This fucking asshole scammed me $400. What should I do to her? I'm not asking anyone to do anything...

This fucking asshole scammed me $400. What should I do to her? I'm not asking anyone to do anything, I want suggestions on what I should do on this crackwhore.

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How did you get scammed?

Suck her black boyfriend's cock. That'll show her.

More context, how did she do it

I paid her $400 to get her car fixed, she never paid me back and just blocked me. I know her IRL and met her IRL so I wasn't stupid enough to get scammed by a catfish cause Im better than that. I gave her $400 since she promised to pay me back since she was a good friend. She lied to me about people stealing stuff from her car saying "my sister didn't lock my car"


I have no idea who you are, and I have no idea how a situation developed where out of your own free will you decided it was a good idea to give her $400

but I know you are a complete and total dumbfuck who deserved what happened to him just from looking at that complete and total white trash whore

Well I just explained more, lol yea she's a fucking whore.

If you want it back id suggest going to the police, but if you want revenge, give us her number

Ask her to repay you in blowjobs/sex. Work out an installment plan.

Or also just go fuck her car up. You added $400 to her car you can take it away.

Judge Judy.

Damn, you're a tard for loaning her the money.

Threaten to take her to court. Tell her she can pay with ass or cash, but you'll get yours either way.

Yea I'm bringing the cops to her house soon. I'm not posting her number. She also threatened to report me to the police for helping others unlock stolen iPhones

I'm planning to put diet coke and mentos in her gas tank.

Her tasteless tattoos and the fake gold Latin Kings necklace indicate she already makes poor decisions. You should have known better.

If you didnt get something of value (sorry, that body ain't a $400 go) least rest easy that she'll likely lead a miserable life.

post her nudes

> drug her, take photos

post her nudes here

This is a civil matter. Do you have proof that you loaned her money?

So basically you're all a bunch of degenerates.

I sure do. I actually paid her 4 separate payments leading to $395 so $5 off from $400.

I can answer that: no he doesn't.

Even if he did, she just has to argue that it was a gift.

Think again :)

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Did you use cash? If so, it will be hard to prove. She's probably not smart enough to know the difference, so I'd blackmail her. Make her lick your ass or some degrading shit and video tape it.

Post more pics of her

Nope, I did cashapp. I even got texts, snapchat conversations saved as evidence.

Lol. You deserve it faggot

You learn from it and move on. New rule: loan money to no one, ever, for any reason. Not even your own mother. You can give money, but never loan it.

why are americans such scumbags


My Grandpa taught me that. Always loan money with the expectation that you're giving it to them. If you get it back, cool.

Karma. You’re a thief. Nothing lower than a thief. You facilitate thieves. You hang with lowlifes. Be better.

I bet you never pirated anything off the net right?

Post her info, there is no way it will come back to you

He is a wise man.

Part of growing up when this shit happens

Never lend money to a woman, unless they are family, partner, or very trusted friend. I'm 36 and I've met a lot of girls who scam dudes, IRL or online, out of money. Not sugar daddies either, like dudes who work retail and can barely make it as is. They cry over the phone about this terrible thing is happening to them and make the guy feel guilty. You got scammed. Don't hate the grift, but don't take the bait. You lost the money, you gain life experience. Don't let it happen again.

Spray liquid ass all over her car inside.

Put a bike lock on her front door.

Get the biggest pair of granny panties you can find and stretch them out. On a night below freezing freeze it across her windshield.

Its one of the many lessons he taught me that have stuck well

>good friend
Now how you define someone you friended on instagram then met once user.

You're a retarded orbiter that got scamazed. Cry about it.

No I met her in person, never online. We walked up to each other and hung out.

Sure sure sure. You just approached a woman on the street and gave her $400. Everything about this story checks out.

Actually Ive known her for months before I wanted to help her out, we hung out quite a bit and I gained her trust.

Cant figure out if you are even dumber than OP or just an incel

>Actually Ive known her for months before
After you stalked and added her on instagram
>gained her trust
apparently not lol retard

rape her

Rent her to you and your friends till the debt is paid.

You’re wise to listen to your elders. Too many don’t.