Prove you're not a nigger

Prove you're not a nigger.

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Did I make thAt

i have a solid 401k


Spices hurt my stomach

I’m not trapped by god on probation in a small town

I got pulled over and let off with a warning

I called my dad on Father’s Day

I can speak my own language in an intelligible way

My grandpa was in Stalingrad

I met my father

No one in my family circle is criminally convicted.

Mine was in Graniny Gorky.

Your grandfather was in the battle of stalingrad, which would most likely make you around 50, or your grandfather had visited stalingrad?

My father stormed the beach at Normandy!

I watch my wife have sex with black men

I don’t like fish sticks

Fuck KFC

Neither me nor anybody in my immediate family has ever committed a crime


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30 seconds of sun exposure is painful

I have father, don't like watermelons, no one in my famili is in prison.


only niggers use jpg's

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I can't wait to wake up Christmas morning and watch my wife and daughter open the gifts I bought them.

I only cross at cross walks and only when the walk signal is on.

I saw him there, we were friends, he hoped that we could kill these commies so that one day our grandkids might be able to look at lolicon and gore on a Chinese cartoon imageboard

My dad shot archduke Franz ferdinand!

I have a decent job.

I've never been pulled over

Wrong war

Water doesn't bead off of my hair and skin when I shower.

I hate watermelon.

>Work for a living
>Don't have an urgent constant need to rob liquor stores
>I speak and write coherent English
>I don't like fat trashy women
>I pay taxes, not leech off of them
>I own a pair of work boots
>I own a car that's not in threat of being repo'd
>I don't have 5+ kids that I've abandoned
>I don't think pulling a gun on a law enforcement officer is a good idea
>Escorts will fuck me

That covers the basics.

I read a book once

Correct, young man. I am asserting that I was born in 1925 and your senior so you must treat me with respect, young man.

I’ve lied about liking Black Panther

I don’t try to purchase Newport’s with food stamps

This is a hard one for me because I have dark curly hair, but I also have pale skin and bright blue eyes...


Burn your hair and dennigerizate yourself

I cant just go to college and have literally every advantage thrown at me only to fail every time and still get the benefit of the doubt when I rob a store.







found the nigger

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im brown

I have a well-paying job.

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I just spent an evening with my dad

The only cotton I pick is my shirt out of the closet

I fucking love cheese

Hi Elmer Fudd.

i never been in prision but i live in a 3rd world country...

I can spell "roast".


i wealthy without working.

I’m in the suburbs

disney didn't have to write the history of my country.

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