Waifu thread

Waifu thread
My first time making the thread edition

Sachiko claimed

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Inb4 this one dies
How is everyone today?
What are you up to?
What music are you listening to, if any?

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Shinobu is my waifu

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Good choice user
>Hasn't watched bakemonogatari yet
How are you?

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Im great user you should rly watch monogatari learn to love shinobu as i do heh

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Well I could never cheat on Sachiko, but i'll definitely give it a watch sometime soon. It's been on my list for a good while but I just haven't gotten around to it.

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Heh fair enough Sachiko is a cute one shes deff part of my harem but i can only have one true love same as everyone else

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"And he shall not acquire many waifus for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive shekels and gold."
-Niggalations 17:17
So what are you up to user?

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This album has been a nostalgia trip for me so far. I remember my mom playing this all the time when I was younger.

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Don't mind me, not really here.

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i like that smile :) reminds me of tsugu


meh... not my thing but if you like it that's fine fren :)

okay then fren :)
have gud life

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I can't stop fapping to my waifu.
at least 20 times a day.

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Mute-chan i love you

brainlet orbiter

You seem pretty here to me fren
Everyone has different tastes.
What kind of music do you like?
Cringe and coompilled

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sure :)
all of it- except anything german or blues

like for example these are ones i recently listened to on my biggg drive yesterday night


and many more but too much to share in a post on here...

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Sup Forums claimed

How are you?

Same, I can listen to just about anything except for most Country and Mumble rap.
I like the blues, but only when i'm.. blue.


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Aki is my beautiful waifu, nobody else touch her

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She let me post the lewd version

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make up frens :|
it's already hard enough just get along...

uh huh! :3 ya i monstly just draw, write lyrics or something when im like that... oh and drive far away go on biggg drives, that helps

not my things... doesn't sound gud to me, no

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im alright and you?

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I'm gay


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I need to stop being gay or my boyfriend will get mad at me

Thank you

Well I don't have a license and I suck at the first two. I usually just stay in my room and listen to music. Long walks are nice too even when i'm not emo. I live close to the ocean so I can just go there and watch the ships go by. It's pretty peaceful.

Same, just chilling with nothing to do. I made hot cocoa, so i'm happy about that.

Just stop sucking dicks bro it's easy

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I never sucked a dick

find the right balance of gay
very nice..
im not doing much either

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Well that sounds like more of a problem for your boyfriend than you being gay.

Yeah, off days are fun. I think i'll probably go clean the car or something soon so that I don't feel completely like a slacker. I feel kind of manic today, for some reason.

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well in the past i went out on a biggg walk while listening to music, that helped a little too, you could do that too. get distracted by nature, earth is beautiful.
oh ya long walks... okay so you do that already, fine then.
i prefer forests and biggg wide open fields over the sea. there's a spot in france i sometimes drive to where there's nothing but corn (or whatever) fields surrounding you as far as the eye can see that's a nice spot to watch the sunrise

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hello world
i like Hirasawa Yui.

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Why not have a real waifu?

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What do I do if I like him

good idea.. i should do it to sometimes soon.
what do you mean?
pull pp

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hello yui!
i like ... what was it again... was there ever anything at all;

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My waifu is real to me

There's no nature within walking distance of me, unfortunately. Unless stray dogs and tweakers count. Dirty water and tug boats turning ships around will have to do, at least for a little while longer.
Hi Yui poster
How are you today?
My waifu is real in my heart, user.
Suck his dick or somethin idk
Happy and energetic, but for no real reason.
I probably just drank too much coffee.

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hi there
i don't know... sorry...
hello there
i am okay. i was inspired to play a video game in my dreams

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don't forget drink water fellas

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If you're still here user, I can help you.

sounds nice, should try to put that to good use

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ew... so you live in the city :< my bad- my condolences.

maybe get an index or quest and experience nature in vr at least


i passed out once.

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I always drink water

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N word

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That happens to me too sometimes!
You having fun?
Bottle right next to me fren, thanks for the reminder
Slacking by playing videogames counts as a good use, right?
Doomed to the life of a city boy, yeah. Once I learn how to drive there's nature reserves not too far from me, if I recall correctly.
Hi 02 poster
Hi Altair poster

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I see, gud to know. at least you not in Tokyo

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I wanted to post more but I guess I'll have to pass on another waifuthread since seminars are bitch to write
hope yall have a hydrated night
ciao bye bye

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yeah, kind of.

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yup that's perfectly fine

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it's that time of the week again...


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Tokyo sounds like it'd be nice to visit, but maybe not live.
Have a good one!
What're you playing?
Good to know. Maybe i'll force myself to read or something soon.
That time of the week?

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yeah! you tell me haha totally shit to live (if you not making at least five figures)
space to live is sparse

sorry for the confusion
im writing lyrics
i don't know

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How so?

are you okay, friend?
Foxhole, but i'll probably play something else soon

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Who is he

is anyone ever completely "okay" on this planet

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Just don't be gay. Like I am (not). Simple as.
Not being gay is easier than you may think.

who is who
i dunno

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there's your problem.

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Have sex





baested dbus


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Writing song lyrics is fun.
It's just like poetry.
I have that game! I bought it to play with my friend a while ago and we haven't played it since.

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it's probably changed a lot since you last played, then. i seem to come in and out of it... something about the game feels very disappointing. i never feel like we're winning.

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Imagine being gay

i'd rather not

i don't judge

don't be.

it is... you could also say it is like a letter to someone dear to you.
two more verses and im done with it
and done with- never mind.

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It was just about the same for me. My friend and I never really bothered to learn the mechanics properly, I think. Last time we played was during the Halloween zombies event. Grug-talking on the in game VOIP was fun

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Been there my friend. Life goes on

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i don't know if i can
fun. i don't know what to expect from that game.

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Bad news:
I never actually slept

Good news:
I’m crashing.

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my rem fren...
only you understand :(
im sure

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Kill me.

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Me neither.
If you want to play it together sometime, though, let me know.
Crashing? Why are you flying the plane so tired, then?
The emperor protects
Why would I do that? You seem nice.

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>Just got out of shower
>Go into room
>Shake still damp head like a dog
I never said I was smart, anons.

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Schwi best waifu

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Because i long for death.

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ask the blood poster
oh, that sounds fun. maybe...
she cute

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Zelda is one of my waifus

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