced, causing them to have issues understanding more complex issies. This is why all their solutions and child like simplistic (i.e. build a wall to keep people out) . It's also why they can't understand moderately complex scientific concepts like evolution, climate change, and psychology.

>Everything I've said has been scientifically evidenced. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/

>Of course 99% of conservatives won't read actual scientific papers.

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I hope you get killed by a drunk driver, you irredeemable subhuman.

Communism and socialism are not the same thing, but who expects political understanding from memetards on Reddchan

I don't think you read that study at all. You might've read the abstract. Tell me, where does the study mention that "(the)higher processing parts of their brains are reduced, causing them to have issues understanding more complex issies"? Also, what's an issie?

I never said they were. You read that into what I wrote. I said the American hard left includes actual communists. This is indisputably true. I neither said, nor implied, that this was the mainstream. You did that on your own. Do you resemble that remark?

Honestly? I think the term “conservative” has been hijacked, and those that identify with the current moniker are really just a bunch of radicals.

I've read dozens of studies on this subject. One study isn't comprehensive. There's TONS of data on this. Liberals have have higher levels of grey matter which relates to cognitive processing, hence they can better comprehend complex issues. Do you need more sources? Is google too complex for you?




3 should be enough for one evening.

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Really it was hijacks in the 80's when the evangelists came in and took it over.

Nice hat bro. You are free thinker.

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Like big, scared children.

seeth harder.

If you honestly think socialism is the same as communism you shouldn't be having a political discussion.

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Please use your superior brain power to explain to me how letting millions of undocumented Mexicans and south Americans flood across the border is good for me? How does giving them free healthcare and schooling help my family? How does it help the millions of people who are already living here in poverty?

I haven't met a conservative in a ling time. they all moved far right.

Back yo the point. These people lack any self awareness at all. Just like the farmer who lost his family farm of 100 years due to Trump's policies and says he'll vote for him again.... There's no saving these folks.

Actually, they are more like reactionaries.
A conservative likes to keep things the way they are and progressing along defined paths.
A reactionary doesn't want things to change unless he benefits personally.
In chemistry, a radical is a particle or ion that readily unites with other particles.

Does being left wing prevent basic reading comprehension? In what universe did anything I wrote say "socialism=communism"? I really want you to explain that logical leap.
And this asshole claims liberals have a better grasp of complex issues....

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Didn't know whey make red toilet paper.

They have conserved nothing.

Based, same here nigger

what americans call far left is right of center everywhere else

>What do you think about conservatives?

Conservatives are white crypto white supremacists and non-white Uncle Tom house niggers

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All gay

They don't fuck good

I think this youtu.be/9WfO9LWyaAo l

They're all retarded.