Not owning a gun in 2020

>not owning a gun in 2020
What's your excuse?

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Im bipolar and I’d kill myself with one.

I don't live in shithole America. So I don't need one.

Waste of money

I live commiefornia so getting a gun is a living hell

I have no desire to shoot up a school.

I'm not scared or living in fear

I know kung fu

i mastered the blade

why buy a gun when the cops will shoot anyone I want for free

I dont have firearms safety training yet, so I cant legally own one.

My dick is big enough to not feel I need a gun

Why buy a gun when we all know the police and government will protect us!

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because i live in kangaroo land.

Double checked

Not part of a well-regulated militia. Cuz, you know, that's the prerequisite for gun ownership according to the Second Amendment.

>getting a gun is a living hell
You literally just buy one. There is no restrictions on ownership or having one in your house, you just can't carry it or conceal it outside of your home. California can't stop you from owning a gun.

meh, most of us do OP

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I'm only 18 and can't legally own a handgun because of it

Dont live in the slums, live around white rich people, dont need it

Don’t want to spend money on it.

Because I'm not a faggot

Rich houses are the houses with the valuables that nigger steal...
Are you retarded?

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Translation: We want the citizens to violently revolt if need be. The lingering threat of violent revolution is necessary to keep the government acting in the interest of the people. For this to occur, the people must be allowed to arm themselves.

You have to be some next level retard to think that means you must form a militia first in order to own a gun.

Niggers cant afford to travel hundreds of miles to get to actual white areas (not white refuges surrounded by slums) are you retarded ?

>Translation: We want the citizens to violently revolt if need be.
Confederate States of America, 1861. Didn't work.
>The lingering threat of violent revolution is necessary to keep the government acting in the interest of the people
The line of a paranoid faggot. Get back on your meds.

My town is over 90% white thus crime is so small that I don't bother.

im poor so i collect machetes instead

good meme user.

>implying i don't want to get shot IN THE NUTS for FUN
come at me

im on the 5150 lmao

What'd you do nigger

my parents found a journal of mine talking about all the ways i'd an hero myself lol

I have two cool little .22 LR. One is in the style of an m4. Really wanting an AR15 or maybe .223 for hunting. Bit expensive though.

This hillbilly backwoods motherfucker

.22 LR are great starter rifles and plinkers, if you go AR go 5.56 that way you can shoot both .223 and 5.56

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Yea that would be sweet to be able to shoot both calibers. Might price check some rifles and get myself a nice Christmas present.

They are not super expensive right now, built this for like $650.00 with optic, I think you can do a Palmetto state build or a poverty pony build for less than 500

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meant to reply here not to myself

Am poor.

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Besides being poor this is why you shouldn't

I’m in college

>I'm not scared or living in fear
It must be wonderful being this oblivious to the real world.

Don't need one and would prefer there were less guns so don't be part of the problem, you're welcome

>I never learned to diagram a sentence in 4th grade.

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you mean they "choose" not to diagram the sentence, would ruin their narrative

Sweet dude, definitely dig it. I’m definitely going to look into it. Awesome mag btw

anytime user and thanks for the mag compliment!

Don't need one. I don't live near any niggers

Dude, literally nobody cares about how much you want to find the nearest police officer and deepthroat his cock for "protecting and serving" this shithole country. Why are you even here?

Shit, I came here to say the same thing.

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Round drums on lr. Are you retarded or just wanting to play soldier?

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dispite owning my own house i live owning my own house i live in my moms bacement the fuck is wrong with me

That mag isn't awesome. It's shit and anyone serious or military will laugh at you for being a meme faggot.

im not a paranoid freak who prepares for the worst, and would have rather not have a gun laying around

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How long do you plan on living with your mommy.

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as I am sure you surmised it's a mag bought for fun and was INTENDED to garner laughter at the range.

That said, as for the mag the meme is on, it is exactly the one that is currently in use by the USMC. Maybe these fine wholesome guns won't trigger you as much or maybe the will, who gaf, bait/10 for making me respond.

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Trigger me? Yes I know about steel mags and pmags.